Juda Graves

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Juda Graves
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

6 BBY (37 years old)

Physical Description





1.89 m (6 foot 2 inch)


105 kg (231 lbs)





Personal Information

Vin Graves

  • Shock-Boxing Gloves
  • Heart Of Zsoldos
  • Mandalorian Vambrace
Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information
  • Clan Leader
  • Leader of the Bloodhorn Cartel
  • Commander of Tyrant Squadron (Wartime)
  • Entrepreneur

Proconsul of Clan Vizsla

Personal Ship:
Known apprentices:


[ Source ]

"The question isn't who's gonna let me: It's who's gonna stop me?"
―Juda when being named Proconsul of Vizsla

Leader of the Slaret Orat Cartel or the Bloodhorn Cartel in basic, The Zabrak known as Juda Graves has been building his empire for decades. A former cage-fighter turned prison escapee with ambitions to rule the Galaxy, he has carefully nurtured relationships and contacts in a plethora of various star systems. He has eyes and ears on many worlds and has utilized his domineering presence along with his manipulative personality to get what he wants when he wants. Loosely affiliated with the Shroud Syndicate, the Iron Throne has tried to leash him to no avail as he works outside their borders of control and seeks to do things his way. Yet, being a formidable combatant, upon defeating a high-ranking member of Clan Vizsla and acquiring a scepter known as the Heart of Zsoldos, legions of Mandalorians and Galactic riffraff have sworn to serve him as his desire for economic growth and development has become vital to Vizsla’s survival. Serving as the Proconsul, this Crime Lord has become a King among the mob of mercs working for status and unimaginable wealth that they know they can achieve with him as a governing leader.

The Book Of Juda

Crease The Spine

"This book is one of vengeance, hatred, redemption, and conflict. The chapters within are but a glimpse into his story. In writing this tome, his hope was to not only educate through the tales of his adventures and exploits but to inspire and encourage those who feel hopeless. Wipe away the dirt from the pages and let the lessons begin."

Chapter I: Servitude

Bilbousa Spaceport: Nal Hutta

A young Iridonian, Juda Graves’ mother died at childbirth leaving him under the care of his drunken, gambling addicted father. The deck was not stacked in his favor when he was young, as his father Vin Graves had racked up an enormous amount of debt with the Hutt Cartel. To save his own life and to clear this debt, at least temporarily, Vin sold his son Juda to Meata the Hutt who was operating out of Nal Hutta. Known as the glorious jewel, this world was anything but glorious. However, Juda was able to learn many things from observing his Hutt masters negotiate and ‘play the game’ that he would later master.

Young and strong, Meata used him as her personal slave and would have him perform heinous acts that not only were demeaning and humiliating but some even grotesque in nature. Still, Juda managed to win the trust of his Hutt handler and she would eventually allow him to train in martial arts, even bringing in one of her Zabraki generals to train him in K’thri and teach him the culture of his people. While this act of kindness was appreciated, it was all an act, afterall, the Hutts rarely acted without an underlying motive. Fresh and new, Juda would become one of Meata’s prize fighters, forced to fight for his meals inside a cage where the most violent and brutal denizens of the Galaxy would be locked inside.

With two ways to leave the cage, through victory, or on a stretcher. Juda, having to fight for his next meal, had developed an uncaring demeanor and a survivalist’s mentality. For years he made Meata a lot of peggats but had little to show for it and his internal struggles began to stir his own ambitions.

Chapter II: The Heist

Celeste distracts Meata

(Juda befriends a Twi'lek named Celeste (love interest) she helps him and a small crew funnel money from Meata's account to an encrypted account that Juda had set up with the help of a Wookiee bounty hunter called Worbie.

Chapter III: Star's End - Mytus VII

(After the Heist - Juda is arrested and imprisoned on Mytus located in Wild Space. The money that he stole from Meata was actually hush-money that came from the Corporate Sector Authority, so when he stole from her, he also stole from them. Mort M. Crepitus was also housed there where he was being imprisoned for producing volatile stims and performing unwanted/undocumented surgeries and illegal body modifications using black market materials. He would create a poison that would allow Juda and his (group) to capture a shuttle and escape.)

Mort M. Crepitus (ALT)

Jerikko (NPC)




Physical Description

Psychological Report




Basilisk II


Juda's Estate

Grave Mistake Cantina

Club Euphoria

Slaret Orat