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Pre-New Tython History

The Sunrider Ring began its life decades before being given to its first, and most well-known, owner, Nomi Sunrider. The ring is in fact a natural occurring, Force-sensitive, crystal formation otherwise known as a Shard. The precise circumstances of its “birth” are a mystery, as is its uncommon appearance as a small ring-shaped crystal. Raised on the planet of Orax in the Outer Rim Territories, it was part of a larger group of Shard. Nestling itself close to its larger brothers as it slowly grew into its current form inside one of the planets many hot springs, it lead a quiet and peaceful life while being submerged in the currents of The Force. Eons passed by as the Shard population grew and clusters between individuals formed; as its brothers grew and sprouted offspring, this lone Shard had somehow stopped growing when it reached the size of a common finger ring. This also caused it to be unable to sprout offspring and contribute to the Shard population. It would remain on Orax until 4,019 BBY, when Andur Sunrider stumbled upon the planet during a mission to investigate a disturbance in the Force, sensed by his master Chamma. The young Shard, who was at that time, one of the few Force-sensitive members of its species, sensed Andur and the Force imprint that his wife Nomi left upon him. The Shard beckoned out to Andur, who’s Force sense allowed him to pick up on the Shard’s location. What he found was a small, teal, crystalline ring, unbeknownst to him a living, sentient creature. Thinking it to be a perfect gift for his wife, he brought it with him back to H’rathh. And so it came to be, that the young, nameless Shard found its way to Nomi Sunrider. From the very first time that Nomi touched the Shard, a powerful Force Bond was formed between the two of them. Its true nature still unknown to all sentients through-out the Galaxy, the Shard was able to join Nomi on her countless journeys and battles, and learn. Nomi’s own devotion to the Light Side of the Force had its effect on the Shard, slowly engulfing it in the Light of the Force. This in turn had its effects on Nomi, who, through the Shard’s own stalwart connection to the Light side, became known as one of the most respected Jedi of her time.

Somewhere in her life, Nomi would stumble upon an undiscovered world inhabited by a primitive, tribal species. It is widely believed that some time before this, the Shard had developed the ability to telepathically converse with Nomi. Due to as of yet unknown circumstances, the Shard seemingly chose to remain on this unknown world. Nomi, who met the Shard thanks to her late husband, was suspected to be saddened by its choice but respected it none the less. Though they separated ways after that, the Force bond between them had never vanished, not until Nomi’s eventual death. The Shard however continued to live on, into a new age on Harakoa.

Harakoan History

In the rocky hills of the northern central mountain range of New Tython, there once lived a small Harakoan tribe. They worked with the rocks and gems they found deep in the mountain caves. What they made traded well with the other tribes for basic provisions. It was a sincere and honest life, and the work was passed down thought the generations. This was the way of life for them, until one rather gray day a visitor changed their lives forever.

Nomi Sunrider left her mark on the tribe, it made them question everything they were about. The Jedi saw just how peaceful the tribe was and desired to help them. The Shard that she bonded so many years ago desired to stay on New Tython while Nomi, who was nearing the end of her life, wished to lead the Jedi Order into a new age. The nameless Shard never chose to tell the full reason for its decision. The reasons might not have been known to Nomi, but the shard ring felt it was going to be needed on this world and near its people.

It was this choice, that helped shape a race that was still in the process of developing. The day the ring came was the changing point for the small tribe of gem crafters, as they were known. The elder of the tribe saw a vision that day, a vision of a future with the ring as their guide. The ring spoke to the elder, telling him that he was pure and honest, but that he could be so much more to his tribe, and the other tribes as a whole. The ring foretold them of a Harakoan that would appear in the far future, of a Harakoan that would unite the shattered tribes to create a strong nation. The elder would be the very first stepping stone into that future.

This small village of gem crafters changed into a small village of warrior-priests that revered the ring. Bringing about a new religion over the years. Nomi Sunrider was never forgotten in all of this. They felt she was a messenger from the stars who brought them their savior to guide them. They worshipped the day she came with a special feast. It became known as the Day of the Sun. As time went on, the ring became more reclusive with what it showed the Harakoan people. The Shard wanted to warn them of dangers to come, but otherwise not be a too big of an influence on the race. So as time went on, the visions became less and less. However, the warrior-priests would remain with the Shard, looking for its guidance

For the next 3,000 years or so they worshipped the Sunrider ring. To them it was just the Ring of the Sun. They thought of it as the voice of the God of the Sun. That was how it was explained to the children who learned all about the sun god as they grew up. Villages from all over the content of Owyhyee would have children chosen to become a warrior priest(ess) of the Sun. They would travel to the small mountain village; where they would begin their training.

