15 BBY
1.88 meters
90 kilograms
Djem So
Teras Kasi
- Jedi Councillor
- Captain of the Solari
- "What happens when we've bent the rules so far that they come around and stab us in the back?"
- ―Gilad Pellaeon to Grand Admiral Thrawn
Haran Arad, is a sitting Councillor of Urr and acting captain of the Solari, the flagship of Clan Odan-Urr. He was born in the Unknown Regions on a sparsely populated (by Galactic Standards) planet known to locals as Ziz. In his capacity as a ship captain, Haran oversees and directs some of the clan's most powerful and destructive assets. Fortunately, and despite his penchant for rebellious tom-foolery, he is regarded by his colleagues as an even-handed and restrained member of the council, fervently dedicated to Clan Odan-Urr and to the Light Side of the Force.
Royal Life on Ziz (15 BBY - 2 ABY)
Homeworld and Origins
A royal family palace on Ziz, ruined during the civil war
On the edges of known space, lies the insignificant, arid world of Ziz. Beautiful, yet devoid of any valuable natural resources, agriculture (and its various support industries) is and will remain the primary occupation of its population. Farming the narrow strips of fertile land that originate in high mountain peaks and cut through the rugged deserts along a dozen exotic rivers, the politics of the outer galaxy matter little to the people who inhabit this agrarian paradise, who live comfortably, yet simply. Advanced technology has yet to permeate through the communities of Ziz. Only major public institutions, such as the royal palaces and great temples possess reactors to provide consistent power. Most homes rely on ancient windmills and waterwheels to generate the electricity they need for cooking and temperature control. Archaic weapons are also prevalent. Force staves and vibroblades tend to be the preferred weapons of the inhabitants, blasters and slugthrowers being difficult to maintain without a steady supply of parts. The lifestyle of the royalty, as is always the case, is an exception. As previously mentioned, the palaces are powered by advanced and modern reactors. The royal family has access to the wider HoloNet, and the youths regularly train with blasters, making them fierce and aggressive standouts on an otherwise melee-oriented battlefield. The royal family also possesses a handful of squadrons of ancient starfighters, which it refers to as a planetary defense force, though they are almost exclusively used for maintaining control over the local populations of farmers. While these ships would pose little (if any) danger to modern models, the royalty have developed a good head for piloting small craft over generations.
Born into this royal family, Haran grew up in some modicum of luxury with a strong emphasis on education and martial prowess. However, he had the misfortune of being a member of a cadet branch of the family - a major one, but one with a history of rebelliousness and usurpation against the legitimate main line of the royalty. As a child life was peaceful. Haran devoted his free time to exploring the rugged, colorful deserts of his homeworld, sparring in scrubby forests with his siblings and cousins, and relaxing in the constant breeze cutting across the surface of an cool rivers. His education was broad, yet with a martial focus. He traveled across the world, studying ancient battle sites and ruined, brick-built cities alongside his peers and tutors. In addition to history and natural studies, Haran learned to pilot the rugged spacecraft his family possessed; a feat considering some were literally held together with wire and glue. He learned to fight with both martial and ranged weapons, and studied the tactics of his ancestors, considered by most people on his homeworld to be a religious matter: a holy sequence of steps in a mass dance. Haran, like his siblings and cousins, was reared to be a brutal oppressor — a fervent juggernaut of soldierly prowess, wading through a battlefield of untrained and ill-equipped farmers, who would, in awe, write of his deeds after the fact.
Cousins' War
Haran never actually got the chance to complete his training and be unleashed upon his family's subjects. When their father died in 0 BBY, Haran's elder brother, Tiyokash — supported by a cadre of dissatisfied nobles — took up the family tradition and marched against the capital with his warriors. He promised a return to the old ways (the very old ways, considering there were no new ways on Ziz) where rulers and their representatives exerted absolute authority over all their subjects, and where brutal campaigns were regularly led against already subservient peoples. Being 15 years old, Haran was expected to accompany his elder brother into battle. The usurpers met little resistance in the countryside, ransacking towns and villages along the major river leading toward the capital city. It was outside the great city that the monarch, Demid II, finally met the brothers in battle. His army was shattered and he was driven into the desert. Haran and his elder brother were denied entry into the capital, despite their success on the battlefield. The inhabitants had rallied behind the younger brother of Demid, also named Tiyokash, and were prepared to withstand a siege.
New Republic (2 ABY - 30 ABY)
Education and Early Assignments
Haran sitting on the wing of his X-Wing after a major victory
Captain of the
Jedi and Captain of the Solari (30 ABY - 40 ABY)
The Solari in orbit over Kiast
New Tython
Encounters with the Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Vatali Empire