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10 ABY
Icy Blue
- Clan Arcona
- House Galeres
- House Odan Urr
- Jedi in general
Bunduki Noble
- "...Because I was born first."
- ―Putra to his twin sister, Putri.
Putra - basic description goes here.
Character History
the force
Dark Jedi Brotherhood
Knight Hood
- Shortly after Putra's return to the Brotherhood and joining Clan Arcona, he found himself in the midst of a "family feud" between the 3 major familys that control the clan; Erinos, D'Tana and Entar. Putra, caring less about clan politics, was not too active in the feud however, he did end up siding with the Erinos family and helped out with the propaganda. With little real interest in which family dominates, Putra faded into the background and worked towards his main goal; becoming the most powerful warrior in known space, return to his home on Bunduki in the Pacanth Reach, takeover and establish his own empire.
Test of Loyalty
Horizons and Beyond
Dark Crusade
displayed bullet points of events until all the events are completed then i will add the fiction.
Personality and Traits
- Putra is cold and decisive, he has one major goal in life and that is to, one day, return to his home world and take, what he perceives as, revenge and conquer the whole of the Pacanth Reach and rule together with his twin sister as Emperor and Empress of their new Pacanth Empire, ruling it from Bunduki. Putra will do what ever and use whoever he need to make his goals realized, to him the New Republic, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, the Bunduki nobles and the New Jedi Order, everyone, are all the same to him, just tools to be used but Putra does seem to have a certain disdain for the Jedi.
Relationships with other people
- Putra does not seek out friends, he is cold and only truly confides with his twin sister, Putri. Putra is a different person when he is alone with her, he is soft, gentle, warm and kind, opposite to the way he appears in the public eye, though at the same time he is extremism protective and possessive of her, but Putri is the same way with him as well. The two share a type of force bond, linking the two together telepathically, also each can give knowledge and skills to the other that they have learned. Putra and Putri also share a relationship that is beyond that of normal brother and sister, how fare beyond is yet to be known.
Powers and abilities
- Putra had learn about the force in his early life, he honed many skills he uses today in secret on his own. As a member of the Dark Brotherhood Putra's knowledge of the Force and martial skills has increased greatly. Putra excels in unarmed combat but he is also proficient in saber/bladed weapons and an expert marksmen with blasters.
- Putra has became adept in 3 different saber forms, Shii-Cho, Soresu and Djem So.
Hand to Hand
- Putra is an expert martial artist, a master of Dulon, Broken Gate, K'thri and of course being from Buduki, Putra is a Teras Kasi master.
Force powers
- Putra has masted every force powers he has ever learned which includes; Hear, Speak, Communicate, Enhance Ability, Burst of Speed, Equite Speed, Push, Pull, Telekinesis, Throw, Draw, Jump, Grip, Strike, Whirlwind, Beckon, Leap, Choke, Obliterate, Sense, Precognition, Seeing, Dodge, Sight, Cloak, Cure, Breath Control, Heal, Control Pain, Heal Others, Harm, Cure Poison, Persuasion, Mind Trick, Illusion, Shock, Stun, Stasis. He has also mastered some of his order's specific powers; Dark Mettle, Drain Will.
Other Abilities
- Putra has many other skills not realated to combat or the force, such as calligraphy. Putra is also a 2ed level Obelisk Master Centurion
Possessions and Property
File:Putraflag.jpgPutra's Personal Banner/Flag.
- Putra has a twin sister named Putri.
- Putra and his sister share a rare genetic mutation, giving them there pale blue eyes and rendering them infertile.
- Putra is older then Putri by only a few minuets.
- Putra and Putri are inseparable.
- Putra and his sister come from a weathy family.
- Putra is overly protective and possessive of his sister and vice-verse.
- Putra earned the nickname of Black Dragon and his sister is called White Phoenix, on their travels.
- The Black Dragon and White Phoenix with blue eyes are depicted on Putra's personal banner.
- Putra's real life page can be found here