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Vynn Salm
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

15 ABY

Physical Description





2 Meters


210 pounds





Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):

Single Hilt Red blade

Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi


Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era


Arcona House Galeres



[ Source ]

Vynn is currently stationed in Kurs’kranak on Eldar. He is a member of House Galeres and charged with protecting the Houses interests on Eldar as well as tacking om missions for the house.

Character History

The Beginning

Born on the planet Judecca, Vynn was four years old when the delegation from Scholae Palatinae arrived. During the screenings of all sentient life on the planet he was singled out as a force sensitive individual and taken for evaluation and training. Vynn was raised almost entirely in the Barracks and training rooms.

Teen Years

Studying under many masters Vynn was allowed to begin regular apprenticeship at the age of thirteen. while younger than most he had already showed both maturity and power greater than the average student. He was given the usual training in weapons and armor as well as force training.

During this time he developed an affinity for Explosives and favored anti vehicle training with the MiniMag PTL missile launcher. Various other explosives also peaked his interest and before long he was veritable demolitions master.

His force studies were equally diverse and he was able to develop a well rounded and balanced lightsaber style based on Soresu.

Serving Scholae

After Knighthood Vynn was placed in the Army serving aboard the ISDII Warspite. Here he served by leading a team of Marines in boarding action as well as repelling boarders during the various conflicts. Upon the ISDII Warspite being sent in for repairs he was transferred to the Nightstalkers battle team and placed in the research facilities beneath the Missing City.

To Arcona



His hair is jet black and kept in a close military style cut. Taller than most he stands nearly two meters and he has the slim but athletic build of a soldier. His youthful appearance tends to put people at ease but the darkness in his eyes quickly removes any doubt that he is a hardened warrior for the House.


Lighter browns mixed with blacks are his usual color choices for clothing. He prefers a hooded cloak to the usual robe with sleeve. Lace up boots and black belt complete his usual ensemble. When going into battle for the house he is not against wearing armor.

Trained in the use of various pistols, rifles and his personal favorite heavy weapons Vynn likes to mix it up. the only constant is his lightsaber and a knife that is tucked into his right boot.


Sometimes static and rigid in his speech Vynn does have a lighter side when in the right company.