Drae'lath Rahath

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 02:44, 7 October 2018 by Xuner Holst (talk | contribs)
Republic eraImperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.


We’re tools for the Empire, nothing more. They tell us to kill, we ask when. That’s it! No ‘Why should we?’ crap.


- Major Vinga addressing Drae'lath's group of Imperial Stormtroopers during Selection.


Originally born as Lucius Sevra, then Drae'lath Rahath, to now being Xuner or Holst; he is, nonetheless, a Knight in the Dark Brotherhood, being the former student of Aul Celsus and current student of Morax Darkblade, Drae’lath hails from the halls of Clan Naga Sadow and of House Shar Dakhan.

By blood, Drae’lath is of Onderonian nobility from his mother. His father’s lineage is one of nobility, but one granted to him by the leader of his planet as a reward for his service. He has no allegiance to Onderon, nor towards his father's home planet, Chirus.

His stance was that of a Sith-leaning Grey Jedi Force User before and during the events of the Veiled Origins. Drae’lath had immediately after left Dark Brotherhood space, under the guise of having the resolve some business on Onderon.

After a few months, Drae’lath has returned to the sight of both Clan and House being near leaderless. Undeterred by this predicament, Drae’lath currently stands ready, now fully committed to both the Dark Side of the Force and in the service of Clan Naga Sadow.

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Biographical Information

Recluse (Born on a freighter ship)

Date of Birth:

205 BBY (240 years old)

Date of Death:


Physical Description







90 kg.


Platinum (Colour), Undercut (Hairstyle)


Light Blue (Originally)

  • Yellow (Dark Side)
  • Left eye
  • Right Leg (Below the Knee)
  • Left Leg (Above the Knee)
  • Right Arm (Including Shoulder)
Personal Information

Cenia Sevra (Deceased)


Vontiand Sevra (Deceased)

Known Children:

Shak'lasu (Adopted)


Katrea Lanari Kandras (Wife)

  • 62-2739 (Vinga) (Deceased)
  • 62-1076 (Vasuel) (Deceased)
  • 62-6248 (Vilenoa) (Deceased)
  • 62-2808 (Velirus) (Deceased)

Jihk 'Jex' Grukriq (Deceased)

  • Vesh
Lightsaber Form(s):


  • DX-13 Blaster Pistol
  • DL-18 Blaster Pistol
  • A-295 Blaster Rifle
  • Lightsaber
  • Vibroknife
  • Vibrosword
Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information
  • Soldier (formerly)
  • Stormtrooper (formerly)
  • Standard Imperial Army Soldier (formerly)
  • Stormtrooper Scout Sniper (formerly)
  • Imperial Agent (formerly)
  • Republic Era
  • Clone Wars Era
  • Rebellion Era
  • Galactic Civil War
  • Rise of the Brotherhood Era
  • Exodus Era
  • New Order Era
  • Imperial Army (formerly)
  • Stormtrooper Corps (formerly)
  • Imperial Intelligence (formerly)
  • Valkyrie Squadron: Callsign 'Valkyrie 03' (formerly)
  • Dark Jedi Brotherhood (currently)
Personal Ship:


Known masters:
  • Aul Celsus (formerly)
  • Morax Darkblade (current)
Known apprentices:

Caius Sylvian



[ Source ]


From what can be obtained from both the Galactic Empire’s psychological profiles, created for all of its soldiers, and from what can be seen by those who have interacted with Drae’lath, before his change to Xuner, he didn’t have a very sociable childhood growing up as the other members of the Dark Brotherhood. To this end, he is gripped by silence and so very little can be known of him when pressed. He will on occasion, depending on how close you are to him, experience times of release and reveal parts of his past. What can be known of him is his being born in 205 BBY aboard the freighter ship Recluse and raised by 2 mercenaries.

Drae’lath was sired by two Vontiand and Cenia; his father and mother, respectively. Drae'lath's parents were both force Sensitive as they were students at the Jedi Temple. Around 234 BBY, they were removed from the Jedi Temple when the Council found out about their relationship and refusing to end their love for each other.

Despite suffering the death of his parents, Drae’lath was able to manage maintaining quite the cheerful disposition on life. This is due mostly in part to Katrea Kandras, who Drae’lath say as “the truest love in his life.”

Parent's Life

Vontiand (Post-Jedi Order)

After being expelled from the Order, Vontiand chose to returned home, growing up to serve proudly as a soldier of the crown through five intra-planetary conflicts, but was later forced to participate in a coup d'etat against the ruling crown. He would later form, coordinate, and lead many rebel factions to dispose of the tyrannical military general turned dictator.

After the planet has settled into more peaceful times, Vonitand and warriors like him were of no further use; so he had left his planet, taking a large number of former soldiers and rebels to form a private military corporation. Vonitand was reintroduced to Cenia through one of his Captains at a local bar in the Inner Rim, as Vontiand was hired to protect a Corscanti nobleman on some business regarding the acquisition of a few obscure trading routes. Cenia was hired as her skills with slicing was seen as an asset to The 16th Company. Their love would later be rekindled during an incident that left the two stranded in the mountains of a planet in the Outer Rim.