Many tomes and scrolls were written to tell the stories of the god, his messenger and its voice. However, only the Elder Priests and Priestesses ever saw the ring itself. They would go to the cave that the ring had chosen to spend its time on New Tython in, and there they would offer simple sacrifices of gems and fruits, showing their respects to the Shard.

In 497 BBY the ring had a vision of the future that made it humble itself. It saw the fall of the Jedi Order that was to come. As it watched helplessly it saw The Order eradicated by a dark shadow. This helplessness made the Shard ponder in silence for many years. The Harakoans feared that they had upset their god, that they had done something to offend it. Though they had no idea of the actual reason, they decided to please the god by building alters of worship in each village. In a dark patch of Harakoan history, mentions of young maidens being sacrificed to the god could be found as well.

This angered the Shard, and its anger could have been felt in the village. Thunder roared over the mountain tops and flares of lighting illuminated the skies. It was never fond of the Harakoan worship, but it reluctantly accepted it as it united the tribes in peace and harmony. It would however not accept the cold-blooded murder of young Harakoans in its name. Ordering the warrior-priests to spread the word that the alters in each village be destroyed, and that “the sun god” wished for a more humble praising. Slowly, harmony returned amongst the tribes.

This status-quo was kept until 10 BBY, when a single individual was born, a young girl that would be named Tarhar by her tribe. Tarhar was born with an exceptional strong connection to the Force, at least by Harakoan standards. The Shard sensed her birth and beckoned the warrior-priests of the mountain tribe to bring the girl before him. The warrior-priests scurried forward, following its words. Young Tarhar was 5 years old when she finally arrived in the mountain village. Brought before the Shard, she was unaware of her destiny, but it would all become clear as the ring telepathically asked her to touch him. The young girl did so, and felt a warm rush of light fall over her body. The Shard knew that the Star Child stood before him, the prophesized one that would unite the tribes together into a single nation. It also knew that her birth carried a darker undertone, the "dark ones” would be upon them soon.

The Shard and Tarhar now faced the challenge of reforming Harakoan traditions in less than a life time. The eldest would not see this new age, but they would be the stepping stone for it. Now was the time for all of them to learn the skills of the warrior-priests. Males and females alike would begin their training in the same year they learned to walk. The Shard saw no difference to this, as the vision showed both male and females locked in battle. The ring and Tarhar also prepared the Harakoans to expect the return of the Light Jedi, as they were the ones to bring peace, order, and harmony to their world, even if it meant that they first have to walk through th fires of [[Tenth Great Jedi War|war]. The priest didn’t always understand the duo's reasoning, but they did as they were told by Tarhar and the Shard.

This has been the way of life for the Harakoan tribes for the past 45 years. When the first Light Jedi arrived on New Tython, the ring told Tarhar to keep him hidden from them, and to go into hiding herself. It knew that Tarhar and him would be needed in the near future, but for that age to come, they must first pass through darkness.

Recent History

Physical Description

When it was found by Nomi Sunrider, the shard was a tiny crystal in the uncommon shape of a natural-occuring a-symettrical ring. During it's long life, the shard eventually grew to be about the size of a regular ring, and strangely appeared to fit on the finger of any individual. The crystal also has a strange pulsating glow that appears to radiate from it's reflective turquoise surface. Throughout it's life, this shard has also worn etchings and scratches into it's outer surface during it's stay with Nomi Sunrider from the many battles they encountered together. On one side of the ring, a tiny crystalline formation, similar to that of a quartz has jutted out perpendicular to the outer surface of the ring. When touched by a person, the ring will also feel exceptionally cold to the touch. This varies depending on the individual, while some say that it only feels cool, others will often be unable to pick up the ring and hold it in their hands.

Traits & Abilities

The ring can enter a unique state of Force Meld with whoever it chooses. This Force Meld allows the ring to add its own Force powers, as well as the user to add their power to the ring, to the one it deems worthy.

This ring possesses the power to communicate with other force-sensitives through Telepathy. In this case, the ring can converse with the Harakoan Priests and the Jedi that exist on New Tython. Through this ability to communicate through Telepathy, it is almost as though it draws others to learn from it.


Harakoan Cult/Religion

Place and Role in House Odan-Urr


  • The ring was written out as a Shard in order to bridge the gap between: a wearable artifact, and a holocron/tome/scroll.

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