
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 15:13, 22 November 2009 by Martumal (talk | contribs)
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

12 ABY

Date of Death:


Physical Description





1.8 meters









Personal Information




Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):


Fighting Style(s):
Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Knight




Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

"I am gifted when it comes to war. Since I could walk I've been trained how to fight, to kill, and most importantly to read my opponents accurately. I've survived more assassination attempts and coups than I can count, and I base that all on my ability to read others. So, I hope you take all of that into account when I say that compared to Voden, I am an idiot child who will never comprehend the level of analysis he routinely displays."
Sashar Erinos, di Tenebrous Arconae, when asked about Voden

Voden is a Mandalorian by adoption, and a former farm boy hailing from Dantooine. Despite the unsuspecting beginnings, the boy has ascended within the Mandalorian culture and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. The circumstances that led to his fruition are what shaped him into the person he is today. An excessively witty and charming individual to those he considers companions -- two traits hidden from those unfamiliar with him, who typically describe him as socially awkward.

However, no one can refute his perseverance. His story alone is testament itself to the conviction he has for his destiny.

Character History

From Humble Beginnings

For the farmers of the expansive plains of Dantooine, conflict was a far off and out of mind concept. It was for this reason that Orar and Choruk emigrated from Mandalore to the plains just outside of Garang, the capital city of Dantooine. War weary and in the process of starting a family, the two chose the simple life for their child(ren). With a clean slate and small sum of credits, they purchased a small plot of land and erased all evidence of the bellicosity they exercised all their lives as Mandalorians.

Their first child was a boy whom they named Layari. Orar and Choruk both appreciated Layari very much, however during the fifth year of his life he was gifted with a younger brother. The infant was christened Voden. Along with his brother, the two grew up a life without the worries that plagued so many others of the galaxy. Their most primary concerns were that of maintaining their crops, keeping up with their chores around the home, and their studies. Despite their age difference, the two were both very close.

The family rarely managed to get involved with the affairs of other people. Generally, they ensured that they remained mostly in isolation. With no friends to make, Voden and Layari's bond was only allowed to grow. Their boyish ways could not be disregarded though, and the two often ended up playfully wrestling with each other to the disdain of their mother. Over time, the father began to secretly teach them ways to gain the upper hand in combat. Still Mandalorian at heart, he didn't see any harm in them pounding on each other occasionally.

Life continued this monotonous trend for the family. Constant chores and studies, balanced out with the occasional fighting matches when Choruk was not around. For Layari, everything was great. He could spend the remainder of his days continuing this cycle. However, Voden soon became frustrated with the trend and longed to have things another way.

Teenage Rebellion

Every week, Orar traveled to the city of Garang to purchase essentials for the continued prosperity of his family. Since Voden was ten, he had accompanied his father along with Layari on this expedition. Such a regular escape was exactly what he appreciated, and he was glad to be able to take part in it. Lately though, he has done much to jeopardize his right to take part in the traveling party.

Voden was quite fond of going off on his own on these days, which Orar was not particularly against. In fact, he had encouraged Layari to do the same on many occasions, but the stubborn boy remained present at his father's side. The freedom and independence that was exercised by his right to go out like this was exhilarating. Despite being raised without any neighbors or other people to see without covering vast distances, Voden seemed quite confident as he strolled through the crowded streets.

These regular outings became habit, and soon the boy started to grow bored with them. In attempt to deviate in order to get the amusement back, he started interacting with people. Instead of going his regular route, he would take a left or try to find another way. These simple things did little to alleviate his distress though. Instead, he decided to step things up even more. For the sake of having fun, Voden decided to dabble into criminal activities. For example, while the baker was busy taking and fulfilling the orders of his clientele, one boy would be taking advantage of the situation by snatching the largest items that he could hide without being noticed.

Not only was he thieving shops, he was also stealing from homes and from people on the streets. When people accused him of something, his quick wit and charm would immediately kick in to ensure that he remained out of harm's way. For awhile this seemed to work, but at times he felt that it was best to merely flee. He attained the knowledge and abilities to succeed in his endeavors by his excellent cognitive abilities in analyzing his experiences and adapting new tactics to how he employed himself. He was finally having the fun he wanted.