Cenia (Post-Jedi Order)

Her days in the Jedi Temple were often spent pouring over texts and maintaining the Temple grounds. So decided to spend her free time developing a fascination in Slicing. As much as Cenia wished to be with her lover, she could not as she was taken back to her home planet of Onderon. Her return would later be reasoned as she was a nobleman’s daughter and the father had expressed his wishes for her to become prim and proper. Taking up on her father’s offer, Cenia had convinced her father to have Cenia trained by expert Slicers. As the young noblewoman-in-training pursued her studies, she looked for Vontiand in every imaginable way. She used trackers to search for him, leading her to take up an alias to cover her tracks, having resorted to taking large sums of credits from trading corporations in order to pay off their fees. Cenia developed a thrill in stealing and would jump upon the even the slightest opportunity to test not only her skills, but also the security systems of her targets. Her largest and most dangerous attempt was when she posed as an employed technician inside of a trade corporation. She was later discovered as she was caught trying to insert a data spike into the mainframe of one of their computers at the Corporation's HQ. The attempt was successful and a virus, that she had made herself, would than upload itself and make large amounts of credit to be deposited to charities across the Republic, not knowing that the charities were fronts, created using the names of many of the high-ranking members of the corporation’s executive board of directors. This was to be her final job and as her final ‘thumb-up’ to that corporation, she authorized the purchase of 3 light freighter ships, a purchase of various droids, up to the size of a platoon, and a series of other purchases all done on the corporation's discretionary spending accounts. Cenia finally decided to abandon her duties as a noblewoman, and was soon reunited with Vontiand. Together, leaving the security team Vontiand was with to finish the assignment, they both had fled into Wild Space.


Childhood (205 BBY - 195 BBY)

After a biomedical scan revealed Cenia's pregnancy, Vontiand reached out to a few sympathetic friends they made during their time in the Jedi Temple. These friends had allowed Vontiand and Cenia to acquire some copies of training holovids and lectures so they may be able to teach their child the ways of the Jedi. Of course, Drae'lath's parents didn't want their child to be an emotionless as the Jedi, who had casted out a young Cenia and Vontiand; but they also didn't want their child to have no control over his Force abilities. But what concerned them most was the fear of what would happen their son, should they be found and taken under arrest.

Family life was one of seclusion, but not total isolation. They had to travel across the Republic, from system to system, with Drae’lath’s parents working as security contractors specializing in cyber security, armed escort, and private military. Drae’lath, instead of having flesh-and-blood friends, had the different series of protocol droids to keep him company. The earlier days of the young Human was mostly preoccupied with learning the mannerisms of being part of the Nobility from his mother and her droids. His father didn’t have as much free time, but would spend as much as he could teaching Drae’lath how to handle a blaster.

There was, however, one thing that was always exciting towards Drae'lath. The soldiers from his parents corporation would regale him with stories of far distant planets. These planets were often described as teeming with an abundance of undiscovered wildlife and forests of mesmerizingly gorgeous plantlife. Another thing the young Drae’lath would do was to secretly spend well into the night watching holovids that harkon back to the days where words like honour, loyalty, and duty, had meaning. Holovids where battle hardened warriors would face against insurmountable odds, fighting to the last in epic displays of combat and savagery. During the day, inspired by the holovids, Drae’lath would spend as much time as he could learning how to fight. This drive was to some members a good laugh, while others saw the potential of having a fighter with them. These same soldiers would record their adventures and sent to data-disks back for Drae’lath’s enjoyment. They had chose not to spare Drae’lath, however, from some of the more horrifying aspects of the job. Despite this, Drae’lath remained undeterred in his dreams.

Death Strikes (193 BBY)

We do not die when our bodies are pierced by bolts or slugs. We do not die when poison has been consumed, willingly or otherwise. We die when we are forgotten. It is for that reason that we must remember the memories we share; all the laughing, all the crying, all the yelling, the fighting. To insure that they may never die, we must remember.

- Yan Munirk

After 22 years, Cenia and Vontiand had increasingly debated the thought of retiring, or at the very least moving to a more stable or safe position in The 16th Company. They had decided that they wanted to focus on raising Drae’lath instead of leaving him to droids and holovids. Cenia and Vontiand decided to surprise Drae’lath with the news after their plan. A large number of workers from The 16th Company were, including Drae’lath’s parents, had gathered to celebrate a successful mission.

Unfortunately, one of the carbon pods had been malfunctioning for some time, forcing the two to leave to fix it before any damage had fallen upon the frigate. As they were fixing one of the cabling bundles beneath the floor, one of the main lines that carries the Tibanna gas had ruptured. The resulting explosion not only froze a vertical half of Vontiand’s body, but a wire bundling had snapped. Frayed cables flailed across the underside, catching Cenia’s spine. Cenia was electrocuted until death by the live wires.

A funeral was held in the orbit of a nearby star. Drae’lath stood amongst the soldiers in silence as the procession began and then ended. In order to keep his head off of his parents, those closest to Cenia and Vontiand, erroneously, decided to place Drae'lath into carbon freezing.

[Katrea Kandras](https://wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com/view/Katrea_Kandras)

Physical Description

Holst is a Human male with Sith yellow eyes.

Despite him being a Sith, his skin retains its fair light tone, free of Dark Side corruption.

His hairstyle is a disconnected undercut, with the sides and back being shaved and the top hair being slicked back and kept in a tidy manner.

He has a laundry list of scarring on his body with three Nexu claw marks along his lower left mandible, and two over his left eye. He has a scorch mark that engulfs his entire right shoulder, a long surgical scar going over his sternum, and a full set of bite marks over his back left shoulder. The final scars are a small knife scar over his right kidney, and a long scar running down his wrist to the middle of his forearm from a failed suicide attempt.

He has Versea family crest burned onto his upper-left forearm by Force Lightning by Bentre Stahoes. He has two more tattoos, one being a archaic stylized lizard stretched over his right arm stopping right above the wrist. The final tattoo is an old Sith rune described as a cross of equal length with half a human skull centered upon it, all etched onto the upper right arm just below the shoulder of his left cybernetic arm.

Holst has two general expressions: a depressed face that is more boredom than depression with the other being a large and frightening sadistic smile craved across his face whenever he has something interesting to do.