House Satal Keto

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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House Satal Keto There Is No Doubt

Brief History

Clan Satal Keto merged with Clan Exar Kun due to low activity. Out of this Unification, Clan Plagueis was formed. Three houses, one of which was soon removed, were formed to provide structure to this new clan. Since then, the house has gone through numerous leadership, battles against forces vowed to destroy them, and more tradegies still waiting around the corner. Today, House Satal Keto stands with it's sister house as one of the most active houses in the brotherhood.


Satal Keto

Son of Lord Keto and Lady Magda Keto, Satal was born into worlds of power with wealth and time at his command. He and his cousin, Aleema Keto, were schooled in the teachings of the Sith Empire which, years later, would lead them into creating the secret society known as the Krath. A Dark order who sought after the knowledge of ancient Sith teachings, some who trained many years with the Krath would gain powers of visions of the future and the past.

On a trip to the Galactic Museum on Coruscant, the two stole a book on Sith lore, and proving to be without the ability to read the text, the two went in search of a number of Dark Side Adepts they heard were living on the planet Onderon.

Later, they arrived on Onderon to find that a Republic force, under the Jedi Nomi Sunrider, had arrived, starting a massive battle between the combined Jedi-Republic force and the Naddists. Their ship was shot down, and crashed in the capital city of Iziz, where they were brought before King Ommin, the leader of the Naddists and a descendant of the Dark Lord Freedon Nadd.

Before long, they discovered the secrets of the book. With Onderon under attack and Jedi Master Arca Jeth under the Iron fist of the Dark Lord’s descendant King Ommin, he gave Satal Keto a Sith amulet, which would allow the user to read the ancient Sith text.

When the amulet was used, the Dark Lord Freedon Nadd himself would appear and teach the words of the book. Satal Keto learned many things of the Force from the incantations of the book, while Aleema learned that she had the ability to create illusions in others’ minds.

The Beginning

With the city falling, Freedon Nadd knew of King Ommin’s failure and convinced Satal and Aleema that they alone held the key to restore the Sith Empire through his guidance. The pair fled, and Jedi stormed the palace, with the King being slain by Ulic Qel-Droma. With their new knowledge the siblings returned to their home world of Empress Teta.

It wasn’t long after their return that Aleema used her new powers of Illusion to overthrow the leaders of Empress Teta. With the two Krath proclaiming themselves as self-appointed leaders, the people of Empress Teta started a rebellion and called on the Jedi for help. Soon, a joint Jedi-Republic fleet, under the Jedi Nomi Sunrider and Ulic Qel-Droma, was sent to deal with the Krath. However, during the Battle of Koros Major, Aleema used her powers to create illusions of space grazers to fool the task force.

Afterward, Satal and Aleema used Krath War Droids to attack a Jedi assembly on Deneba. Prior to this, their agents had reprogrammed the servant droids that would be present at the assembly. During the assembly, the servant droids suddenly attacked their Jedi owners, causing enough confusion to allow a Tetan Corsair to deposit its deadly cargo of war droids. During the assault, Jedi Master Arca Jeth was slain and his student Ulic Qel-Droma swore revenge on the Krath.

The Fall of Satal Keto

Satal Keto would later infiltrate the capital world of the Empress Teta system, Koros Major. Following a skirmish on Koros Major, in which Ulic saved Aleema from being assassinated, she took him as a lover. However, Satal was jealous and suspicious, believing him to be a Jedi spy. He then interrogated and tortured Ulic deep in the dungeons of the Iron Citadel. Despite denying he was a Jedi spy, Satal injected Ulic with a Sith toxin that would ensure his fall to the Dark Side. Ulic became a Krath general, in charge of the sect's military forces, and the personal pet of Aleema. Months later, Ulic's Jedi companions (including his brother Cay Qel-Droma, Nomi and Tott Doneeta) traveled to Cinnagar after hearing no word from Ulic. While Cay and Tott Doneeta waited in orbit on their transport, the Nebulon Ranger, Nomi infiltrated the planet by flying down in an escape pod. Upon landing, she arranged for herself to be arrested by the Krath authorities. When Sunrider was dragged before the Krath leadership at the Iron Citadel, Satal tested Ulic's loyalty by asking him what to do with the captured Jedi spy. Ulic, trying to maintain his cover, ordered his former comrade Sunrider to be imprisoned. However, in secret, Ulic sent a covert message to Nomi in which he expressed to her that he intended to stay in disguise for a while longer, in an effort to learn more of the Krath's plans. Unfortunately for Ulic, Satal intercepted his conversation with Nomi, and sentenced them both to death.

However, Nomi managed to contact Cay and Tott Doneeta and requested that they attempt a rescue. Destroying the Krath's defenses, the Jedi succeeded in pulling Nomi from her captivity, but Ulic decided to stay behind. In a fit of rage, Ulic struck Satal Keto down, demanding vengeance for the death of Arca Jeth and completing his descent to the Dark Side. Ulic then took Satal's place at Aleema's side as the head of the Krath.

