Eludajae "Lynx" M'Nar

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club

Template:Sith charinfo

"Tell me what you cherish the most, so I can take it away from you."
―Darth Plagueis

New Republic Security Threat Dossier

Name: Eludajae Mnar

Threat Level: Medium

Criminal Record: Suspected Organized Crime Ties: Syndicate, 4 Counts of Murder in the First Degree, 10 Counts of Arson and larsony in the first degree, assassination of NRS and Diplomatic personnel (Suspected), Member of the Terrorist Group called Clan Taldrayn, a cell within the terrorist underworld organization called the Dark Brotherhood.

Summary: ( Voice of the Anti-Terrorist and Counter Insurgency Trainer for the New Republic Security) This little number is one of the most dangerous of the lot. She is cute, bubbly and most definately a Black widow. Her MO is simple she uses her female attributes to get close and shoots at point blank range. Her favorite is to walk right up to you so you can see her face to face and shoot you with a hold out blaster in the face and or head. She likes to look at the eyes of her victum as they realize whats about to happen. Shes a sadistic little wench, and a dyed in the wool killer. Currently there are rumors she has some ability with the Force, if this is true she is definately under classified threat wise. If she actually has fallen in with this Dark Brotherhood, and is part of one of their cells, she's gone from contract killer for the Syndicate to religious zealot. Which means she's even more dangerous before, at least before she needed a contract to come for you, now all she needs is a remote reason that you might threaten her groups goals. Understand this one has no remorse, she is sadistic, and can not be negotiated with.

End Threat Dossier...

Summary of the character.

Character History

Place of Birth: Nar Shaddaa

Date of Birth : 1 ABY

Current Marital Status: Single

Current Social Status : Clanswoman Scholae Palatinae

Her early Years

As a teen-ager Eludajae was part of a typical gang in Nar Shaddaa. She was a member of the Enclave, a highly organized gang that was part of the Syndicate activities on the smugglers moon. She was into all sorts of gang related activities, robbery, drugs, slavery, invisible market goods, anything that would turn a credit. The Enclave was made up of three street gangs, brought together by a charismatic young man named, Abysmal. Chief Amongst these gangs was the Red Haze. It was here at the tender age of 14 she was beat into the Red Haze after surviving the brutal ritual of being beat by her own gang members she was accepted as one of the Red Haze. By the time she was just 15 she was leading the Red Haze on various “business” for Abysmal. She had a head for tactics and she was a natural leader. She killed her first person, a man, when she was 16. Smugglers would bring in “product” she was one of the few Abysmal would allow to pick up these “products”. One smuggler thought he could pull a fast one on her, no one really knows what he said, all witnesses on the docks say is she walked up to him smiled pulled out her small holdout blaster and shot him straight in the face. He was dead before he hit the ground. Abysmal watch her grow into a beautiful young woman by 17 she was stunning a far cry from the little tomboy he beat into his gang at 14. The two started an on again off again romance. That is when the Bothan named Oberon spotted her and approached her to become a dancer in the Mile High Club, he told her that it was safer, and would protect her beauty much longer than being a Red Haze Enclave enforcer. For reasons known only to Abysmal he agreed, some say he love Eludajae and did it to remove her from the violence of his business to protect her. By the time she was 18 she was one of the senior dancers and a part of the floor security in Mile High. It was around this time that she met and fell in love with Anshara. Anshara was on “loan” to the Mile High from one of the Hutt crime lords. The two became for over a year completely inseparable. Then one day right after Eludajae’s 19th birthday some say the very day after, she walked into the Mile High and Anshara was gone with only a short note of where. The Hutt crime lord had sold her and Anshara did not know where she was going, and the transaction was “confidential” and no one either would or could tell her where Anshara was.

Her Adult years and awakening to the Force

Eludajae, sith tatoo

The Syndicate Assassin

Around the time Anshara disappeared she saved Oberon from three Syndicate enforcers. She was so violent about it, she tried to remove one’s eye with razor wire, and the other two did not fair much better, one lost three fingers one he swears to this day she actually bit off in fight that ensued. The other one did not survive. The local Syndicate boss was so impressed he asked her if she wanted a job. She took the job on the condition that her club, girls and Oberon were outside of Syndicate and Hutt rule. Seeing the idea of a neutral place to do business was more than a smart idea he agreed. By the time she was 22 she had forged the Mile High Club into the only neutral ground in her sector of the Vertical City. If you broke the peace in her establishment you had both the Syndicate and Hutts to worry about, If you survived her and her people long enough to make it out of the club. During this time she started her career as a Dominatrix in the more private section of the Mile High Club. She became a mistress of the whip and other tethered weapons, as well as skilled in various forms of torture. During this time in her life the inner rage that seemed to dictate her life became more focused. Her It was said that if someone knew that she was the Syndicate contractor coming for them they would sell body parts to pay their debt. Her violence and cold nature to her work was well known.

