- "In our efforts, we have learned that life is not rare. Rather, given a chance, life will occur. It is tenacious, aggressive—it seems to crave existence."
- ―Tem Eliss, sentientologist
Species in Star Wars are a big deal. Their existence is something that separates the Lore from other Science Fiction, where even if a culture is only mentioned once, people will flock to try and create characters from it. Each Species has something unique about them, from being able to regenerate limbs, to being able to breathe underwater! It’s fascinating, really, but also creates a struggle for us to incorporate into a balanced system. And on top of that, we don’t use dice rolls or algorithms for our system and game. So, “balancing” becomes subjective to the ones in charge of organizing and maintaining the system.
Wookiees: An Example
Let's take Wookiees for example. As you can see below in their entry, Wookiees are extremely powerful. However, it never really made sense to say that ALL Wookiees got a “+1” to Might. +1 to Might becomes relative to...what exactly? Average Human strength? How do we even? (On a scale of 1-11, you can’t even). Instead, you see that the language focuses more on “feats” (oohh, that’s why they call them that??) of strength like holding open a blast door.
With that strength and size, of course, comes the sour fact that you can’t really fit a Wookiee in your secret compartment in the cargo hold. They are also kind of hard to get to blend in with even a crowd of mixed humanoids. This is made apparent with the second species feat, and provides a balance to the merit. You will see this present in every Species.
To view the formal policy used for adding Species to the Character Sheet System, please see the Species Approval Policy.
Hybrid species are not very common, but have been known to appear in Canon content. For example, Humans and Twi'leks have born hybrid children in the Clone Wars animated series. Currently, we have very specific requirements for the treatment of Hybrid combinations in our system. The most notable requirement is for the desired races to be of similar origin, that means Reptilian Humanoids cannot mate with Mammalian Humanoids.
The way we handle this is that a Hybrid member picks a dominant Species as their selected Species on the Character Creation Tool. Then, in their Physical Description Field, they can elaborate on the cosmetic differences their character is afforded based on the notable traits of their secondary Species. Hybrids only allow for the combining of two species in this manner, and both must be from the approved species list.
You can see an example of a half-Human, half-Chiss NPC Harry West's character sheet.
For more specific details for incorporating a Hybrid selection for your character, refer to the Species section of the Character Sheet Approval Guidelines.
In short:
- A hybrid Species will only get Feats from their Primary Species. They do not get Feats of the Secondary.
- A hybrid Species can have cosmetic elements of their Secondary Species worked into their Physical Description.
- A hybrid Species can only have two species utilized. Both of these species must be from the list below.
- Hybrids can only be formed by the same-typed species. e.g. Humanoids can only hybridize with humanoids. Reptilians can only hybridize with Reptilians. A Mammalian Humanoid cannot hybridize with a Mammalian Non-humanoid.
Aleena |
Classification: Reptilian |
Notable Traits:
- Small stature
- Naturally curious
- Love adventure
- Wide mouth
- Large eyes
- Fast metabolism
Aleena were short, reptilian bipeds with large eyes and wide mouths full of small, sharp teeth. Aleena's bodies were long compared to their short arms and stubby legs. They possessed exceptional reflexes as well as a fast metabolism which allowed them to convert food into energy very rapidly in order to escape predators on their harsh home planet. |
Average Height:
0.8 meters
Anzati |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Proboscis
- Bulbous noses
- Long lives - avg. 800 years
- Regenerates quicker
- Prone to substance abuse
The Anzati were Human in appearance, with bulbous noses, flared nostrils, and grayish-hued skin. Two tentacle-like proboscises curl out and extended from their cheeks, and can be retracted to blend better with Humans. |
Average Height:
1.5 to 1.7 meters
Arkanian |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Infravision
- Eyes sensitive to sources of extreme heat
- Extreme intelligence
- Four clawed digits
The Arkanians were a Near-Human species which resided primarily on the frozen planet of Arkania in the Perave system of the Colonies region of the galaxy. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Barabel |
Classification: Reptilian |
Notable Traits:
- Two stomachs
- Dark scales
- Immune to blaster’s stun
- Able to shed tail
- Retractable claws
- Needle sharp teeth
- Cold-blooded
Barabels were a species of sentient cold-blooded reptilians native to the dark, murky world Barab I. A highly aggressive and territorial species, Barabels who traveled off their homeworld often found work as fringers or soldiers. |