Satal’s Spirt

Even with his body gone his spirt lived on through the Force in a tailsman forged thousands of years ago. From this artifact, Keto’s spirit lives on, sealing himself and the talisman away for thousands of years, all the while exploring the ways of the Krath and seeing the possible futures. Here he saw his opportunity for life. He found a mind focused on the ancient magics, a mind suitable for his plans. Reaching out through the Force to that mind he used his power to draw that dabbler in the ancient magics to the resting place of the talisman he was trapped in. This dabbling Dark Jedi picked up the talisman and became the first High Priest of the Krath in four-thousand years. This was four thousand years ago, and the Jedi were many and spread across the galaxy. The Dark Jedi who found the talisman was possessed by Satal Keto; in effect Keto was restored to life in a new body. The Dark Jedi was the son of the wealthy elite in the Empress Teta system, a group made rich by the carbonite mines which provided the galaxy’s main supply of the highly prized material. He and many of his friends, with nothing to do and the ability to satisfy their every desire had become bored and started dabbling in primitive magic. It was this that opened his mind to the Krath and allowed the spirit of Satal Keto to draw him to the talisman. Once possessed by Keto, this Dark Jedi became vastly more powerful, no longer the petty magician he was before, but a fully fledged Dark Jedi Master with immeasurable powers. Satal Keto, in his new body, returned to his home in Empress Teta and soon drew his rich friends into the Krath’s powers and they all became powerful. Their group was known as the Obsidian Order as well as the Order of Krath and its influence began to spread rapidly, drawing many Dark Side followers.

The Birth of Clan Satal Keto

Though the ages the talisman was lost. It was found again by a follower of the Krath. This follower was one who walked with Ronin the once-leader who made the Dark Jedi Brotherhood after the fall of the empire. As the Brotherhood grew so did the powers within the follower and one day Ronin gave him a new title one which was not used for thousands of years: “Krath High Priest”. With more and more Dark Jedi coming into the Brotherhood, more followers came to the order of the Krath and finally the High priest was summoned to Ronin to create their own Clan, one that could take on the role of a Krath more seriously in the brotherhood. Thus, Clan Satal Keto was born.

The War and the end of CSK

The reign of CSK went on for more then seven standard years with numerous CON’s and PCON’s until it came to CON Selket. The life of the Krath began to slowly decrease over the years and the Dark Council went into a feud against the so called ‘Chosen one’, Ronin. Then the Dark Brotherhood sought to stop being ruled as the Empire once was, they knew if they did the end result would always be the same…extinct.

“The War of the two Brotherhoods” and the following onslaught “The Crimson Tide”, called by some, rose through the ranks of every Jedi who had taken a side either with Ronin or the Grand Master of the true Dark Brotherhood, Firefox. The war was fierce and the numbers had shown this. Two clans were affected more then the others in the war; Clan Exar Kun and Clan Satal Keto. Though not all of the members of CSK could be there for the fight they did their best but the end result was the death of their CON Selket. The Clan soon fell apart after the war and rumors spread that so had Exar Kun. The new Dark Council assembled in the new Star Chamber took charge and a single Elder stood tall, his name was Chi Long.

Chi took command and forged the two clans into one calling it the “Dictum of Two Skies” and naming the clan “Plagueis” after his teachings of cheating death. The Clan took its members and split them into two houses: “House Satal Keto” and “House Exar Kun”. These actions rippled through the Force calling out the four Elders of the clan to the old Sith Lord Plagueis who listened to their story of the war and soon gave his blessing upon the clan and his wisdom. Thus, House Satal Keto was born from the ashes of former clan.

The Unseen Eye

After the return of the former Ketoan, Silent, who had come back after years of searching in the unknown regions of the galaxy, he found it his home no more and learned of the past events and took up an oath to avenge his former CON’s death and to help the younger members reclaim some of the lost powers of the Clan Satal Keto. This young Clawdite, born into the Krath, but turned Obelisk after his CON’s death, rose through the House reclaiming his old office of Aedile, then on to Quaestor. From there he ruled his House with an Iron fist, keeping tabs on his House planet of Morroth.

It wasn’t long after he reached QUA status that the visions he once had as a child returned to him. He would always remember the words of his former Master regarding the visions: “In the light you can always find your way, that will make you weak; In the dark you must trust your self, trust your strength, trust your skill, and let the force guide you, if you do so then you will only become stronger.” Silent took the words to heart and saw it was time to follow his vision to a continent on his House planet.

Annwfn is a forbidden land on Morroth but it was where the Visions lead him and his AED Raken. Upon his arrival, just like in his vision, he touched the small stone lying in the middle of the snow capped forest and from it rose a grand temple. Silent told Raken to summon their forces and keep outsiders away. Then the two entered the Temple with sabers ignited. Once they reached the center, Silent found a Sith holocron and an inscription:

“Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how best to undermine you; tell me of your greatest fear, so I will know which I must force you to face; tell me what you cherish most, so I will know what to take from you; and tell me what you crave, so that I might deny you…”

From that moment on a light of crimson shot forth and the body of Silent was taken by a Dark Sith Lord… Lord Plagueis. Reinforcements arrived some time later to the shock of their Quaestor possessed. With the Lord Plagueis who once gave his blessing and wisdom to the Clan, he now challenged them to prove their worth and save Silent, and thus the House members took the challenge and entered the tomb….