The Terrorist

In 24 ABY Eludajae became mixed up in one of Abysmals scams again but this one was about to become one of the most public terrorist acts in New Republic history. It would be the reason she received the threat level of medium which is only used for the most dangerous of individuals, usually used to indicate threat levels from organizations not individuals. The idea was simple, Abysmals organization has suffered the lose of several key money makers to the Hutts in the last decade and Abysmal was going to do something rash. He was going into piracy, like his father. What happened next was going to mark both of them as terrorist to the New Republic and two of the most dangerous residents of Nar Shaddo. They attacked a huge luxury star-liner the Stellar Queen it was on its maiden voyage and its vaults would be full of the wealth of its elite passengers. Which was the primary goal of the attack. However, two young Jedi pilots came to the Stellar Queens aide, and they destroyed Abysmal's frigate that was boarding the star-liner. Forced by the Jedi's success, they took hostages. When the Jedi threatened to board and end the conflict five crew members of the Stellar Queen were spaced. Realizing that Abysmal and her were capable of any atrocity to gain the upper hand the Jedi backed off. A five day stand off between NR authorities and them started with the spacing of five innocents. When the NR negotiator asked that the elderly be released as a show of good faith, all of them were spaced. When the negotiated demanded a reason, Eludajae was reported to have said, " I released them as asked, its not my fault you were not fast enough to pick them up." The Stellar-Queen incident which both Abysmal and her survived earned her several bounties that have never been collected on, and a permanent spot on the New Republic terrorist watch list.

Brush with the Dark Side

Around 25 Eludajae was tracking a mark for the Syndicate when she met the mark in a alley way between buildings. This mark was armed and dangerous, or so she was led to believe, and rumored to be a seller in fake artifacts and such. Which, is exactly why he was marked for death. He sold a fake to Doba the Hutt and embarrassed the Syndicate connections that brought the two together for the transaction. She took the hit because she wanted to get in good with Doba, if anyone knew where Anshara was Doba would know. She killed the mark with her now personal method, she would smile at them using her beauty to get close, then at point blank range would shoot them in the face with a hold out blaster. When the mark hit the ground a small triangular object fell to the ground naturally she went to pick it up, the moment she touched it she was thrown four feet into a wall and reduced to semi-consciousness. A dark robed figure came into view she was in and out of consciousness so she could not really see him or her. They picked up the object and walked over to her. Stood there for a moment and mumbled something about her being still alive. Then said something about, “we will be seeing you soon,” and as they turned they said something about being careful what you touch. For days after She had nightmares of her murdering friends, and had a strange language being screamed into her head, she had killed before, but this was not business it was something else there was darkness to it. It almost drove her mad. She had to know why; finally she saw something on the holonet about strange happenings out near the rim. The moment she saw it she knew, she knew that was where she had to go. She simply woke up the next day and left Nar Shaddaa. She made her way to that place on the rim of the galaxy, it was almost as if she was being called there, called to the Dark Brotherhood. It took her nearly six months for her to finally arrive.

Life within the Dark Brotherhood...

House Acclivis Draco sigil

At age 26, she finally arrived at the Brotherhoods proving grounds and survived the initiation rites of the brotherhood. She was then sent to the Shadow Academy to learn why she was there, by midyear of her 26th year she graduated from the Shadow Academy as an Apprentice, soon after she was placed in the Crimson Vanguard, House Archanis of Taldryan, she advanced rapidly from Apprentice to Protector, all her teachers and those around her said she showed great promise. She was promoted to the rank of Acolyte and found herself with her clan at war, by the end of the war she had proven herself a Clanswoman of Taldryan, and promoted to Protector. The Grand Master himself awarded her two Seals of Pain for her efforts in the Great Jedi War.

Her stay in Clan Taldryan was tumultuous and fiery, she advanced through the ranking of the Brotherhood from Protector to Jedi Hunter faster than any other her teachers and leaders could remember. Such advancement is both looked upon with eyes of interest and scorn. She almost forgot that she was amongst Dark Jedi for a time with the fast friends she made, unaware that they were also potentially her greatest enemies. As with all adept individuals more hate you than adore you. Soon after taking command of the Battle Team Crimson Vanguard. Events began to unfold that would force her into flight from the Clan. Unaware of the jealously of her fellows she was tipped off that her time within the House and Clan was nearing an impasse she would not survive. Being a woman that takes matters into her own hands she contacted the Dark Council of the Brotherhood itself and reasoned with the Master at Arms for a transfer to the one place she knew she would not only excel but be welcomed. Clan Scholae Palatinae...Hoping to enter the House Acclivis Draco.

Leaving the Krath and becoming Sith

House Caliburnus Sigil

As with many things, even the best of plans are not always what fate and the Force have in store for you. She found this to be true when she entered the House Acclivis Draco a primarily Krath house. Full of the Clans most intelligent and scholarly members, there was a wealth of knowledge for her to learn from there. She perhaps learned "too well" on one of her meditations she would experience a life altering event within the Force. She would come to understand that the Force not only binds all living things together, it does so across the flows of time as well as space. The Force simply is, and exists everywhere and every when. During her meditations she experiences a rare form of transference, a form of time travel as it were. She found herself locked in a struggle that would not happen for a hundred years, trapped there she was forced to play a role in the future which would effect the past. After what she thought was an unheard of two day long vision she found that her vision was not just esoteric. She "returned" changed, she had Sith tattoos on her body, and the light saber she had used to attack her foes just before the vision ended was on the floor next to her. Uncertain of how to explain this to anyone she simply made arrangements to move into the Sith order her true calling. She also moved into her current Sith House of Caliburnus soon after, where she and its current Quaestor have built a strong alliance and friendship.