Average Height:
1.9 to 2.2 meters
Bothan |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Mood-sensitive fur
- Craves intrigue and subterfuge
- Tapered pointed ears
Bothans were furry mammalian anthropoids, about 1.5 meters tall. Hailing from Bothawui and several colonies, Bothans differed in facial appearance and body structure with canine, feline, and equine features. They were known for being master politicians and spies, craving intrigue and subterfuge. |
Average Height:
1.4 to 1.5 meters
Bpfasshi |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Distrust for Jedi
- Pale skin
- Red eyes
- Tattoos
Bpfasshi were Near-Humans native to Bpfassh. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Cathar |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Feline
- Fur-covered
- Retractable claws
- Rapid healing
- Loyal, passionate, tempermental
- Keen sense of smell
The Cathar were a species of feline, bipedal humanoids native to Cathar, a planet of savannahs and rough uplands. They were known for their loyalty, passion, and temper. Quick and powerful, they were considered great warriors and dedicated, efficient predators. |
Average Height:
1.5 to 1.9 meters
Chiss |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Blue skin
- Glowing red eyes
- Above-average night vision
- Rapid maturity
The Chiss were a tall, blue-skinned Near-Human civilization from the planet Csilla in the Unknown Regions. |
Average Height:
1.6 to 2.1 meters
Clawdite |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Shape shifting ability
- Green to yellow skin hues
- Yellow slitted eyes
Clawdites were a humanoid sentient species native to the planet of Zolan. They were one of the few shape-shifting species in the galaxy, and were sometimes referred to as Changelings. |
Average Height:
1.6 to 1.8 meters
Coynite |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Hairy
- Shaggy mane
- Forehead ridges
- Clawed hands
- Long lives - avg. 250 years
- Wide flared noses
Coynites were large bipeds, and typically quite strong. They had fine gold, white, or black hair over their entire bodies. Their heads were crowned with a shaggy mane, with bony forehead ridges in place of eyebrows. Their faces possessed protruding chins, wide, flared noses, and deep-set eyes. They possessed clawed hands. |
Average Height:
2.0 to 3.0 meters
Dashade |
Classification: Reptilian |
Notable Traits:
- Dark skin
- Powerful claws
- Partial Force-resistance
- Radiation resistance
- Dissipates heat
- Lamprey-like mouths
Dashade were tall reptilians with dark skin, lamprey-like mouths, and powerful claws. They were resistant to radiation. They also had an ability to dissipate heat which made them hard to detect using standard life-form sensors. |
Average Height:
1.7 to 2.0 meters
Devaronian |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Red, brown, green or white skin
- Long pointed ears
- Two horns (male)
- Bald (male)
- Hair (female)
- Two dark circles on forehead (female)
Devaronians are a sentient species from the planet Devaron. They exhibit great sexual dimorphism, with the males being bald and sporting horns, and the hornless females displaying a full head of hair. |
Average Height:
1.9 meters
Dowutin |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Tall
- Massive
- Chin horns
- Tusk-like nails
- Long-lived (500 years)
- Never stops growing
- Earthy skin tones
- Great strength
The Dowutin are a large race of humanoids native to the planet of Dowut in the Core Worlds. They were aggressive-looking with chin horns, large claws and thick skin, usually brown. They were long-lived and it was said that they never stop growing. They were often solitary creatures who took pride in their great strength. |
Average Height:
2.2 meters
Draethos |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Blue to purple skin
- Large teeth outside of mouth
- Interstitial webbing between fingers
- Low-light vision
- Limited telepathy
- Long lives - avg. 800 years
Draethos were a predatory humanoid species from the planet Draethos, notable for their long natural lifespans. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Dug |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Small stature
- Abrasive
- Long snouts
- Walk with arms
- Fleshy tendrils
The Dug, from the planet Malastare, are a unique species. Possessing four similar limbs with dextrous “fingers”, the Dug walk using their upper limbs and use their lower limbs to hold and grasp things, giving them an inverted appearance to how most species operate. They have fleshy tendrils on their face, much like a mustache, on their elongated faces, as well as loose folds of skin. |
Average Height:
1 to 1.5 meters
Duros |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Gifted explorers
- Adventurous and socially gregarious
- Blue-green skin
- Red eyes
- Long, thin and noseless faces
