Shaevalis Prime, Shaevalis system
Thyrsian, Galactic Basic
250 - 400 years average
average 1.9-2.1 meters
Typically dark
Typically dark (mostly brown and black)
- physical size
- impressive constitution
- highly xenophobic
While known as Shaevalians due to the name of their home world and system, the members of this race are ethnically Echani, members of the Thyrsian sub-species that evolved from that race. The Shaevalis system is said to be in a particularly vicious area of Wild Space, with the main planet in the system known as Shaevalis Prime.
Physical Appearance
As a species, Shaevalians tend to be somewhat larger, and of greater stature than most near-Human species; they generally resemble their Thyrsian stock, though perhaps larger. Shaevalians possess a denser muscular structure, and bones that are more-heavily ossified, perhaps to support their greater muscle weight. Most Shaevalians stand between 1.9-2.1 meters in height, though there are some exceptions both above and below, with males of the species making up the majority of the height. On the average, males stand at two meters in height, while females stand slightly below 1.9 meters. The weight ranges for Shaevalians vary as with every species, but very few Shaevalians weigh less than 90 kilograms after reaching adulthood. Most Shaevalian males weigh at least 110 kilograms, with females generally weighing about 95 kilograms or more.
Hair and eye color for the Shaevalians is typically dark, as with other Thyrsians. While no Shaevalians have ever been noted as having anything but dark brown or black hair, there are exceptions to eye color. Most Shaevalians have dark eyes, but about one in one hundred Shaevalians are born with blue or green eyes; one out of 1,000 Shaevalians are even born with eyes of any other color.
Other physical features of Shaevalians are generally the same as other Thyrsians throughout the galaxy. As a very prejudiced people, the Shaevalians tend to take note of anything “unusual,” and either move to eradicate it, or hide it within their culture.
The average Shaevalian lifespan is approximately 250 years. The oldest Shaevalian recorded lived to the age of 496 years of age before death. Shaevalian bodies age at a slower rate than other near-Humans. Shaevalians are not considered adults socially until their 60th year, while their bodies generally reach adulthood physically by their 35th year. Their longevity stems the effects of aging until they reach into their 200th year or so. Most Shaevalians will not gain graying hair or wrinkles until this point naturally.
Biological Characteristics
Shaevalians are typically taller, sturdier, and more dense as a race than other near-Humans. As noted above, they tend to be taller, broader, heavier individuals. They are very much a warrior people. Their muscular structures have denser muscle tissue though interaction with them (what little there has been) has not allowed for studies of their tissues and genetic makeup. They have greater endurance and natural resistance to traumatic injury than other species. They are by no means immortal, or unnaturally regenerative; their bodies just simply require more force to injure, and age slowly.
One of the more-recognized Shaevalians in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood, Sith Bloodfyre, is perhaps an oddity among his people. Sith stands at the lower end of the height spectrum of his people, and about mid-range in weight. He has verified that he is a runt among his kind, which he states may be due to circumstances surrounding his birth. From what he has told Tarentum researchers about his people, it sounds as though his Constitution and physical resilience, while above average, is not as great as his kin; again, this may be related to his birth, but it has also been suggested that the other known Shaevalian, Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae, may not be as resilient as other Shaevalians, as well. One hypothesis has been formulated that it may be due to distance from their home system. Perhaps there may be elements or nutrients from plant or animal life within the Shaevalis system that offer this increased physical attribute.
Other attributes to the Shaevalian people are deep, baritone-to-bass voices. Even females typically have lower-range voices than other species. Their bodies are generally more active, and require a greater caloric intake to maintain their strength. Their diet is generally protein-based, with heavy emphasis on meat as a food source.
The religion of the Shaevalians centers around their "sun god," Gyssh'tyn. The pantheon of deities is rounded out by the remaining planets of the system, who represent the still-living children of the god, as well as his siblings and allies. Thirteen planets in all make up the Shaevalis system, and while Shaevalis Prime may actually be misnamed, as it is not the first planet of the system or its largest, it is certainly the center of the system's population, and its religion.
