Lilith Stormwind

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Lilith Stormwind
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

13 BBY (age 56)

Physical Description





5’ 6.75”




Dark Brown with Red Highlights



Personal Information

Skye O'Malley


Adam O'Malley


Janos Stormwind


Janos Stormwind

Lightsaber Color(s):

1x Arctic Blue lightsaber

Lightsaber Form(s):


  • lightsaber
  • dagger
Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information




Known masters:

Atra Ventus



[ Source ]

Lilith Stormwind is a healer who is married to Janos Stormwind.

Character History

Early Life

Lilith was born on Coruscant Skye and Adam O'Malley, who where administration staff to Adam's brother, Ramsey O'Malley, who was a Jedi Consular. After Lilith's parents were killed during the Great Jedi Purge, she was raised on Taris by her Uncle Ramsey.

Lilith and her uncle wound up in a small out of the way village that backed up to some swampland that Taris had in abundance. There were also several caves in the area that made good hiding places. These were subsequently stocked with emergency supplies and equipment.

The Force was strong within Lilith, so her Uncle began her training. Teaching her Dulon style martial arts and combat fighting, both hand-to-hand and saber. Lilith understood from her Uncle all the history of the Jedi and what had happened to her family. She was taught the art of concealment and became quite proficient in it as her Uncle understood the dangers that were still to be found in being a Jedi. Lilith also learned to communicate with animals that were all around in the swamp area and the survival skills that her uncle deemed necessary.

Lilith was also taught the healing arts and meditation by her neighbor Miss Rebecca. Rebecca was the local healer and midwife. Under Rebecca Lilith mastered the art of meditation and keeping calm in high-stress situations. She also learned the different plants in the area and their medicinal properties, keeping a journal of all she learned which would come in handy throughout her life.

At age 16 her uncle thought that she was prepared to have her own Lightsaber and gave her all that she needed to build one. Lilith headed to the most peaceful spot that she knew and spent the next few days meditating on the Force. Once the picture became clear in her head she assembled the Lightsaber. After three days Lilith returned to her Uncle's house and proudly showed off what she built. Her Uncle was a bit disappointed in it as it had an Artic Blue blade and he was counting on it having a Green blade like his as he wanted her to follow in his footsteps. Lilith however, was extremely pleased how it turned out.

All and all, Lilith had an ideal life. Learning the ways of the Jedi and training with and assisting Miss Rebecca.

Fleeing Taris

Lilith's idealic life came to an end a couple of years later. While she was out in the swamps gathering plants for Miss Rebecca, she felt a disturbance. Immediately she knew something had happened to her uncle and took off towards the village. Once she got closer, she could smell smoke and hear the screams of the inhabitants of the village. Knowing that she could go no closer without being seen, she retreated to the caves, meditated on concealing herself and waited till the next day.

With the dawn, Lilith carefully and quietly made her way back to the village. while she could still see the smoke, all was quiet. She crept into the village and took a look around, nothing was moving and there were bodies everywhere. She slowly opened her senses and could "feel" no life forms. She headed towards the house that she shared with her uncle. Upon passing the back of the house where Miss Rebecca lived, she saw her friend and mentor lying in the backdoor with a blaster wound in her back, knowing there was nothing to be done, she continued on. Once she reached her house, she again opened her senses to see if there was anyone inside and felt nothing. Very carefully she went in through the back door and cautiously made her way to the front of the house. There she found her uncle tied to a chair, she could see that he had been tortured and killed. At that point, all she could think about was "Why?" What had happened, we were living here peacefully and quiely. She remembered what her uncle had told her, "no matter what, I am still a Jedi." It was then that she understood the way of the Dark versus the Light, and how too much of one was not always a good thing. But she knew that she would try to make her uncle proud no matter what.

Lilith knew that she had no time to grieve and her intuition was telling her not to touch anything but to leave everything the way it was and to pack what she needed and to get to someone that could get her off the planet. Uncle Ramsey had always told her that when the time was right, they would be going to a place called [[starwars:Dossun|Dossun] where she would be formally trained in a small commune that was led by a friend of her Uncle's, Jedi Master C’Lacntha.

Lilith went to her room and pack a bag with a few changes of clothes, bedroll, her journals and Lightsaber, next, she went to her Uncle's room and opening the secret compartment in the floor, adding her uncle's lightsaber and all the cash that they had. Next, she went to the kitchen and added some food stuffs to her bags. After one last look around the house and saying goodbye to her uncle, knowing that he had already moved on the fade and would hear her. She next went next door to Miss Rebecca's house and added some of her herbals and some of the ready-made medicines to her satchels. Staying quiet, she made her way back to the caves and loaded everything onto a speeder and took off for the city in search of Niall Burke, another friend of her uncle, that would take her off planet and into the next chapter of her life.

Arrival on Dosuun

Lilith arrived on Dosuun to find a secret commune headed by Jedi Master C’Lacntha and Jedi Knight Thuallan. While there she also met Janos Stormwind, who became the love of her life.

Physical Description

Lilith has yellow-green eyes, framed by long dark brown hair with red highlights that falls to her mid-back. Her long legs and curvy figure are accentuated by her ample bust. Her left ear has five earrings, while her right ear only has three, and she can be easily distinguished by a tattoo of a demon caduceus on the inside of her right forearm. She also keeps her nails long and painted.

Usually, she wears black mid-calf boots, gray leggings, and a black skirt with a slit up the left side towards the hip and a gray skirt tabard with a stylized green wolf's head on the front. She also wears a black sleeveless top with a black leather corset and a pauldron on her right shoulder. she wears black fingerless gloves that end by her elbow and has a leather belt completed by two pouches and rings to hang her saber.