Sivall Zoria

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Zosi'val'ria / Sivall Zoria
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

21 ABY (age 22)

Physical Description





5'0" (1.52 m)


130 lbs (58.97 kg)





Personal Information






Lightsaber Form(s):

Form 0 (Banlanth)

Fighting Style(s):

Shadow Step

Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Clan Arcona

Known masters:




[ Source ]

"To know how to mend a person, to breathe life back into a being, to cure a disease, is the most potent ability known to the universe."
― Sivall Zoria

Sivall Zoria, born Zosi'val'ria, is a Chiss female from Battle Team Selen Training Corps of Clan Arcona. Originally born on an unknown planet, she was sold to a human couple on Coruscant. After being abandoned, she was recruited into the brotherhood by Alexandyr Douve.

Physical Description

Sivall is a Chiss female that sports a lithe but proportionately feminine build. She has pure sanguine eyes without pupils or irises and pale blue skin, along with raven colored hair that is of medium length and wavy but pulled back into a chignon with hair framing the face. Sivall sports a beauty mark below her bottom lip and to the left, but has no other distinguishing characteristics.

Biographical History

Early life

Zosi'Val'Ria was born on a remote desert planet to a pair of Chiss scientists. The two chiss, who never wanted children, were hesitant to raise a baby together-- but they did try. They were hardly perfect parents and often left the tiny child to be cared for by a nanny.

At the age of four, her biological parents admitted defeat (and were struggling financially due to a slew of failed experiments) so they sold their child to a human couple. Once bought, her owners brought her to their home on Coruscant. The first few years of her "slavery" were without incident; the Grants were decent to Zosi'Val'Ria outside of forcing the child to adopt a new name-- Sivall Zoria.


Over the next few years after her acquisition, the Grants began training Sivall to be a Sith. They put the child through rigorous training in an attempt to nurture the child's affinity with the force. They also attempted "trials" or tests that would allow them to gauge Sivall's connection to the dark side of the force during her training. Sivall underwent a total of four trials during her time with her owners; corrupting a kyber crystal, manipulating a local (but small time) politician, torture, and The Sacrifice. Sivall failed every trial.

Aggravated with the young woman, and having given up hope of turning her to the Dark Side, her owners abandoned her on the streets of Coruscant to fend for herself or die.


It was here that Sivall struggled to feed herself and stay alive for five months. She took whatever jobs would supply her the credits to survive. One of these jobs was handed to her by a Brotherhood member by the name of Alexsandyr Douve. After finishing the job, the Brotherhood member helped Sivall be recruited. Though he didn't stay to see the Chiss woman off to Selen, a group of nearby members of Arcona came to pick her up instead. The trip to Selen was a roundabout one, but she eventually landed on the home planet of Clan Arcona.