However, petty crime was not the only past time for Voden on these trips. He still acted his part as a tourist and learned his way around the city. From the capital buildings, to the shops of downtown and the slums, all the way to the city's spaceport, Voden knew most of the Garang city pretty well in his weekly visits over the past half decade. With this knowledge, he effectively decided where he would be spending most of his time in the city, and which areas he would avoid. He decided to avoid places that were widely recognized as crime havens already and places where there was less protection. For the sake of never being too far away from his father as well, he also avoided the farthest end of the city that extended past the spaceport.

Tragedy Unfolds

"You can't hide from your past forever, burc'ya."
―Mandalorian merc to Orar before dealing with him

Voden hardly remained untouchable during his juvenile escapades. On multiple occasions his stealth skill failed, and his fast talking followed suit. Despite several years of experience, the now fifteen year old boy still made the exiguous slip up. On this specific occasion though, he found himself being detained by a man who was much larger than he. To make matters more dismal, the man's wife had contacted the authorities whom the three of them were waiting just outside their apartment complex for.

The restrained boy noticed the looks of curiosity that evolved on people's faces as they passed by the scene. His mind raced with ideas on how to get out of the situation, and that's when he recognized that he had the resources to make it happen. In desperation, he began screaming for assistance, declaring the man a kidnapper. At first, Voden didn't recognize much reaction. However, a man suddenly walked over and demanded to be briefed on the situation. His yelling along with Voden's brought about more eyes, and people began to slow their paces.

Voden continued his desperate pleas for help. His act was convincing enough for more people to come over to question the large man holding him captive. It didn't take long before he felt the man's grasp weaken, and he was able to kick out and escape. He felt the man's hands glide along his back as he flung himself forward, but they failed to grip him. His sprint was fully adrenaline filled, and he found himself failing to weave between some groups of people and instead pushing them out of the way. Soon, his panic subsided and was replaced with a resolute calm.

His thoughts went to that of the time of the day, which was presently quite late. He resumed his sprint in the same direction, making his way to the meeting place on the outskirt of the city where they always met. When he arrived there, he found that his father and brother were not present. He decided to give them an hour, and entertained himself by recalling the events of his day and the circumstance that transpired to lead to his capturing. An hour came and passed though, and there was no sign of his traveling companions.

So many ideas and concerns washed through him. As much as he doubted that they would make their way back home without him, he decided that the most logical option for him was to head home. Following the same route his father took to go between their domicile and Garang, he hoped to intercept them on their way back if they left later than him, or if they came back for him. In his mind, the worst case scenario involved having to walk all the way back home and arriving late.

His trip there was uneventful. The route his father took so frequently was one that he had christened himself that no one ever took or happened to cross. With nothing to take his mind off of things, he was left to contemplate various scenarios over and over. In each one, he practiced what he would say in his head. He had gotten good at lying to excuse himself from various situations. It had become a second nature, something he could do without much effort at all.

The fifteen mile trip took Voden approximately four hours of consistent walking and running. Upon getting home, his feet were sore and he was very tired. When he walked in his house, he crept into his room. The next morning, he woke up with the sun high in the sky. This was unorthodox for him, as his mother often got up to awake her two sons upon daybreak. He checked Layari's room who was not present. Perhaps they had let him sleep in because they knew he got home late?

As unlikely as this was, he decided to comfort himself with this explanation. He walked outside to check to see if the landspeeder was present in their port. Upon realizing it wasn't, he panicked. Had they never left? He walked around screaming for his parents, but found no response. He wasn't allowed in his parent's room, but he decided this warranted his entrance. His eyes immediately landed on his mother whose chest was charred; the work of blaster fire.

He left the room, incapable of dealing with it. Instead, he left to his room. His father and older brother would be back soon, and they could help him. All day and night he remained there, incapable of leaving the comfort it provided him. Soon, the realization of the threat this had on his life dawned on him. She was clearly murdered, and both his brother and father were missing. Outside factors were clearly occurring, but he had no clue as to what.

He decided to act, and this first act was to depart to Garang where he could report this. Without the thought of his self defense, he launched through his door and began running the same path he took the night prior. Two trips by himself to and from Garang... all within a few days. Just the other day, he had been sprinting to escape certain conviction. Now, he was sprinting to escape his dead mother; what could be him, dead; and to get help. The adrenaline he had then was insignificant to what was maintaining his pace now.