The Duros were a species of teal-skinned, reptilian humanoids who were gifted explorers, and often became spacers or traders. |
Average Height:
1.7 to 2.2 meters
Echani |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Combat-focused society
- All Echani share a very similar appearance
- Light hair
- Pale skin
- Silver eyes
The Echani were a Near-Human species that hailed from Eshan. All Echani looked remarkably similar and relied on observing body movements and combat to express themselves and distinguish each other. |
Average Height:
1.7 meters
Elomin |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Skin tones range from bright pink to dark purple
- Horned appearance
- Very different body organs
- Obsessed with personal hygiene
- Driven to create order from chaos
The Elomin were a species that hailed from the planet Elom. Their children matured rapidly, and they were obsessed with finding order in all things as well as personal hygiene. |
Average Height:
1.6 meters
Epicanthix |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Long lives - avg. 130 years
- Distinct eye folds
- Natural tan
- Dark hair
- Brown/green eyes
The Epicanthix were tall, muscular, dark-haired Near-Humans native to the Outer Rim Territories world of Panatha, in the Pacanth Reach. They possessed a genetic immunity to Force-aided mental tricks, and were known as conquerors and warriors. |
Average Height:
2.0 meters
Ewok |
Classification: Mammalian |
Notable Traits:
- Furry
- Short
- Acute sense of smell
Ewoks are a diminutive, furry, bipedal species from the forest moon of Endor. Their fur ranges from shades of white and brown to black, and they have two fingers and an opposable thumb. They are omnivores with an acute sense of smell, and are more comfortable in primitive forest environments than modern locales. |
Average Height:
1 meter
Falleen |
Classification: Repto-Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Cold-blooded (green)
- Long lives - avg. 250 years
- Seductive pheromones
- Facial and spine ridges
The Falleen were the indigenous reptilian mammalian sentient species of the planet Falleen. |
Average Height:
1.4 to 1.6 meters
Feeorin |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Long lifespan
- Head and Face tendrils
- Volatile Temperament
- Unique metabolism
The Feeorin were a species of tall reptilian humanoids whose original homeworld is unknown. They were known for the tendrils that hung from their face and head, with multi-hundred-year lifespans. |
Average Height:
2.2 meters
Firrerreo |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Gold-colored, shifting silvery skin
- Two-tone hair
- Animalistic features, including canine teeth and behavior
- High-protein diet
- Rapid healing
- Can see into the ultraviolet spectrum
Firrerreo were a Near-Human species from the planet Firrerre. They were notable for their two-toned hair, gold-colored skin, and animalistic features. Their skin is known to shift to a silvery tone when angered or frightened. |
Average Height:
1.5 to 1.9 meters
Fosh |
Classification: Avian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Two Antennae
- Mood-sensitive Colorful Feathers
- Red Eyes
- Convex Face
- Beak-like Mouth
- Force-sensitive Lacrimal Glands
Fosh were bird-like creatures with four-fingered talon-like hands that have evolved from wings.They had frail bodies which lead to their shy nature and avoidance of conflict. Like other Avian species, these people are very agile and can use their digitigrade and flay-toed feet to jump easily. The Fosh have colorful feathers, namely observed upon their head, which have been seen to change with moods. Green for inquisitiveness, thoughtfulness, or amusement. Orange for happiness. Blue for apathy, Gray for anger, disgust, irritation, or seriousness. |
Average Height:
1 to 1.6 meters
Gamorrean |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Tall
- Porcine
- Strong
- Large Upturned Snouts
- Jowls with Upturned Tusks
- Green Skin
- Thick Hairless Skin
- Five Digits and Thumbs
The Gamorreans are a sentient pig-like humanoid from the planet Gamorr. While many of them lack intelligence, they more than makeup for it through size and strength. Having a voracious appetite for warfare, their clans are constantly at war with one another as they vie for dominance over their rivals. Typically seen as henchmen or mercenaries, their physicality should never be underestimated. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Gand |
Classification: Insectoid |
Notable Traits:
- Two subspecies - Breathers or Lungless
- Exoskeleton
- Can see into the ultraviolet spectrum
- Can regrow lost limbs
- Three fingered hands
The Gand were a sentient species of humanoids that xenobiologists believed to have evolved from an insect genus that inhabited the ammonia-gas planet of Gand. Several physical varieties of the species existed, differing from one another in the structure of the head and the texture and color of the exoskeleton |
Average Height:
1.4 to 1.6 meters
Gungan |
Classification: Amphibian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Amphibious
