System Information
Not much to see here...except that one planet. That one planet has EVERYTHING! Got some mad up in the hizzouse.
Star. Bright. Fairly hot. Probably shouldn't touch.
Krayiss One
Death. So much death. Good tanning though
Regulus Asteroid Belt
Regulus is a very nice asteroid belt. Rocks are good and sharp
Krayiss Two
All the stuff is here. The other planets? Nada. Check it out!
Krayiss Three
Booooring. Seriously. Why would you visit this?
Eistein's Asteroid Belt
It's all relative, here.
Krayiss Four
You like gas? Then this is the place for you!
Krayiss Five
Krayiss Five is the final orbit in the Krayiss System. Consisting of a single dwarf planet on the very edge of the system with no moons, Krayiss Five was almost misidentified as a comet. However, consisting of a nitrogen, methane and carbon-dioxide atmosphere, it was correctly classified as a planet. Krayiss Five's standard orbital rotation takes 40,424 Galactic Standard Days.
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