Order of Keto


The Order of Keto (OoK) was designed to recognize members of House Satal Keto (HSK) for their long-standing service to the House. Members inducted into this Order are placed in much sought after advisory roles to the House Summit. Their particular wisdoms and experiences may be consulted regarding House decisions and plans. The distinguished members may also be called upon to undertake or assist with various projects of importance relative to their area of expertise. Final authority on any decision however will always rest with the Summits.

This Grand Order will allow the Summit an extra hand in the administration of the House and its activities if they so require it. Inclusion in this Order is often considered a “career achievement” and should not be taken lightly.


Only those of Equite status or above qualify for induction as the ranks granted within those sects are garnered only through months and years of high-level dedicated service, activity, and honor. On this advisory panel there are three coveted positions each one corresponding to the three Orders of the Brotherhood; Sith, Krath, and Obelisk.

Any, all, or part of this three-member panel may be occupied at any given time. Induction is based on the criteria set forth above and the member’s personal merits. The Quaestor (QUA) alone may decide who is inducted with or without the council of his Summit as he sees fit. If no qualifying members of an Order are deemed worthy, then the corresponding position on the panel shall remain open until such a member is recognized.

There is no “application” process for the OoK. Please do not petition, campaign, or otherwise endeavor to ascend to this position other than through hard work, dedication, and positive interaction within the community.


Members inducted into the OoK serve a term of no less than six months unless they are found unfit under the guidelines set forth within this document. As long as the appointed members remain viable, contributing members, who reside within HSK in good standing, they may continue to serve beyond their initial six month term. However, it is the QUA’s prerogative to occasionally infuse new blood into the Order if he deems it necessary for the benefit of the House as a whole and may do so if a member is past their six month term of service and therefore eligible for retirement (See Removal).


An OoK panel member may at any time abdicate his position. The member may also be removed by the QUA if the member is deemed in violation of any of the House, Clan, or Brotherhood codes of conduct or for any other actions deemed inappropriate by the House and Clan Summits. The member may also be removed due to inactivity for a period of three months, or failing any normal House or Clan AWOL check.

Finally, a member may be honorably “retired” if the QUA deems it necessary to introduce a new and deserving member into the Order with the intention of infusing the House with new blood. This may only occur if the member being retired is beyond their initial six month term of service so that they, having conducted themselves honorably throughout, had sufficient time to make a positive impact and may retire from the position with full honors.

Honorably retired members of the OoK must be formally thanked for their steadfast dedication and service in a news posting on either the HSK or Clan Plagueis (CP) sites and are often the recipient of a small token of appreciation from the QUA on behalf of a grateful House.


All current members have the right and privilege of including the Order of Keto title in their fictions, graphics, message board signatures, etc. All former members retain these same rights unless dishonorably removed from the Order.

Current OoK members have full advisory status to the House Summit and may be included on Summit emails, discussions, message board topics, etc.


Members of HSK currently serving in any leadership role from BTL to QUA are not eligible for induction until they no longer hold any official position. This is done simply to allow the House a breadth of potential creativity and guidance not afforded otherwise if only a few people held every position of service. Past leaders are of course eligible.

If a member of the OoK ascends to the Clan Summit, or other position that takes him outside the House while serving on the panel, he is automatically retired with full honors so that he may move on to serve the greater interests of the Clan and Brotherhood.

Battle Teams

House Satal Keto is composed of one battle team, Satal Victus.

Roll of Quaestors

  1. Warhunter: 6/12/2005 to 7/22/2005
  2. Arso Slyth: 7/22/2005 to 10/10/2005
  3. Jaysen: 10/10/2005 to 11/8/2005
  4. Warhunter: 11/8/2005 to 3/13/2006
  5. Kromtal Stormfyld: 3/29/2006 to 4/21/2006
  6. Venquis: 4/22/2006 to 5/20/2006
  7. Daniel Stephens: 5/20/2006 to 7/18/2006
  8. Silent: 7/18/2006 to 9/27/2006
  9. Raken: 9/27/2006 to Present

Roll of Aediles

  1. Virulence Isradia: 7/24/2005 to 9/20/2005
  2. Aristan "Sarin" Dantes: 9/20/2005 to 11/14/2005
  3. Esca: 11/14/2005 to 1/14/2006
  4. Kromtal Stormfyld: 1/28/2006 to 3/29/2006
  5. Daniel Stephens: 4/5/2006 to 6/16/2006
  6. Silent: 6/16/2006 to 7/22/2006
  7. Raken: 7/22/2006 to 9/27/2006
  8. Daniel Stephens: 9/27/2006 to Present