The temple of Gyssh'tyn upon Shaevalis Prime is actually the palace of the Royal Family. Here, Shaevalians across the system believe the entire Royal Family goes about their daily lives, communing with the pantheon of gods, and directing the spiritual affairs of the Shaevalian race. In truth, the temple of Gyssh'tyn is anything but a palace of spiritual guidance, while the Shaevalian race is kept in the dark as to the truth.
The Seventh Son of Gyssh'tyn, Yydar, is akin to a messiah among the Shaevalians. While history knows little of the first Yydar, he was marked by a specific pigmentation that identified him as Gyssh'tyn's last mortal child. The line that descends from Yydar is still regarded as "the Seventh Son," as a living representation of the god's son to continue to bless the system and its people. The current physical manifestation of the Seventh Son would be much like a spiritual leader for the people. However, the Royal Family is never permitted outside of the temple. As such, Shaevalians simply believe that their messiah is praying for them, and asking them to seek out higher causes and lives.
As representatives of the Seventh Son and the Royal Family, the Soreihan, the guardians of the Royal Family, have their own cabal of priests and monks who dictate regular worship among the masses. The main duty of the Soreihan is to act as the mystical guardians of the Seventh Son and the Royal Family, but they state they have also been charged by their god to deliver his messages to them. Every city or town will have at least one member of the Soreihan to preach to them regularly.
Major spiritual events are held on a monthly basis. Worship for the Shaevalians is conducted at night, when the moons are at their highest, when the Soreihan dictate that the Seventh Son is able to reach across the world with his spirit to become one with every Shaevalian for that moment of perfection and peace. These spiritual festivals, called "The Night With The Son," are grand spectacles, and often consist of the main spiritual mass or gathering, along with formal banquets with local leaders, and reenactments of periods of Shaevalian spiritual history.
Society and Culture
In addition to being a very aggressive, warrior race, the Shaevalians are also very religious and mystical. The system star and its planets are named for the mythology and religion of the Shaevalians who conquered the system. Gyssh’tyn, the star of the system, is named for the main god of their pantheon, while the rest of the planets are named for siblings, allies and children of Gyssh’tyn. All Shaevalians are taught to worship Gyssh’tyn, and are raised from birth to believe in and respect the powers that Gyssh’tyn and his true followers wield.
The Royal Family of Shaevalis is said to be descended from Gyssh’tyn through his seventh son, Yydar. Gyssh’tyn and his children were all warriors and gods, but in the eternal struggles of the immortals, most of Gyssh’tyn’s children fell in combat. The remaining children of Gyssh’tyn are his twin daughters, Sharea and Marea (second and third child, respectively), and his sons, Set (his fourth son), Coruus (his sixth son), and Yydar (his seventh and last offspring). The Royal Family of Shaevalis is said to be powerful sorcerers among the Shaevalians, but they remain so secluded from the rest of the system and society, they may be more myth that reality.
The Shaevalis System and its people are ruled over by a form of shogunate and military dictatorship. The Grand Generals of Shaevalis have ruled over the system in the name of the Royal Family for several thousand years, with the position of Grand General passing from father to son or daughter, and only jumping between families in the case of assassination when another seeks the power to rule, or in the cases of those who do not have children. The Grand General rules with total authority in the absence of the Royal Family, though the Royals could usurp control from the Grand General if they so desired. In an effort to make sure this does not happen, though, it has become a practice among the Grand Generals to poison the Royal Family, killing “excess” members to limit how many people could usurp their power, as well as keeping the Royal Family “occupied” through whatever means possible.
The Grand General is Shemus Bloodfyre.
The Shaevalis System
The Shaevalis System lies in what is currently known as “Wild Space,” beyond the Corellian Run if you follow it out from the Core. The system itself has existed for several billion years, though life has existed on it for probably only a few hundred thousand years.
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Shaevalian History
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Shaevalians in the Dark Brotherhood
Sith Bloodfyre
Brent "Archangel" Ligur Victae