
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Pre-Republic eraRepublic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.

--> Rise of the Brotherhood to New Order Era

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Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

11 ABY

Date of Death:


Physical Description





6’3” or 1.9 meters


220 lbs or 100 kg.


A dull and wavy sandy blonde that is well trimmed


Golden from Darkside corruption



Personal Information




Known Children:





Scarlet Agna, Tabitha Rau

Lightsaber Color(s):

standard armory lightsaber

Lightsaber Form(s):

Form 0


Lightsaber and blades

Chronology & Political Information

Bounty Hunter and Sith




Clan Naga Sadow

Known masters:

Scarlet Agna



[ Source ]

YOUR CHARACTER is... overview of character.

Character History

Early Life

Malevek was born on Correllia circa 11 ABY during the end of the Rise of the Brotherhood, two years before the Brotherhood's Great Exodus. Before becoming a Sith he was originally named Michael Vek by his parents Clyne and Martha. Clyne was an imperial general and secret member of the Obelisk Order before the fall of the Empire and Martha was an Imperial governor. With the rise of the New Republic, many former imperials were branded as war criminals, this included Clyne, who commanded the Emperor's Fist, one of the Empire's top star destroyers. Martha was tragically killed in a Correllian mob uprising against the Empire and Clyne took baby Michael and was on the run.

Clyne and Malevek hid on Tatooine for two years. However, following the Great Exodus of 13 ABY, Republic bounty hunters managed to find Clyne once again. While fleeing from the Republic with his son, Michael, Clyne was shot down and crash-landed on the planet of Dagobah, where both Michael and him would remain hidden for the remainder of his childhood. During this time Clyne taught the young Michael survival techniques, martial arts, and philosophy.

Early Martial Arts Training

Being an Obelisk, Clyne was highly trained in multiple martial arts and served as a martial instructor for the Empire as well as a fleet admiral. Clyne's fighting philosophy was simple and direct. "No need for the fancy animal-like movements of Teras-Kasi if you have the solid powerful punches, blocks, and kicks of the Broken Gate", he would often say. In addition to Broken Gate techniques Clyne also had mastery over Whip-tree throwing and grappling techniques; making him a force to be reckoned with while standing or on the ground. These techniques he passed on to his son Michael through harsh and rigorous training on Dagobah. When Clyne could no longer teach young Michael anything new he sent him out into the wilderness to wrestle with the indigenous wildlife.

"The boy is an ideal Obelisk, at the tender age of five he has already gained mastery over all the martial arts techniques I can teach him. He has also managed to take on all the harsh conditioning I can throw at him; even developing some training regiments of his own. There is something special about the boy, he commands a hidden genius and power that I will never fully comprehend. I sent him out hunting in the wilderness a couple of days ago and he has recently returned with a creature that resembles a wild boar. What was most remarkable was how he insisted on wrestling the animal with his bare hands, pushing his martial arts training further than what should be possible for any child his age." - Clyne

Early Weapons Training

My son has taken to the blade, making the metal an extension of his will and mind - Clyne

Michael Vek is perhaps the only Force wielder that can't also shoot straight with a blaster. He dedicated all of his time studying the use of swords and knives, adding those weapons to his ever-growing encyclopedia-like knowledge of martial arts techniques and skills.

Early training in the Force

From an early age, Michael Vek knew that there was something different about him. When sparring with his father he found that he could anticipate his father's next strike before he made it. Michael's early skills with precognition developed further as his body grew strong and his mind grew sharper. When he was nine years old a cave of Dagobah called to him and he entered, there he felt the power of the Darkside and learned to embrace it's power at an early age to survive in the wild. He would frequently meditate there, focusing his mind on lifting objects or closing his eyes and anticipating when a droplet will strike his hand. With time and patient practice, he gained the ability to use some of his abilities more freely in combat.

At the age of ten, he was attacked by a jungle Wampa. Michael blocked the blow with his sword which was swatted away from his hand by the powerful beast. He drew his daggers with an ease of uncertainty, blades that small wouldn't pierce deeply enough into the beast's hide. He dodged the beast's coming strikes and with each strike evaded a primal feeling grew in his heart. A feeling of terror and anger mixed with a resolute desire to kill or be killed. One of the beasts blows landed throwing him against a tree as though he weighed nothing, an audible crunch and scream were heard as three of his ribs were cracked from the blow. His breath grew heavy and his grip tightened around the hits of his daggers. As the beast was about to give a killing blow to his head a rage and power exited the young boy's fingertips, blue tendrils of energy struck the creature with a crack. Michael was about to pass out but summoned within him the strength to move his legs and leap towards the beast's neck, plunging the blades into the flesh as though being bitten by a large fanged monster. With a half twist the blades sunk deeper, killing the Wampa that attacked the boy. Michael passed out from fatigue, with his last thought he marveled at this unknown power which flowed through him.



Physical Description

Malevek is a 25-year-old human male who is very fit and strong. His figure features broad shoulders and a slightly taller and heavier build than the average man. He stands at 1.9 meters (6' 3") and weighs 100 kg. (220 lbs) in muscle. The color of his hair is a dull and wavy sandy blonde that resembles the desert dunes of Tatooine. He keeps his hair short and combed back. A flame of hatred blazes like an inferno in his golden eyes, a fire that the man has nurtured since childhood. His skin is youthful in appearance with a light tan and no scars, making his facial features appear handsome. He used to have a beard but has decided to shave it off. His voice is a deep baritone and sometimes gruff depending on his mood.