Are there criteria, if any, on who exactly can be added to this group? Halcyon 23:09, 14 October 2006 (Mountain Daylight Time)
- Kaine or someone who actually manages the list will no doubt be able to tell you more than me, but, from what I can tell looking at the list, it seems currently to mainly just be anyone who is an Elder.--Xanos 14:20, 21 October 2006 (Mountain Daylight Time)
last I knew, you got to be an elder by being influential. :P --Korras 18:10, 21 October 2006 (Mountain Daylight Time)
Yeah the current list of "influential" members has got to be a joke. --Shadow Taldrya 22:18, 5 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
- Quit bitching and start suggesting. Sheesh - f*cking whiners. --
- Influential
- A person who exerts or can exert strong influence
When looking at the list, it should be asked: what has this person done for the Dark Brotherhood that made a difference to the Brotherhood? Example: Khyron, one of the greatest GMs - made revolutionary changes to the DB that can still be seen today.
Pretty much the GMs that are listed should be there, I don't see any need for any of the other GMs that have served. Some of those that are listed that served as DGM or HRLD, I believe are worthy as well.
To whom on the list do you see as not belonging or contributing to it being a "joke," Shadow? --Tron 23:28, 5 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
So is it people that are influential to the entire DB, or to a House, or to a Clan? This page will fill up pretty fast depending on what you define as Influential. Can I ask how Michael Halcyon made an impact on the DB as a whole? Oberst, BF, Kaine, Muz, Trev, TT, Tron etc. Sure, all influential in certain aspects of the DB - but then so are 100 other people. The people that affect the entire DB would be the GM/DGMs basically. I just find it funny... especially since a lot of these "great" members added themselves. --Shadow Taldrya 23:41, 5 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
PS: it doesn't say anywhere that people are supposed to nominate Influential Members... not sure why you expected us to do so without knowing. It says the list is looked after carefully by select individuals. Shouldn't they be determining who is influential? --Shadow Taldrya 23:42, 5 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
I would just like to say that I don't believe we even need a category like this as there is no real "point" to it. Someone who is/was Influential will be known. Period. Past GMs will be known by many...those who did DB-wide things will be known by other members and be talked about. However, having such a category will just inflame discussion, bruise egos, prop up other egos, etc etc... Outside of GMs and certain DGMs there won't be a great consensus on who else is "influential", and as pointed out, most people on here put themselves on the list. So, in the end, what's the point?--Halcyon 23:46, 5 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
Omitting the ones that should be there, the remainder are:
- Aristan Dantes - added himself
- Astronicus Aurelius Sadow - added by Kaine
- Corran Force - added by Sarin
- Cyris Oscura - added by Kaine
- Darth Vexatus - added by Kaine
- Kaine Mandaala - added himself
- Kir Taldrya Katarn - added himself
- Korras - added himself
- Maxamillian von Oberst - added himself
- Michael Halcyon - added by Kaine
- Muz Ashen Keibatsu - added by Kaine
- Sith Bloodfyre - added by Kaine
- Trevarus Caerick - added himself
- Troutrooper - added by Kromtal Stormfyld.
Now of those that were added by the person who wrote the article (the same person the article is about), the only one that has any right to add himself is Kaine. As the longest serving DCer and a member who did make great advances for the entire brotherhood through the office of the Herald he is deserving.
But I have to agree with Halc, this category really should not exist - especially since such ones that are deserving will no doubt be honored in the Hall of Immortals (which really needs updating and review of qualifying). A review board selected by the GM of veterans who have been around for let's say 7+ year, could collect a list - vote on each member on the list - and submit it to the GM for final approval. That's my two cents --Tron 00:45, 6 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
That's all I meant. That having a page devoted to stroking egos was funny :P --Shadow Taldrya 01:23, 6 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
Two Cents from KM
I'm glad there's an actual discussion on one of these pages for a change, but it seems to have gotten pretty negative. The Wiki is the largest "group" project the DJB has. It is not the sole responsibility of any one person or group. It is owned by everyone in the DJB. Nearly any aspect of it can be altered by anyone. The purpose of the tribune/staff is to maintain order, set rules and create templates so that the whole thing has a uniform appearance. Certain pages are locked to ensure the order is kept. If you'd like to see changes but are unsure of yourself to make them, conact a staff member.
Categories such as this one were created to illustrate common bonds. In the infancy of the Wiki there was NOTHING HERE. When I was brought on board there was about 20 articles, and none of it was all too interesting. A few test pages, a few poorly written placeholders, and one or two "finished product" examples were all that resided on the web space. We set out to create content, and in doing so made categories to interweave people and places of interest.
With all this in mind, no one should have to be told that things are open to suggestion. Nothing has stopped people from voicing it before, so why now is it an issue? Why now do people have to be told that their opinion may be important? All this category says is "Inclusion in this group is highly moderated" which means "Add someone if you'd like, but don't be surprised if it's removed". Frankly, even that statement's a bit misleading. I'm not really moderating it all too closely, but if that statement is enough to keep the likes of "NOV Nobody" from tossing up his silly character page where he says he's a talking jackalope that claims to have met Buddha then it's doing its job.
Do not sit there and idly complain about something without offering ANY SOLUTIONS. That is ignorant, disrespectful and flat out stupid. It's a smack in the face of all those who spend a lot of their free time making this a better resource. I don't want to hear "but that's what I do" because that bullshit is unacceptable. We're far too tolerant of idle complainers, and so many think they run the f-cking place. This entire CLUB is a group project. Be a constructive part of the group or shut the hell up.
Kaine Mandaala 14:18, 6 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
There was a solution pointed out by Halc? To remove this ego-stroking category that will inevitably upset/piss people off who either think they deserve to be on it or don't think someone else deserves to be on it. Quite simple. I don't see a need to flaunt yourself over others publically, but maybe that's just me. If you did good work for the DB you'll be remembered. Simple as that. If you didn't, then who cares anyways?
I pointed out a problem. Halc pointed out a solution. Kaine, all you did write a rant that didn't even cover what had been said. --Shadow Taldrya 15:32, 6 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)
The intention of my 'rant' was pretty obvious. I'm tired of people bitching to bitch. Everyone has the power to ACT and yet so few do. We'd all rather just cry in a circle over this feature or that feature instead of doing the work. Yeah - Halc suggested just removing the category, but why? I don't really see a point. So the list is questionable - discuss that a bit more. Who should be there? Who shouldn't? WHY?
There are far worse things lurking on the wiki, and removing a list of people who made a difference doesn't seem high priority compared to most of it. If anything we should build it up.
As for ego stroking - that's what the DJB is all about anyway. Why else do we bother having ranks, medals, awards and titles if not just to brag to everyone else in here about how cool we are?
Kaine Mandaala
Here's an idea - take the Wiki-staff, add in the GM, DGM, and JST, then have them vote "yes or no" on people nominated to the list. Granted most people don't care who is on or not on the list, but at least there is a method to that maddnes. And you could have the group vote on the current list as well, then keep it locked up.
And a list of influential members could be a good thing for newbs who want to use the wiki as a resource to learn about the DB, so it might be worth not completly getting rid of it. -Kir
I am confused. What are we complaining about here? That there is a tag that is called Influential members? That our friends are not influential members? This is a big deal? Last time I checked, this club was for fun. Throw your buddies on the list, throw my mom on this list. Relax. Not everything we do needs to be regulated, needs to be brought before a committee, or debated until the cows come home. The crap we waste time on is ridiculous. --Sarin 17:43, 11 February 2007 (Mountain Standard Time)