- Distinctive pronunciation of basic
- Extendable tongues
- Long ears
- Short lives - avg. 65 years
Gungans were a species of amphibious humanoids that hailed from the oceans of Naboo. They came from a largely isolationist society that relied on ‘growing’ organic technology and working with animals. |
Average Height:
1.9 meters
Hapan |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- More attractive than the average Human
- Nightblind
- Aristocratic
- Matriarchal culture
- Isolated, xenophobic culture
Hapan refers to the Near-Human natives of the Hapes Cluster that were ruled by a male-dominant pirate gang. After being wiped out by the Jedi in 4,000 BBY, they adopted a matriarchal society under a “Queen Mother”. Isolated from the rest of the galaxy in the outer rim, Hapan were selectively bred over generations, resulting in above average beauty for both men and women. |
Average Height:
1.5–2.1 meters
Human |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Pale to dark brown skin tones
- Wide spectrum of hair color
- Wide spectrum of eye color
Humans, taxonomically referred to as Homo sapiens, were the galaxy's most numerous and politically dominant sentient species with millions of major and minor colonies galaxy-wide. Believed to have originated on the galactic capital of Coruscant, they could be found anywhere, engaged in many different pursuits. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Iktotchi |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Tough skin
- Regenerative horns
- Innate telepathy and precognition
- Large hands
- Stoic
The Iktotchi were a species of horned humanoids that hailed from the harsh, windy moon of Iktotch. They were a stoic species that possessed a natural affinity for precognitive dreams and telepathy. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Ithorian |
Classification: Mammalian |
Notable Traits:
- Long, curving neck
- T-shaped head
- Two mouths
- Four throats
The Ithorian were a species of mammalian herbivores native to the planet Ithor. They had long curving necks and T-shaped heads, as well as two mouths and four throats allowing them to speak in stereo and violently expel air from their lungs. |
Average Height:
1.8 to 2.3 meters
Kaleesh |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Reddish brown, scaly skin
- Four digit hands with two opposable thumbs
- Almost always wear masks
- Thermal pits under eyes
- Superior olfactory senses
The Kaleesh were reptilian humanoids that hailed from the planet Kalee. They were rarely seen without masks, and lived in a spiritual and war-like culture, where war was seen as an essential part of life. |
Average Height:
1.6 to 1.8 meters
Kaminoan |
Classification: Amphibian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Pale skin in tones of white, purple or blue
- Tall, spindly, slender build, uniform between genders
- Elongated necks
- Large eyes with large black sclera and radiant irises
- Males have head-crests, while females are entirely bald
Kaminoans were slender, towering, pale-skinned humanoids whose oblong heads sat atop elongated neck bones that allowed them limited flexibility. They had two large, almond-shaped black eyes with white pupils. Male Kaminoans had fin-like crests atop their heads, while females were completely bald and wore unique head crescents. |
Average Height:
2.2 meters
Kel Dor
Kel Dor |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Four-fingered hands
- Can survive in a vacuum
- Black/silver eyes
- Peach to crimson skin
- Extra-sensory organs with small tusks
The Kel Dorians were a species hailing from Dorin. Naturally breathing helium and Dorin gas, they wear breathing masks that cover their eyes and nostrils. |
Average Height:
1.4 to 2.0 meters
Kessurian |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Keen Hearing
- Montrals
- Elongated pointed ears
- Nub Horns
- Red Skin
- Light Mottled Skin Pattern
Kessurians are humanoid sentient species of red skin with elongated pointed ears and horn-like montrals above their ears. They have smaller nubs of horns just above their eyes and below their large montrals. Due to their ears and montrals, they are noted to have a keen sense of hearing much more sensitive than humans. The skin on their ears, montrals, cheeks, and foreheads have a mottled appearance with lighter spots compared to the rest of their skin. Hair and eye color are typically brown or grey. Male Kessurian are able to grow facial hair. |
Average Height:
1.5 to 1.9 meters
Khil |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Hairless
- No jaws
- Face tendrils
The Khil are a sentient species native to the planet Belnar and were one of the earliest members of the Republic. They were known for their distinctive face tendrils. |
Average Height:
1.2-2 Meters
Kiffar |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Varied skin hues
- Distinct facial markings
The Kiffar are a species of Near-Humans from the planet Kiffu. As such, they were sometimes mistakenly called "Kiffu." |