He had run on and off the entire time, and when he arrived in Garang, his feet were dreadfully sore. Not only physically exhausted, his mind was overwhelmed with so many thoughts, and his emotions were so erratic. When he arrived at the Garang Security Force's headquarters, he found himself going over all the details from the night he walked home to this morning. He was so scared, and just wanted his family back. He wanted to be working on the farm for hours on end and then given the opportunity to sneak out for a bit to wrestle with his brother at his father's discretion.

But a part of him tugged at his senses. It said, None of that is going to be possible again. And it wasn't.

A Broken Boy

Depression soon came to consume Voden. With the death of his mother, and the mysterious circumstances shrouding the conditions of his father and older brother, he had lost all that was dear to him. However, fortune did smile upon him. Shortly after being legally orphaned, a Baron known as Michael Smith adopted Voden and made him the cabana boy of his estate. Many years of work on his farm had toned his body and suntanned him. He had the body of a cabana boy, and by the Baron's will, he would have the talent.

At fifteen, Voden was serving the will of the Baron and the others in his family. Despite his position being one of servitude, Smith despised any form of ignorance, and because of this Voden was tutored regularly. With his expanded knowledge, it seemed he was opened up to a whole new existence. This galaxy was so big, and so full of planets. And Dantooine? It's whole history was eclipsed by other planets. With his studies, Voden could finally get his mind off of the troubles of his life.

His keenness was picked up on by the Baron who often times sat in on his lessons. He decided to take a deep interest in Voden's education, and even held private tutoring sessions with him. It wasn't long before the boy began to appreciate Smith and even consider him a mentor. The relationship was not one sided however, it was quite mutual. The Baron had a certain fondness for the boy, which he could only justify by their similar appreciation for knowledge and the power it held.

As a very influential man on Dantooine, Smith often found himself traveling amongst the various estates that surrounded his own. He soon decided to bring Voden, whom he soon came to introduce as his son. For Voden, the experiences were quite interesting. Instead of utilizing a landspeeder to travel, the Baron had a small shuttle in a equally as magnificent docking bay for such endeavors. He had seen such technology from afar when they departed or landed in the Garang spaceport, but being able to actually fly in them and touch them... it was an entirely different experience.

Not only that, but he also met so many people. He rarely had the opportunity to converse with most of the individuals the Baron met with, but he was often times invited into discussions. This part of his life was so different from before. Meeting people, flying in advanced technology, being pampered, and being taught such complex material... It was pretty much the antithesis of his secluded life he had endured for fifteen years of his life. He liked this life much more, and soon realized truly what ambition was. It seemed that throughout his life, there were these periods where he was thrusted into entirely new concepts that led to expanded awareness.

This concept was the greatest so far. He was no aware of so much more, and what was potential in this galaxy. His ambitions of just breaking from his systematic life evolved with his awareness. Now, he thirsted for more knowledge and experience. Things went from hoping for deviation, to hoping for more of what he was merely getting a taste of. On more than one tutoring session, Voden voiced his desire to the Baron. One who deeply appreciated culture, he divulged to Voden that his desire would be appeased further soon enough.

He kept his word, too. Baron Smith was purchasing a Pursuer-class enforcement ship for 200,000 credits on the planet Mandalore, since MandalMotors was the prime manufacturer of the archaic ship. He decided to take Voden along as well. Before departing though, the Baron dedicated a tutoring session to the relativity of Mandalore's distance from Dantooine on a galaxy map. He then vaguely touched upon the planet's history and present conditions.

Despite still paying attention mostly, Voden could not help but allow his mind as it day dreamed about the acquisition on Mandalore. He would be leaving Dantooine, traveling the galaxy in space, and landing on an entirely different planet! Not only that, but the people of this planet were renowned for their war like attributes. He couldn't help but be enthusiastic, and the emphatic Baron was much more lenient for his pupil's lack of application in his studies. However, he expected much more obedience post-trip as slacking would no longer be ignored...

DJB Facts

Positions Held

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Outstanding Achievements

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Interesting or important facts that do not fall under the other two categories.