Over time, Fremoc has had various possessions of armor, weapons, spacecraft, and the like. Some of it he uses on a daily basis, the other bits and pieces he uses only at a certain time and place that is needed.
Silver Sash
Silver Sash
For his work for the Brotherhood in the year 35 ABY, Muz and Halcyon awarded Fremoc a silver sash. Along with his everyday attire, the sash stays securely around his waist.
Black Clothes and Cargo pants
This is the everyday clothes Fremoc wears after Antei and becoming a Knight. He normally uses armored black boots that he wore as a commando, along with black cargo pants and a black sleeveless shirt. On top of this he wears a black robe usually with the hood down and has holes and tears from battles and duels that he had been in. With this he wears two armored black commando gloves. Various harnesses and holsters are attached to the clothing for his knife, lightsaber, and blasters.
Custom Commander of the Guard Armor
Commander of the Guard ArmorOver the years as Fremoc progressed through the ranks of the Grand Master's Royal Guard, he wore several different armor sets that were standard issue to regular members. After the turn of 36 ABY, Lord Ashen gave Fremoc his own personal set of custom Guardsman robes, that signified him as the Commander of the Guard. The armor has his signature torn robe flowing behind him, but the armor itself is missing the left and right biceps, as well as the right hand. The left gauntlet has a datapad hidden inside it, while he has two holsters on either hip for his blaster pistols, as well as a sheath for his emerald dagger, and two clips for his lightsabers.
Emerald Dagger
Given to him for service to the Iron Throne, specifically for bringing Xanos or Darth Vexatus, since it is undetermined which one he is upon arrival to Antei, and Trevarus Caerick before Muz Ashen, as well as improving the training for the Iron Throne's soldiers and the GMRG. The dagger has become a standard with Fremoc's current arsenal.
DC-15s Side Arm
Another weapon that Fremoc brought with him to the Brotherhood after his raid on Ord Mantell. Just like the assault rifle, the pistol uses energy bolts as well and energy packs. Fremoc is able to effectively double tap the trigger with it. This pistol was used by Krandon when he and Fremoc went to rescue Ekeia from being tortured during the retaking of Antei. Krandon reluctantly gave Fremoc the weapon back. After his promotion to Prelate, Fremoc acquired another DC-15s Side Arm to go at his lower back and to use as a secondary blaster.
STFU Paddle of Dh00m
STFU Paddle of Dh00mUpon being appointed to Quaestor of Marka Ragnos, Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu took Fremoc to the Herald's office to give Fremoc something that could make sure the House stayed active. As Fremoc had become accustomed to using a paddle, Pepoi asked for a paddle. The two of them created the STFU Paddle of Dh00m based off an old ping pong paddle style but instead of a padded center like the ping pong paddle, it was substituted with very coarse sand paper, giving Fremoc the ability to rip off flesh if he so chosed it. There were a lot of younger members that at times would become troublesome, which would cause Fremoc to pull his paddle out. A lot of the time he used the paddle on his apprentices, to make sure they did their work for him. During his time as Magistrate to the Fist, he used it fairly often to keep people in line as well.
Fremoc's Lightsabers Fremoc's first lightsaber was one that was pretty basic as would be any Dark Jedi's first real lightsaber. His second lightsaber was after his promotion to Templar, he assembled a second lightsaber using a template that the Herald had provided. His third lightsaber, which he named Death's Revenge, was similar to his second lightsaber just with the addition of dagger points at the emitter end. His fourth lightsaber, named Life's Breath was something that he created after the death of who he thought was his brother, Kano Tor Pepoi, which turned out to actually be a clone, and Angelo Dante. He has two other lightsabers in his possession, a lightsaber that he and Manji took from a converted Yuuzhan Vong Jedi, and the lightsaber of William Darkfire.
Cybernetic Left Eye
After an injury while on the Refuge, Fremoc's eye had to be replaced with a cybernetic one. It looks similar to the eye it replaced, except its pigment is blue instead of gray. After rescuing Kano from his capture, the cybernetic was replaced as it had become damaged in the ensuing battle.
Cybernetic Right Hand
After his lightsaber's powerpack exploded while rescuing Methyas, his hand was replaced with a cybernetic hand. The hand functions normally, but does not have any fake skin covering the durasteel skeleton of hand.
Bandit - Pet
Bandit is a Vornskr that Fremoc cut the tail off of while on Aeotheran. The beast shows incredible loyalty to Fremoc and his family while also protecting the Pepoi's from possible dangers, especially the infant Darra. During the Vongspawn and Ekind attacks on Mucenic, Bandit stayed with the Pepoi children in the Temple of Ragnos. There the Vornskr curled up in a ball with Darra nestled with the Vornskr.