Template:Krath charinfo
Character History
Little is known about Raven. He was found on a starship by Nekura Manji Keibatsu while the now Epis was still a Knight. Manji can recall that Raven was fanatically devoted to annhilating any pirates he came across, for the sole reason that "pirates" is the most specific description he has of the men who murdered his parents and neary succeeded in killing him. This is what fuels his anger, and it has become a mixture of regret of his inability to avenge them, the anger, and the despair that followed the tragedy. This is suspected to also be the cause of his Force sensitivity.
Out of the Frying Pan
Raven can still remember small things about his time before the brotherhood. After his parents were murdered by what he can best describe as "pirates," his parents' ship crashed onto an uninhatbited ice planet, which to this day he still does not know the name of. He survived for what may have been a year, hiding in the wreckage, and, slowly constructing a starship device to take him off the planet. Were it not for him having wealthy parents, whos names are lost, he would not have had education enough to construct such a thing. When he did finish it, after a near fatal takeoff, and an even more dangerous hyperspace jump, he made it back to civilization, as a unnoticed lowlife.
Into the Fire
The young boy Raven found himself consumed by vengence, and became somthing of a crusader against murders, but not out of dreams of a righteous world, but the absolute extermination of all of those who might be in league with the people who killed his parents. He was driven to the point of insanity, had the Knight Manji not bested him in combat (with realtive ease). With the promise to give him the ability to hunt those who would think of taking the actions that destroyed his life, he was inducted into the Brotherhood.
(In actuality, Raven was never recruited, but the DB member who fictionally recruited him was never defined in his history, and it is only fitting that his original master and Envoy take that place)
To be finished
A Brother in Darkness
Krath Priest Raven
After a period, Raven returned from a long mission of unknown purpose to Tarthos, rejoining his Clanmates. There he was assigned a new master, Callus Bo'Amar, who would be a steadfast ally in the time to come.
At that time Raven was still at the rank of Guardian. It was Callus who would be his guide to the rank of Jedi Hunter, something he had wish to aspire to for some time.
DJB Facts
- Raven's time in the Brotherhood has been punctuated, mainly because of school. However, as of late, he has enough time to act as a full time member.
- Raven has never left his first house and clan, Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow, except to the Rogues.
- Former Tetrarch of the Night Raptors BattleTeam.
- Former Tetrarch of the Night Hawks BattleTeam.
- Was a Herald Magistrate before his current appointment as Praetor.