Agron Dyrce

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Imperial eraRise of the Brotherhood eraExodus era.New Order era.
Agron Dyrce
Biographical Information

Caldor IV

Date of Birth:

9 ABY (age 33)

Physical Description









Light Brown



Personal Information

Kailyn Dyrce




DL-44 Blaster

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information



New Order



Personal Ship:

Moldy Womprat - XS Stock Light Freighter



[ Source ]

AGRON DYRCE has been trying to make a name for himself as a smuggler and courier for years, and he's still trying. Growing up poor on Caldor IV, Agron learned at an early age that being quick, clever, and quiet could earn him a lot of credits from folks that wanted to keep their communications and business transfers unobtrusive.

It wasn't long before speeder chases became ship chases, and mobsters from other cities became crime lords from other worlds. Agron's reputation is pretty clear among his business associates with only a few deals gone wrong, but he's still chasing that big score that will let him retire. And the older he gets, the more he's aware that so is everyone else.

Not long ago, Agron secured a regular deal with the Brotherhood and it's been lucrative for him. Now all that's left to do is make money and get out.

Character History

Agron was born to a bartender on Caldor IV. They lived a very poor life together, but she worked as hard as she could to keep them in good shape. Unfortunately, she also kept a stream of random men coming in and out of Agron's life to varying degree of complication. He finally left home after an alteration that left one of her suitors dead. Since then, he's made contacts with multiple crime lords and has established himself as a decent courier and smuggler, though he's still not been able to get to the level of recognition he's hoped for.

Recently, he's found his way to working with The Brotherhood's clan Clan Plagueis as a smuggler and that's been the first bit of consistent income he's managed in a while, enabling him to purchase his own vessel, a battered XS Stock Light Freighter he dubbed the Moldy Womprat for how beat up and damaged it was. "But at least it flies..."

Caldor IV

Caldor IV was a backwater agriculture planet in the Outer Rim with a population of 80,000 people, planetwide. Most of the planet's inhabitants live near the central spaceport in New Caldor city, Greenwater Spaceport. Greenwater is surprisingly busy for the rural nature of the planet, with cargo ships constantly coming in and out to pick up grains and food stock and deliver parts and workers for the farms on the planet.

This constant influx of new folks was how Agron came to be. His mother, Kailyn Dyrce, was the bar tender at the spaceport watering hole, The Black Hole Cantina. She was a beautiful woman with a flirtatious streak that landed her the evening company of many of the passing ship's captains. She made a point of never remembering anyone's names to keep things less complicated... which became very complicated when she found herself pregnant with a son.

Agron was born with no father, and no way to find him. Kailyn was good to him and worked hard to make sure they had what they needed, but never stopped bringing her captains home, in some quest for a little bit of adventure in their mundane day to day life. Most of the men she brought home were neutral toward Agron, some were kind and generous to the young boy, but some were cruel. Kailyn saw to getting rid of those men rapidly, but the damage was often already done.

Agron found himself out on the streets daily, looking for ways to make extra credits and to avoid his mother's suitors. He fell in with a questionable group of folks, but he found his way to credits. He started working for the criminal underbelly on Caldor IV and quickly got a reputation as a dependable courier. Before long, he was making almost as much money as his mother. One of the local crime bosses, Dix Marconan, was quick to bring him onto his payroll to make sure his loyalties stayed in one place.

Dix, a Weequay pirate with a bad attitude, took a liking to Agron and taught him how to be better at his craft, how to get around security, and how to shoot a blaster. Agron knew that Dix wasn't exactly the best role model in the world, but he was the closest thing to a positive influence Agron had ever had in his life. He ate up everything the man could teach him, especially when Dix took him off-world with him a few times to help with jobs.

Agron's relationship with his mother was difficult as he grew older, growing resentful of the fact that she wouldn't focus on them and kept bringing in these strange men that could be so cruel to him. It was magnified by the fact that Kailyn did not approve of his working with Dix, and constantly tried to keep Agron from being able to. The two often fought and very seldom saw eye to eye and things continued to get worse with the men that his mother would bring home.

One of those men proved to be the breaking point for Agron. The man decided that Agron needed to be put in his place after an off-handed comment. Kailyn tried to intervene, but the man turned his anger on his instead, easily overpowering the smaller woman. The altercation ended with the sound of a blaster and a dead body in their living room. Kailyn looked up, stunned, to see her son standing there with a DL-44 she never knew he had, glaring down at the dead body on the floor.