Average Height:
1.7 meters
Kushiban |
Classification: Mammalian |
Notable Traits:
- Lagomorphic
- Naturally curious
- Survivalist
- Long Ears and Tail
- Mood Fur
- Cute Appearance
Kushiban were sentient lagomorphs with two big ears and mood fur covering their bodies. This mood fur was white when the Kushiban were at peace, and changed colors according to their mood. This feature, however, is not fixed as the Kushiban is also capable of changing the color of its fur at will to nearly any color it chooses. Because of their claws, they are capable of climbing up steep walls and are natural hunters. They are also capable of standing on their hind legs, bringing them to nearly the same height as a humanoid. |
Average Height:
1 meters
Kyuzo |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Green, orange, olive, or pinkish skin
- Four- or five-digit hands
- Strong leg muscles
- Fast reflexes
- Compound or slit-shaped pupil eyes
The Kyuzo are a species of lanky, bipedal humanoids with quick reflexes that originated from the Outer Rim world of Phatrong. They have a strong martial history and placed a high value on justice and honor. This led to them being sought out for jobs as mercenaries, bounty hunters, and law enforcement personnel. One notable member of this species was the bounty hunter Embo, who was one of the most skilled bounty hunters during the time of the Clone Wars. |
Average Height:
1.5 - 2 meters
Lasat |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Gray or purple skin
- Dark purple hair
- Impressive height
- Green eyes
- Digitigrade legs, prehensile toes, large finger pads
Lasats were a humanoid sentient species native to the Outer Rim world of Lasan, though the species originated from the Wild Space planet Lira San. |
Average Height:
2.1 meters
Lonto |
Classification: Plantoid Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Pale Green Skin
- Brown or Black Hair
- Blue Eyes
- Plant Growth
- Pointed Ears
Lonto were a plant-based humanoid species. Their pale green skin showed dark lines, mimicking tree bark. They had blue eyes, and dark toned hair. With a natural affinity for the Force, they could use it to grow plants, especially effective at growing tragia leaves which could be used for healing themselves and others. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Lurmen |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Small stature
- Resemble lemurs
- Large yellow-orange eyes
- Small nose and mouth
- Fur ranging from light to dark grey or brown
- Long prehensile tails
- Culturally pacifistic
Lurmen were a small sentient humanoid species native to the Outer Rim world of Mygeeto. They are notable for resembling lemurs and for being largely a pacifist species. |
Average Height:
1 meters
Miraluka |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Physically blind
- Can ‘see’ through the Force
- Emotionally calm, deliberative nature
- Sensitive to the moods of those around them
- Always Force-sensitive, to varying degrees
The Miraluka were a species of blind, Force-sensitive Near-Humans that hailed from the planet Alpheridies. They often wore coverings to hide their vestigial eye sockets. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Mirialan |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Flexible and agile
- Geometric Tattoos
- Stratified society
Mirialans were a species of near-Humans native to the planet Mirial. Their appearance varied from yellow-green skin tones to paler skin very similar to many Humans. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Mon Calamari
Mon Calamari |
Classification: Amphibian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Amphibious
- Bulbous eyes
- Salmon-coloured skin
- Webbed hands, excellent swimmers
- Unique vision spectrum
- Knowledgable about traps
The Mon Calamari (also known as Calamari, Calamarians, Mon Cal, Mon Calamarians, or rarely Mon Cala) were one of the sentient species indigenous to the world of Dac. |
Average Height:
1.3 to 1.8 meters
Muun |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Tall, gaunt
- Thin waist, fingers, body
- Elongated, hairless head
- Long arms and legs
- Mathmatical skills
Muun were tall, gaunt humanoids with thin bodies and hairless, elongated heads. Their skin, ranging from pasty-white to pale pink and even gray, made them doubly recognizable, as did their unusually flat features. Hailing from the mineral-rich world of Muunilinst, their mathematical acumen made them prized bankers and statisticians throughout the galaxy. |
Average Height:
1.9 meters
Nagai |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Tall with gaunt features
- Pale Skin and Dark Hair
- Fast Reflexes
- Soothing and Hypnotic Voices
The Nagai were a sentient near-Human species from Nagi. Tall, lean, often gaunt, they were still considered attractive, with pale skin and black hair. While seen as frail, they were very dexterous with fast reflexes and high agility. Disciplined, the Nagai were known for their high sense of honor, as well as their soothing voices. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Nautolan |
