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Anduriel is a young new Journeyman walking the halls of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, seeking to be the greatest warrior ever to exist in the galaxy.
Early Childhood
Anduriel doesn't have much to remember about his parentage or background; his first memories are of him waking up on the Worlport streets day after day , begging and stealing for whatever scraps he could find to eat. His own name was a mystery to him. It had been given to him by some cloaked lady who seemed to take pity on him for “looking like muck”. Having to survive on his own was never easy, but he didn’t know how else to live and he grew up fighting. It wasn’t much of a life, but it was his life to live. He learned from whatever gossip people had on the streets and whatever holovids people left out, picking up on any knowledge he could as fast as he can. He learned to fight, tooth and nail to survive, and even in the harshest of conditions, he learned to survive. He’d become that street urchin that was “too stubborn to die”.
One day, as a young ten year old, he stumbled upon his first holovids of force users and lightsaber duels. He became fascinated with these lone warriors, able to take on thousands alone. His felt like being among these warriors was where he belonged. These men were the ideal for him, strong, tough, and powerful. He gathered as many as he could, watching with infinite passion and curiosity. Observing how they moved, and stealing holovids on Dulon and Kartranin, Anduriel taught himself to fight, training his mind and body in the hope that one day he might become a true warrior. And as he grew, he became strong in mind, body, and will.
Anduriel as a young man on Ord Mantell
Even as a youngster Anduriel was well liked, despite his antics and thievery, he had a good heart, and had stood up on multiple occasions with the vendors against muggers and extortionists. Even when he got beat down he’d stand back up and fight again, and as he grew stronger and tougher with each passing year he became a friend to them. One even gave him an old relic; an old katana some old man had pawned to him a long time ago. It became Anduriel’s most prized possession, along with a silver ribbon given to him by a young girl long ago when he shared his food.
Joining the Dark Brotherhood
- " You are determined, even in the face of impossible odds. That's almost enough to impress me."
- ―Kalon Dane
One fateful day a when he was 20 a man in Mandalorian combat armor came to Worlport looking for a ship, and the streets were abuzz about the Mandalorian with the lightsaber on his belt. With a few other people, he observed the man walking around looking for a ship to buy. Prodded by his friends, Anduriel couldn’t resist the opportunity of a lifetime, the chance to hold an actual lightsaber, just like the Jedi and Sith of old. However, he didn’t realize that the man he was trying to steal from was none other than Kalon Dane of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
The attack that came at Anduriel was relentless and punishing; as soon as the first blow came Anduriel knew he was well out of his depth. Still, he couldn’t give up, and moved as fast as he could to avoid the attacks, trying to avoid the weak spots before being beaten down again. The cycle of “stand up” and “beaten down” repeated itself multiple times, but everytime, Anduriel forced himself up. This happened again and again, which Kalon took note of. Seeing the potential in the young man, he offered him a chance to be a part of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. After some thought, Anduriel accepted and said goodbye to those on the streets. He left with only his sword and his ribbon; the first two things he’d ever owned.
Anduriel was accepted into the brotherhood and excelled in his studies, reaching the ranks of Acolyte in a short period of time. He always looked to better himself as a warrior and so he continued his training, earning the notice of his superiors.
Lean and muscular, Anduriel built himself to move quickly through the streets, focusing on endurance, speed. He stands above average for a human, at 6’3. Having grown up in the streets where haircuts were not the norm, he kept his hair longer than most, with his long black hair going down to his neck. His dark eyes, are observant, always surveying the surroundings around him. A scar runs down from the edge of his left eye to his left nostril, an injury that once ran deep but has softened with time. A silver ribbon always remains tied around his left arm, if not being used as a bandanna for his hair. His katana is visible on his back, and he is rarely seen without it.
DJB Facts
Outstanding Achievements
Dark Cross - As a Novice
- He earned is first Dark Cross within 4 hours of having joined the Brotherhood
- Within 4 hours of joining, Anduriel had already completed the requirements to be promoted to Acolyte
- He's a fast learner, preferring science and technology over other things
- Anduriel has become well versed in Biochemistry, Biophysics, Bioorganic Chemistry, Medicine, and Computer Science
- His name is the derived from a Denarian