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Putra Karno
10 ABY
Icy Blue
- Bunduki Nobles
- Jedi in general
- Bunduki Noble
- Dark and Light Jedi Prelate
- " Don't bother me, I wont become a hero. A hero always has a good beginning but not a good ending, he must only worry about this world. Don't go romanticizing the game of life."
- ―Putra to Ji
Putra - basic description goes here.
Character History
Putra's mother, Siska, died shortly after the twins birth, because of this the twins father, Sudomo, blamed the pair for his beloved wives death and treated the children coldly. Putra grew up with little contact with his father and was almost inseparable from his twin sister, Putri. The pair developed a force bond early on in their life, it stared with just sensing the others presence and then grew to were the pair could talk to each other without even speaking, this frustrated many of the maid servants in the house were the twins would just laugh at each other at odd or random times, the servants would believe the twins were up to trouble but in reality Putra would be goofing off, making his sister laugh or vise-verse.
Growing up Putra had to take classes in the history of the noble houses, diplomacy, military drill, tactics and courtesy, as it was expected that Putra would take his place in the officer corp of the planetary colonial militia forces as was customary of all males of the noble houses. Putra excelled in almost all that he would do, becoming an excellent military tactician, but he would also become bored with most task given to him by his instructors. Putra started to sneak out of the Karno compound and explore the surrounding wilderness, it was on one of his solo expeditions he came across a temple ran by the Followers of Palawa, it was here were Putra started to train in the art of Teras Kasi As the twins grew in age so did there force bond, and their relationship with each other also deepened.
Rumors spread amongst the house servants of the closeness of Putri and Putra, eventually their father heard of these rumors and decided to put an end to them and in the process, further his own standing amongst the other noble houses. Lord Sudomo betrothed Putri to the eldest son of a rival house, house Ilong. Putra and Putri had never been separated like this before, the though of being apart from his sister caused Putra great distress. Putra was put under guard in his private quarters while the representatives of the Ilong house come to finalize the union, Putri was paraded out to the Ilong representatives and their entourage along with her father and a number of his entourage. It was a vary regimented event, Putra could feel his sisters anguish as she could feel his. All of a sudden Putra could no longer since his sister, there was just a void in the force were once her presence was. Putra, fearing the worst, fought his way free from his quarters and the guards, only to come upon a scene of horror, unidentifiable piles of gore, ash and bodily remains strewed across the great hall. Putri was standing center over what appeared to once be a persons body, her white dress and robes now crimson. Putra called out to his sister, Putri came to her senses and the force void around her dropped and the twins were overwhelmed with each others emotions of pain, grief and relief. The pair fall into each others arms and held one another tightly but the moment was short lived as the sound of the local security forces approached in mass. The twins fled the Karno compound into the surrounding wilderness.
It was not long after when the news reached the council of nobles, ware a death mark was put out on Putra and his sister, the house of Karno was striped of all noble titles, land deeds and all the property was seized . Putra's heart was heavy at the loss of the houses assets as it was his duty to take over leadership of the house, but he was happy to just be with his sister. The pair made it off would with the help of a dark brotherhood scout who picked up on the spike of dark side energies. The pair was tested by the dark council and both were granted admittance to the Shadow Academy. Putri declined her admission were as Putra accepted his on the condition that his sister stayed with him. The pair made and other together that one day when they were powerful enough, they would return to Bunduki and crush the council of nobles and conquer all the nobles houses and eventually take all of the Pacanth Reach and reign as emperor and empress of their own Karno dynasty of the unified empire or Pacanth.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Knight Hood
- Shortly after Putra's return to the Brotherhood and joining Clan Arcona, he found himself in the midst of a "family feud" between the 3 major familys that control the clan; Erinos, D'Tana and Entar. Putra, caring less about clan politics, was not too active in the feud however, he did end up siding with the Erinos family and helped out with the propaganda. With little real interest in which family dominates, Putra faded into the background and worked towards his main goal; becoming the most powerful warrior in known space, return to his home on Bunduki in the Pacanth Reach, takeover and establish his own empire.
Test of Loyalty
Horizons and Beyond
Dark Crusade
Displayed bullet points of events completed with Arcona.
- During his time with the Over Clan, Putra's desire for power lead him to an ancient holocron, tucked away in the depths of the Arconan archives. The holocron was incomplete but from what Putra could get from it, it was originally used by the Order of Revan, an ancient order that idealized the Sith lord, Darth Revan. The holocron stated that Revan had drawn upon the strength of passion coupled with tranquility, took allies from both Humans and aliens, and enlisted the aid of the weak and the strong. This idea of combining the teaching of the dark and light side of the force and using it to become more powerful peeked the Prelate's interest. Putra completed more research into Revan and learned he was not only a Dark Lord of the Sith but also a Jedi Knight, Putra made the decision to expand his experience and knowledge by joining with the Order of Odan-Urr, the order of Jedi attached to the Dark Brotherhood, and learn tranquility from them.