Classification: Amphibian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Excellent swimmers
- Low-light vision
- Head tresses
- Strong sense of smell
- Lidless eyes
The Nautolans are an amphibious species from the planet Glee Anselm, known for their lidless eyes and dreadlock-like head tentacles. Their skin was usually a shade of green. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Neti |
Classification: Plantoid Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Bark-like skin
- Shapeshifting
- Photosynthesis
- Sentient plants
The Neti were a species of shapeshifting sentient plants first encountered on the planet of Ryyk. Some called them Ryyk because of the planet's name. |
Average Height:
3.5 meters
Noghri |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Steel gray skin
- Black eyes
- Hairless
- Advanced olfactory abilities
- Claws
Noghri were a primitive humanoid species. They had steely gray or blue skin, and were extremely skilled assassins due to their abilities in stealth and hand-to-hand combat. Despite their small size, they were efficient killing machines, with claws, fangs, and a sense of smell so acute that they could smell one's bloodline. |
Average Height:
1.4 to 1.7 meters
Omwati |
Classification: Avian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Blue skin
- Bird-like appearance
- Lithe
- Fragile bodies
- Heads covered in feathery threads
- Beaks
The Omwati were lithe Near-Humans with blue skin and a bird-like appearance. They had a crown of feathers on their heads, spindly fingers, and beaks for mouths. They were native to the planet Omwat and were known for their intellect and natural talent for science, engineering, and music. Omwati children had incredibly pliant minds that, with the proper training, could retain data and be educated beyond the threshold of most other sentient species. |
Average Height:
1.6 to 2.1 meters
Ongree |
Classification: Amphibian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Brownish skin
- Flexible eyestalks
- “Upside-down” appearance
- Lipless mouth
- Tentacled beards
- Three-fingered hands
Ongree were an amphibious sentient species characterized by yellowish or brownish skin and elongated, tapered heads. Two flexible eyestalks protruded from either side of an Ongree's head, allowing them to see an object from many angles. |
Average Height:
1.9 meters
Pantoran |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Blue to purple hair
- Yellow eyes
- Cold-resistant
- Yellow facial markings
Pantorans were a sentient species native to Pantora, a moon orbiting the planet Orto Plutonia. At first glance, they only differed from the otherwise similar Humans in their blue skin and yellow eyes. |
Average Height:
1.5 to 1.9 meters
Pau'an |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Furrowed, gray skin
- Black eyes
- Preference for raw meat
- Sharp, jagged teeth
- Hypersensitive hearing
- Centuries-long lifespan
Pau'ans were gaunt, long-limbed humanoids from Utapau. They had sunken black eyes, sharp teeth, and gray skin marked by vertical furrows, as well as ear-disks. They are known as the "Ancients" due to their long life-span. |
Average Height:
1.90 meters
Quarren |
Classification: Amphibian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Squid-like heads
- Tentacled faces
- Orange leathery skin
- Gills
- Two fang-like teeth
- Aquatic
- Spray ink
The Quarren, or Qarren, were one of several aquatic sentient species from the planet Dac, called by off-worlders Mon Calamari. The Quarren shared their homeworld with the Mon Calamari, another sentient species hailing from Dac. The Quarren had many conflicts and a tense relationship with the Mon Calamari. |
Average Height:
1.7 to 1.8 meters
Rattataki |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- White skin
- Bald heads
- Gladiatorial culture
The Rattataki were a Near-Human species characterized by their chalk-white skin and bald heads. Virtually isolated from the rest of the galaxy, the Rattataki developed a violent society on their home planet of Rattatak, which involved extensive gladiatorial combat. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Rodian |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Blue-green skin tones
- Multifaceted eyes
- Rough skin
- Infravision
- Bad natural body odor
Rodians are a reptilian humanoid species native to Rodia in the Tyrius system. Highly recognizable due to characteristics in facial structure and skin pigment, Rodians are infamous for their violent culture, which sprang from the difficulties of life in the jungles of their homeworld. |
Average Height:
1.6 meters
Ryn |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Prehensile tail
- White hair
- Clean freaks
- Gray or blue Skin
- Performers
- Nomadic
The Ryn were an uncommon humanoid species, with prehensile tails, beak-like noses, long fingers, and white hair. Known for their ability in the performing arts, they roam the galaxy as nomads. |