She screamed as Agron calmly left the room. Dix had always told him he'd have to kill a man some day and needed to be prepared for it, he just never imagined it'd be in his own home. As he came out of his bedroom a few moments later with his duffle over his shoulder, his mom questioned where he thought he was going. He told her he'd figure that out, and left without another word.

He's looked back into the incident over the years to make sure his mother didn't get in trouble. The local police called it self-defense and closed the case, but he never went back to Caldor IV and never will.

Crime Lords

Dix had promised Agron a way off the planet when he was old enough. Agron showed up and asked for a ship and explained to Dix what had happened. The crime boss gave Agron one of his ships and sent him on his way, saying it was a bonus for all the hard work he'd done over the years. He also put Agron into contact with his first big crime lord client: Sarriss Stass on Antillor, a few systems away. Sarriss had a network of smugglers and criminals doing various bits of work for everyone from the fledgling First Order to the New Republic and everyone in between.

Sarriss wasn't overly impressed with Agron, but she did throw some jobs his way as a favor to Dix, which gave him enough room to breathe to make other contacts, and was happy enough with the results to keep the work coming. In addition to Sarriss, Agron began working for Baz Remo on Bendil IX, Sarxon Nil on Cadiss, and Gurjin the Hutt on Candover IX. With a network of associates established, Agron began making a name for himself as a qualified courier and smuggler in the region. He became quite a shot, and quickly learned the ropes of his trade. Work was fairly consistent, but there were still times that fuel was a luxury.


During his time working exclusively for crime lords, Agron found himself in the employ of Kaldor Ris, an information broker and arms dealer operating out of Cestus II. While working as a courier, he was unfortunate enough to witness the way the man mistreated his protocol droid R-3PO. The poor droid was kicked, shoved, screamed at, and beaten until his programming was about to fritz out. Agron knew that he was just a droid, but he'd never been memory wiped either, and the way R-3PO cowered when Kaldor got close, still reminded him far too much of his past.

When Agron got paid, he asked for R-3PO instead of a portion of his credits. Kaldor flatly refused, but Agron challenged him to a game of Sabacc for the droid. Kaldor, always bragging about his Sabacc skills, thought it'd be an easy way to get his payment back from Agron. After five grueling hours of playing, Agron won with an Idiot's Array, infuriating Kaldor.

Agron quickly gathered his winnings - far more than Kaldor had originally paid him - and took the droid back to his ship. He never admitted it to anyone, but he'd cheated during the game, carefully palming cards during the game to build the idiots array. He wasn't going to leave R-3PO behind.

R-3PO, now lovingly called Repo, now serves Agron. Agron did extensive repairs to his chassis and body, bringing him back to just about mint condition and giving him a fresh coat of pain in teal and cream to give the droid a fresh start. R-3PO quickly learned Agron's patterns and habits and has become an invaluable asset on missions, and a good friend to Agron.

The Brotherhood

Recently, Agron has found his way into working for the Brotherhood. Initially, he was a bit wary to work for the group as he'd never been much of one for mysticism, but the pay was solid and the work was constant, so he got over it. With some extended time now working for the group, he's glad he made the decision to do so. The Brotherhood has afforded him the first bit of consistent pay he's had in a while, running everything from goods to information, not to mention a few good places to hid and be safe between the more dangerous missions.

The Moldy Womprat

The work with the Brotherhood gave Agron something he'd been wanting for quite some time. Recently, he was able to purchase an old XS Stock Light Freighter from a junkyard that he dubbed the Moldy Womprat. The ship has certainly seen better days, but it flies, and it enabled him to return Dix's ship to him and thank his old friend for helping him get away. Dix was thrilled at Agron's success and offered him work any time he wanted it.

The Future

Between his work for the Brotherhood and his work for the various crime lords he's found himself connected to, Agron is hopeful for the future. He still hasn't become the A-list smuggler he's hoping to be, but he's getting closer every day and with the credits coming in now, it won't be long before he's where he wants to be. It's just a matter of time.

Physical Description

Agron is a tall, slender man with dark hair and green eyes. He carries himself with an air of confidence and walks into the room like he owns the place. Agron is quick to laugh and loves good conversation with friends, but it takes a while to see that side of him as he's often slow to trust. He's generally dressed in comfortable space fairing clothes and is constantly armed, especially if he says he's not. He has a small scar on his left cheek from a hydraulics coupler that burst on Dix's ship during a particularly hairy mission.