I see the contestants are making their way out onto the starting grid. This article was originally created as an entry for a Dark Crusade competition and is not official DJB canon content. It is preserved here for historical purposes only.
Operation Tempest Bravo
"There are those who crave bloodshed - the unsatable desire to seek dominance, yet, there are others who seek peace and prosperity - to thwart those who continue on the warpath to achieve absolute power over others."
Conquest is the way of life to most Sith, though not all in the Brotherhood share the same ideals - the same philosophies and teachings. While the three Sith Orders - Obelisks, Krath, and Sith seek to reclaim their birthright, there are those who would seek otherwise. Operation Tempest Bravo is House Odan-Urr's attempt to liberate those planets in Sith Space that have been targeted for conquest by the darker houses of the Brotherhood. Having learned much about the Brotherhood since the devastation of New Tython, the Jedi have lain in wait for the one spark of opportunity to strike a crippling blow to the Brotherhood's plans. Choosing to move discreetly, the Acolytes of Urr have so far hidden their true motives as they seek to slow the Brotherhood's advance to a halt. The sabotage of equiptment and transportation in use by Brotherhood forces serves to bring the Brotherhood's march to a crawling advance. By seeking salvation for the worlds in the Brotherhood's sights, the Jedi of House Odan-Urr will stop at nothing to see the beating of wardrums end.
While most worlds in Sith Space have been tainted by centuries of exposure to the Dark Side of the Force, the Acolytes of Urr are certain that some can be cleansed.
Krayiss II
Hot sand and sun
It was here where the Brotherhood's path to conquest began. On the ever-shifting seas of sand, the Brotherhood marched ever onwards to reclaim their supposed birthright. Though Krayiss II's corruption was deep beyond hope of cleansing due, in part, to decades of Sith Sorcery at the ledgendary Library-Temple of the Ancient Sith Empire, the Acolytes of Urr set out to help ensure that the sorce of whatever terrible power was buried beneath the sands would never again be found in the clutches of the Sith. Working alongside Brotherhood forces, the knights of House Odan-Urr set out against the Sith cult calling themselves the "One Sith." Eventually, a joint attack led by both the other Brotherhood houses and Odan-Urr led to the One Sith's annihilation from Krayiss II's surface.
The attack itself consisted of the combined leadership the houses of Taldryan, Arcona and Odan-Urr to direct Brotherhood forces into battle. Eventually, it was collectively agreed upon to lead a double-pronged attack both on Darth Zash's Outpost and the One Sith's Spaceport. Though all sides were equally reluctant to share in each other's objectives, they nonetheless had the same goals in mind, and went forth with terrifying efficiency. This attack eventually led to the eradication of the vast majority of One Sith forces.
Khar Delba
It was on this planet of ice and snow that Odan-Urr faced off against the One Sith and the Dark Brotherhood once again. Ariving early the members made their decent quickly to the planets surface. Once the Jedi had all reached the surface they consolidated for a few brief moments before loading into smaller vessels and making movement to their separate targets. Before their Dark-Sided bretheren arrived on the frigid and unforgiving surface of Khar Delba, the Jedi had already set their plans into motion - sabotaging the most likely platforms for landing to ensure the Brotherhood suffered heavy losses to the mobility of their troops.
Proof that Khar Delba is not all snow and ice.
Throughout the crimson spill of bloodshed on the once stark white snow cover of Khar Delba between Brotherhood and One Sith forces, the Acolytes of Urr had made it their goal to cripple both sides - therefore ending the constant warfare and thinning the abilities of both sides. A frozen world not unlike Hoth, heating technology made the freezing temperatures bearable on Khar Delba. Under the cover of both Khar Delba's snowfall and the pitch blackness on night, Jedi troops would discreetly sneak into the camps of both factions, sabotaging their heated barracks and
a barracks forcing the Sith forces to recover. In addition to this, it was not uncommon for the Brotherhood's and One Sith's mechanized units to get lost amongst the sensor-interfering blizzards prevalent on Khar Delba's surface, or for their circuits to freeze up indefinitely. Therefore, the Jedi would often conduct nightly raids on the Brotherhood's droid patrols or the units that had been in storage - clogging their circuits so thick with ice that the heat would become trapped and eventually burst their capacitors. Otherwise, the Jedi's "Strike-teams" would simply cut down any mechanized droids they happened to come across, severing their sensors and allowing them to become lost from their respective factions among fierce snowstorms.
A lush planet with an abundance of wildlife, Bargebba stood as a planet largely unaffected by the Dark Side aura that surrounds it. Despite residing in the heart of Sith Space, Bargebba stands as a beacon of hope to the Jedi who follow in the teachings of Odan-Urr. Though some of the wildlife had been twisted and transformed at the hands of Ancient Sith, Bargebba nevertheless is seen by most Jedi of Odan-Urr as one that could certainly be purged of the corruption of the Sith's rule, so long ago. Though on the surface, Bargebba seems as the ideal paradise, the vast jungles and forests make for an excellent hunting ground by those few creatures that have been tailored to only on primal instinct - to hunt.
It was upon this temperate paradise that Odan-Urr landed once again ahead of their dark side counterparts. Under the cover of darkness their Strike Teams secured a landing zone for the rest of the house. it was an operation that lasted for a mere ten minutes. As the strike teams speed off to start sabotaging the dark ones the rest of the house immediately began preparations of set up a command center. It was from this command center that Odan-Urr planed daring raids and strikes against the dark ones as well as controlling the movements of the strike teams and other operating forces working for the house.
Morotheri - 12049
Sight Nortorshin - 7640
Kaira Rohana - 10057