Average Height:
1.4-1.8 Meters
Sakiyan |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Dark skin, ranging from black to deep red, purple or green
- Slit-like pupils
- Oversized brain, allowing enhanced senses
- Hairless
- Good tolerance of temperature extremes
Sakiyans are a species native to Saki, in the Sakiyan system. They evolved from predatory animals and have highly developed brains, giving them enhanced senses. |
Average Height:
1.6 to 2.1 meters
Selonian |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Resemble otters
- Long and slender build
- Small black eyes
- Angular muzzles with long teeth
- Fur in black or brown hues
- Thick and powerful tails
- Community-oriented culture
The reclusive, otter-like Selonians originate from underground cave networks on the ocean world of Selonia. With a society structured like eusocial insects, the males and fertile females are rarities protected by the significantly more populous infertile females, who prioritize community safety. |
Average Height:
1.6 to 2.1 meters
Sephi |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Long lives - avg. 200 years
- Long pointed ears
- Distinctive hairlines
- Pale purple or pinkish skin
Sephi were a species of humanoids indigenous to Thustra. Although they had been members of the Galactic Republic and friends of the Jedi Order for centuries, King Alaric of the Sephi sided with the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Shaevalian |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Long lifespans: ~250 years
- Reach maturity only at age 60
- Strong constitution
- Dark hair
- Dark eyes
Shaevalians are a humanoid subspecies that evolved from the Echani race. This is Dark Brotherhood created species. |
Average Height:
1.9-2.1 meters
Shani |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Various skin tones, usually in shades of green.
- Multi-coloured feathered hair.
- Facial lines (sometimes silver).
- Snake-like jaws that are able to unhinge.
- Sharp teeth.
- Long, pointed tongue.
Shani are a feathered species of reptilians. Their plumes of long, multi-coloured feathers, facial lines, and vibrant skin tones make them easily recognizable. Able to unhinge their jaws in a snake-like fashion, their tongues are pointed and their teeth sharp. |
Average Height:
1.9 meters
Shistavanen |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Fur-covered
- Yellow/Red eyes
- Long, pointed teeth
- Clawed hands and feet
- Predatory senses
Shistavenen were sentient fur-covered bipeds from Uvena. They had wolflike faces, clawed paws, and yellow or red eyes. |
Average Height:
1.80 meters
Skakoan |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Blue, Green and Purple Skin color
- No lips
- Short Noses
- Small, thin, light pink or black eyes
- Could only breath hydrogen sulfide
- Required a pressure suit to survive off their home planet
- Average Lifespan of 90-110 years
The Skakoan species are a slug-like humanoid race known for their pressure suits and amoral nature. Due to the hydrogen sulfide atmosphere of their home planet, Skako Minor, which is dangerous to non Skakoans, they are a very isolated race. This atmosphere has required them to wear a specialized pressure suit to survive outside of their homeworld. Skakoans are not often seen outside their home planet but those who are typically are either skilled technicians or scientists. |
Average Height:
1.4-2.1 meters
Sullustan |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Large black eyes
- Large round ears
- Facial jowls
- Innate sense of direction
- Extremely sensitive hearing
The Sullustan were a diminutive species of humanoids with distinctive features native to the subterranean world of Sullust. They had large, black eyes with facial jowls called dewflaps and large, rounded ears. They were experts at manufacturing, scientific and technological development, and economics. |
Average Height:
1 to 1.8 meters
Togorian |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Fur-Covered
- Back-jointed legs
- Moves gracefully
- Speaks with a sibilant voice
- Large Tail
Togorians were a species of large, feline beings with short fur of various shades and back-jointed legs who were native to the planet Togoria . Togorians were also known for their strong sense of honour. |
Average Height:
1.6-3.0 meters
Togruta |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Echolocation
- Montrals
- Lekku
- Wide range of skin hues
- White stripe patterns
- Sharp canine teeth
The Togruta were a carnivorous humanoid species from the planet Shili. The species exhibited head-tails which were similar to those of Twi'leks. Togruta were also distinguished by montrals, large hollow horn-like projections from the top of their heads, that gave the species a form of passive echolocation. |
Average Height:
1.5 to 1.9 meters
Trandoshan |
Classification: Reptilian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- See in infrared
- Big and strong
- Limited regeneration
- Cold-blooded