- Putra has a dislike of Jedi but the thoughts of gaining new understanding that could lead to his ultimate goal was enough for him to push back on his prejudice of the Jedi and join their ranks. With the help of an unaffiliated group, Putra and his twin sister, Putri, left the Arcona Dominion via Supresa Spaceport in the city of Shihon on the Arconan planet of Eldar. The charter flight was to a resort moon on a neighboring system, there the two met with there sponsor, a unnamed smuggler, who was going to aid Putra, for a large price, and get him to New Tython without altercation.
- After a number of transfers and even more layovers, to cover their tracks, the group reached New Tython with out any problems. Upon landing at a small outpost, Putra was greeted by three hooded Jedi, Liam Torun, Morotheri Mithfaron and Elleron Morakei. Liam Torun made a comment, after introductions, about Putra's sister, referring to her as Putra's slave, and reminded Putra that the Order dose frown on slavery, to which Putra lashed out verbally at the Quaestor of Odan Urr, stating that she was his sister and ending the tirade with threats of bodily harm to each of the members of the house's summit. The Orders leadership, seemingly ignoring the threats from Putra, apologized for the misunderstanding and continued to update Putra on the situation of New Tython and informed him that he was now in the Order of Guardians, a more combat focused arm of the Order of Udan Urr. The Quaestor continued and told Putra that his experiences in combat will be needed greatly with the Brotherhoods aggressive expansion.
Dark Crusade
Displayed bullet points of events completed with Odan-Urr
- Participated in the failed liberation of Jaguada. Note placed 2ed in battle plan and multimedia events
- Participated in the failed liberation of Dromund Kaas
Personality and Traits
- Putra is cold and decisive, he has one major goal in life and that is to, one day, return to his home world and take, what he perceives as, revenge and conquer the whole of the Pacanth Reach and rule together with his twin sister as Emperor and Empress of their new Pacanth Empire, ruling it from Bunduki. Putra will do what ever and use whoever he need to make his goals realized, to him the New Republic, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, the Bunduki nobles and the New Jedi Order, everyone, are all the same to him, just tools to be used but Putra does seem to have a certain disdain for the Jedi.
Relationships with other people
- Putra does not seek out friends, he is cold and only truly confides with his twin sister, Putri. Putra is a different person when he is alone with her, he is soft, gentle, warm and kind, opposite to the way he appears in the public eye, though at the same time he is extremism protective and possessive of her, but Putri is the same way with him as well. The two share a type of force bond, linking the two together telepathically, also each can give knowledge and skills to the other that they have learned. Putra and Putri also share a relationship that is beyond that of normal brother and sister, how fare beyond is yet to be known.
Powers and abilities
- Putra had learn about the force in his early life, he honed many skills he uses today in secret on his own. As a member of the Dark Brotherhood Putra's knowledge of the Force and martial skills has increased greatly. Putra excels in unarmed combat but he is also proficient in saber/bladed weapons and an expert marksmen with blasters.
- Putra has became adept in 3 different saber forms, Shii-Cho, Soresu and Djem So.
Hand to Hand
- Putra is an expert martial artist, a master of Dulon, Broken Gate, K'thri and of course being from Buduki, Putra is a Teras Kasi master.
Force powers
- Putra has masted every force powers he has ever learned which includes; Hear, Speak, Communicate, Enhance Ability, Burst of Speed, Equite Speed, Push, Pull, Telekinesis, Throw, Draw, Jump, Grip, Strike, Whirlwind, Beckon, Leap, Choke, Obliterate, Sense, Precognition, Seeing, Dodge, Sight, Cloak, Cure, Breath Control, Heal, Control Pain, Heal Others, Harm, Cure Poison, Persuasion, Mind Trick, Illusion, Shock, Stun, Stasis. He has also mastered some of his order's specific powers; Dark Mettle, Drain Will.
Other Abilities
- Putra has many other skills not realated to combat or the force, such as calligraphy. Putra is also a 2ed level Obelisk Master Centurion
Possessions and Property
File:Putraflag.jpgPutra's Personal Banner/Flag.
File:Putracombat.jpgPutra in his Combat Armor
File:Putrasaber.pngPutra's Lightsaber.
- Putra and his sister share a rare genetic mutation, giving them their pale blue eyes and rendering them both infertile.
- Putra is older then Putri by only a few minuets.
- Putra and Putri are, for the most part, inseparable.
- Putra and his sister come from a wealthy family.
- Putra is overly protective and possessive of his sister and vice-verse.
- Putra earned the nickname of Black Dragon and his sister is called White Phoenix, on their travels.
- The Black Dragon and White Phoenix with blue eyes is depicted on Putra's personal banner.
- Being Epicanthix, Putra has the immunity to mind tricks and from being read by Jedi, but due to the force bond Putra's sister can read his mind and vice versa.
- Putra and Putri characters are heavily based on Chinese mythology, history and Wuxia films as well as aspects from Indonesian culture.
- Putra's real life page can be found here