Kanis Da'uul

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 21:37, 1 April 2013 by KanisD (talk | contribs)
Kanis Da’uul
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

18 ABY

Physical Description







165 lbs


Jet Black



Personal Information

Maa’ka Da’Rani


Jeran Aah’Valia

Lightsaber Form(s):
  • Form 0/Banlanth
Fighting Style(s):
  • Dulon
  • Hapan
  • Jeswandi
  • Shadow Fist
  • Verdanian
Chronology & Political Information
Known masters:

OP Kratus Vahillus



[ Source ]

The Beginning.

A Padawan in Love

Kanis Da'uul at a young age was in training to be a Jedi, he knocked down any obstacle which confronted him, once he was paired up with a Master, he began to exceed each expectation that was set for him. Just as everyone does this young boy found love, his heart became attached to another. It was a secret love, but not to the point of where Kanis' master knew nothing. Since he saw highly of his Padawan, the Jedi Master said absolutely nothing in the way of protest against young Kanis Da'uul's relationship.

As days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to years, the bond between Kanis and K'ara (Care-Ah) grew in strength until the sunny day in an apartment on Coruscant when Kanis proposed to his lover in secrecy. With tears of joy in her eyes K'ara agreed with little hesitation to be recorded, it seemed almost story book, all too perfect to be true. Due to the sheltered life that the young Jedi Padawan lived, he really knew nothing much of pain, and loss, this fact would prove to be his downfall.

Knife Through the Heart

Nearly two months after the proposal had been accepted and, Kanis and K'ara were wandering through one of the many market places located on the planet. The two were smiling and laughing, and Kanis was doing what he did each time they went out, which would be trying to further impress K'ara, which he usually performed a horrible fail in the process which only proved to make her laugh. It was merely a few hours into their venture that the Padawan's life would be changed forever; an assassin who had been slinking through the shadows following the life of Kanis' Master, he too discovered the existence of the Padawan's secret lover, and felt that striking the Master's Padawan may deliver an equal blow to the master himself.

The assassin bolted from the shadows with a freshly sharpened Vibrosword which he thrusted deeply into K'ara's back without a sign of remorse. Stopping abruptly blood began to leak from the corner of K'ara's mouth, the only reason that Kanis had noticed that she'd stopped was that he'd been holding her hand and felt that she wasn't budging an inch. All the warmth and joy had quickly fleeted from K'ara's eyes, and Kanis couldn't believe what he was seeing. K'ara fell into his arms gurgling a tad on her blood. A red plume began to grow larger on her back dampening her shirt. There was nothing Kanis was able to do as he watched the assassin escape.

The Corruption.

Kanis' heart was crushed upon the death of his lover, followed by his master Kanis barged in unannounced to the meeting room occupied by the Jedi Council. Kanis brought up the murder of young K'ara to the council, but they merely shook their heads and said that it was merely a matter for the proper authorities. This rejection enraged Kanis further and he stormed out of the council room again followed by his master who attempted to calm him. Kanis expressed that he would find and kill the man responsible, and his master agreed with him, but brought up the point that holding a grudge and allowing himself to be over come with hate was a path that would lead him only to suffering.

Kanis ignored the warnings his master gave him, and on one fateful day, after Kanis had finished gathering all the information he needed, the young Padawan set out and was unknowingly followed by his master. things only got worse once Kanis had discovered the Assassin in a local Cantina, the Assassin was slain, but not in honorable combat. Kanis merely stabbed him in the back and obliterated his heart in the process, he then began to kill anyone who went after him. At that his master had seen enough and decided to step in. The two battled for what seemed to be hours, they were both obviously well matched in the way of skill, but as the battle ended, Kanis lightsaber was destroyed and his master had received horrid burns. Instead of ending the life of his Padawan Kanis Da'uul, the Master Banished him from the planet of Coruscant because of the fact that his hate had driven him to the dark side, his is a story of hate and Vengeance

This is where Kanis' Chapter in The Dark Brotherhood begins.

Brotherhood Life

Kanis adapted quite well to his new setting, he spent quite a bit of his time loitering around a miscellaneous Cantina on Port Ol'Val.

An Interesting Encounter

Kanis had been spending most of the day in his usual Cantina, it was upon his exit that he ran into his master Kratus, the conversation between the two was less than lengthy, and it wasn't long before the young apprentice heard a ruckus behind him. Turning his attention back towards the Cantina, Kanis took note of a man flying past the entrance followed by yet another crashing sound which could have easily been a table breaking. The next sight was even more surprising, a woman whom bore no evidence of Brotherhood membership strolled past the entry way cracking her knuckles and boasting about how she'd fought tougher womprats. She dealt a little more damage to her opponent before she finally took notice to Kanis whom was now staring at her with his jaw close to dropped, with a smile and a quick giggle she vanished from the Cantina without a word spoken.

A new Friend

The girl from the Cantina had taken an interest in Kanis, so she began following him and studying him. Though fascinated by him she failed to become obsessed with the Obelisk Trooper. Over the next few months, the young Mandalorean female grew closer to Kanis as she worked along side him during different assignments.

Physical appearance.

He wears a long flowing black hooded cloak, and beneath that he can be seen wearing a high collared black sleeveless vest with gray accents. The gray/silver buttons which close the vest travel down his breast on the slight far right hand side. Beneath the vest he wears a long sleeve blue shirt and blackish gray gloves which travel up his fore arm, on his lower body he wears blue pants which are held up by a gray belt with a silver buckle, his pants possess on button shut pocket on both legs, and going on down he wears a pair of black boots with a slight shine along with some gray accents on the underfoot. Locks of long black hair (approximately 1 ft in length) flow from his head with his bangs slightly hanging down in his pale face. Smokey gray eyes are set into his head, and his face is composed of delicate features giving him a smooth, gentle charismatic appearance. Since he doesn’t smoke, he can sometimes be found with a stick of chocolate pocky holstered between his lips


Kanis strives for perfection on a personal level; he’s not one bearing a serial killer mentality, however he is more than willing to kill anyone who gets in the way of his journey to perfection.




(None on Record.)


(None on Record.)


(None on Record.)

Dominant Hand.