Trandoshans, or T'doshok in Dosh, are large, bipedal reptilian humanoids from the planet of Trandosha, or Dosha. They had sensitive eyes that could see into the infrared range and the ability to regenerate lost limbs, albeit slowly, and were anatomically built heavier and stronger than most humanoids. |
Average Height:
2.0 meters
Twi’lek |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Lekku
- Wide range of skin hues
- Multiple stomachs
- Ear “cones” or humanoid ears
Twi'leks, sometimes referred to disparagingly as "Tail-heads," were an omnivorous humanoid species originating from the planet Ryloth. |
Average Height:
1.6 to 2.4 meters
Ugnaught |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Pink skin
- Upturned, porcine nose
- Thick, layered jowls
- Tusks
- Pale hair
- Long-lived (200 years)
- Hard-working
- Resilient
The Ugnaught were a diminutive race of porcine humanoids native to Gentes in the Outer Rim Territories. Their upturned, porcine noses and the thick layers of jowls comprise their most recognizable features. Some of them even had tusks. Short in stature, they had a reputation as industrious and loyal, making them sought-after workers. As a result, they were often sold into slavery. |
Average Height:
1 to 1.6 meters
Umbaran |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Can see ultraviolet spectrum
- Extremely pale skin
- Caste-based society
- Secretive and highly manipulative
- Dark sense of humor
The Umbaran were a gaunt species of Near-Humans with extremely pale skin, sunken eyes and a cold, calculating stare. They hailed from Umbara, a planet shrouded in twilight, that held an intricate caste-based society where only the social elite were permitted off-world. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Verpine |
Classification: Insectoid |
Notable Traits:
- Tall
- Chitinous exoskeletons
- Hermaphrodite
- Innate “radio”
- Hive mind
Verpine are thin bipedal insectoids. Unlike many insectoids, Verpine have only four limbs (two arms and two legs), though there were instances of Verpine growing vestigial wings. |
Average Height:
1.9 meters
Weequay |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Tough, leathery skin
- Frill along jowls
- Dark eyes
- Lipless mouth
The Weequay were a species of sentient humanoids native to the desert world of Sriluur. With tough, leathery skin, they were well suited for the harsh conditions of their homeworld. This same trait granted them a natural resistance to a blaster’s stun, in turn making them particularly apt thugs. As such, many Weequay are found in the employ of Hutt crimelords, serving as bodyguards and bounty hunters. |
Average Height:
1.89 meters
Wookiee |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Tall
- Hairy
- Great strength
- Short tempers
- Loyal
The Wookiees, whose name for themselves translated to the People of the Trees, were a species of tall, hairy humanoids that were inhabitants of the planet Kashyyyk.
Although they can learn to understand other languages, like Galactic Basic, they are physically unable to speak them. |
Average Height:
2.1 meters
Zabrak |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Vestigial horns on head
- Varying skin tones: browns, reds, ebony
- Facial tattoos
- Resistant to pain
- Secondary heart
The Zabraks are a carnivorous Near-Human species native to Iridonia. They were a species known for having a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Zelosian |
Classification: Plantoid Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Chlorophyll instead of blood
- Emerald green eyes
- Blind in darkness
Zelosians were Near-Humans outwardly identical to Humans, but all had emerald green eyes and a type of chlorophyll sap instead of blood. Although well-known galaxy-wide as skilled horticulturists, few realized the Zelosians were not Humans. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Zeltron |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Pink to red skin tones
- Red or blue hair
- Feels emotions of others strongly
- Alleged pheremones
- Second liver
Zeltrons were a Near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which ranged in shade from light pink to deep red, and hair that could be red or blue. Their exotic appearance made them appealing to most other species, a fact aided by their alleged pheromones. |
Average Height:
1.8 meters
Zygerrian |
Classification: Mammalian Humanoid |
Notable Traits:
- Pointed, bestial ears
- Furred faces
- Long, pointed canine teeth
- Clawed hands
- Bony spurs on faces
- Hair ranging from pink or blue to browns, grays, and reds
- Blue, yellow, green, silver eyes
The Zygerrians were a humanoid species from Zygerria. They built a powerful empire by selling their slaves and were well-known for their long history of violence, war, and slavery, which the Zygerrians viewed as a natural order of life. They had angular features, large, pointed ears atop their heads, clawed fingers, bony spurs on their foreheads — and on chins in males — and sometimes furred faces. |
Average Height:
1.70-1.80 meters