People and Things that shaped her life thus far...


Before the Brotherhood

Oberon is the Bothan that took her in and made her a dancer, also, made her his "junior" partner in the club after she saved his life from two Syndicate bruisers, one died shortly after of his wounds the other still bares the dead eye from where she used razor wire to try and gouge out his eye. Strangely enough he does not hold a gruge but is protective of the "little vixon" everyone deals with their pain differently.

Anshara is the one person that most agree was the love of Eludajae's life. She was a slave owned by Duba the Hutt on Nar Shaddo that danced at the Mile High Club, Eludajae fell for her about as hard as anyone could for another and its said that Anshara was equally taken with the dark girl known as the "Black Vixon" by her Syndicate allies and rivals alike. What is known for certain is Anshara was ripped from Eludajae only after six months when Duba sold her, to a party that neither the hutt or her Syndicate contact will reveal to Eludajae. This of course pushed Eludajae into one of the most violent and dark times of her life. It was during the first six months of her losing Anshara that the Stellar Queen incident occurred.

Her other "love interest" at this time is said to be the handsome and equally as violent Syndicate under boss and gang leader Abysmal He is said to have been her lover when she was part of his street gang that he eventually built into a Syndicate operation on Nar Shaddo, its here where most agree that Eludajae's violent and dark nature was cultivated for the future of what she would become now. It is uncertain if the two actually loved the other, or just found a partner they could respect that was an equal in their eyes. No one knows.

The Brotherhood's Influence

The first two people in the Brotherhood to influence her were Impetus and Daar. Impetus is the first person to take note of her within the Brotherhood and both her and Eludajae have been known to be with the other on a near constant rate to date. Some say there is more than a friendship there. Daar was her first Battle team leader, he taught her to put into action the knowledge she learned as an Apprentice in the Shadow Academy. Her violent and ruthless nature always made people wonder why she was Krath to begin with. Daar is said to claim her as a girl friend, that relationship has never been confirmed or denied at this point. What is certain is the two are close or used to be, before she left his clan. One of the most important people to her during her rise from Apprentice to Jedi Hunter within House Archanis was the Envoy Sith Warrior Gobhainn. It was only with his guidance that enabled her to excel as she did within the ranks of the Brotherhood. So much so she was willing to write a recommendation for her then Queastor Crix supporting his promotion to Sith Warrior, to her Gobhainn is what all Envoys should desire to be.

As she moved from her original clan to her new clan, she experienced many new peoples chief amongst them would be Shikyo and Rasilvenaira. Both of these people would show her a side of the brotherhood that would like Impetus be reason to fight for herself and continue in this dark brotherhood. She is from a world where few survive by anything other than pure hate. These three would show her that there was more to the brotherhood than on the surface. Along with Braecen who would eventually become Consul of another clan would forge her into a dark jedi that few could withstand.


She is allergic to the common alcohol of the galaxy, Synthahol, it makes her violently ill.

DJB Facts

The wolf Pack

(a group of friends that write fiction with the other.For more information on the Wolf Pack visit Shikyo's site.)

Members of the Wolf Pack:

Shikyo: Alpha Male

Eludajae: Alpha Female

Impetus Korin Palpatine : Mistress of the Wolf

Davin Olar : Assassin of the Wolf

Positions Held

Former Krath Tetrarch: Crimson Vanguard, House Archanis of Taldryan


Player's Association: Jedi Hunter

ACC: Initiate

Outstanding Achievements


Promotion to Jedi Hunter on 9/24/2007


Anteian Cross x 1

Crescent with Amethyst Star x 3

Crescent with Emerald Star x 4

Crescent with Quartz Star x 2

Crescent with Ruby Star x 2

Crescent with Sapphire Star x 1

Crescent with Topaz Star x 1

Dark Side Scroll x 3

Seal of Pain x 4


Eludajae is a name randomly generated by the Everquest 2 player generation system, she was created by me for Everquest after I left the Star Wars Galaxies game over 2 years ago. In the Everquest 2 game she is a Level 80 (( currently max level)) Shadowknight who has ties to the God of War Rallos, In that game she is an Knight within the Guild called Torrent Knights and has an alter ego called Eludajaee which is a level 73 Bruiser, (( the evil martial artist)) also of the God Rallos she is in both forms a Teir'Dal or Dark Elf.

The last name M'Nar is a off shoot of the Dark Elf House of N'Mar from the Everquest 1 game, the name was first used by Anshara Mnar, who is Eludajae's in game wife and compainion at arms, herself a level 80 Assassin. (( this is played by another player and is role played as such)).