Galan Telthas

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Galan Telthas
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

9 BBY (Age: 43)

Date of Death:


Physical Description


Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information
  • Ship Captain
  • Retribution Captain
[ Source ]

Galan Telthas is the current Communications Officer of the MJHC Retribution of House Marka Ragnos.

Character History

Tarthos was his home for as long as he could remember until the True Brotherhood attacked and destroyed Markosian City. As a child, Galan Telthas was little more than the average boy. He hung around with other kids his own age, had a few girlfriends here and there and generally kept to his studies and didn’t bother anyone. The destruction of his home city would warp him and twist him into a bitter man who cared for little or no one. Galan often wonders what exactly would have happened in his life had the orbital bombardment not occurred, but there was nothing he could do and nothing he could change.

Growing up in the early years he would go out with friends in the wilds, play games in the streets and at times simply laze by the lakes enjoying life to the fullest. When the True Brotherhood invaded the system and attempted to destroy the planet, he watched from a hilltop as great lances of energy soared from the sky and hammered into his home. As he watched his home burn, he could see numerous visions of destruction which caused him great grief. Because of this, he would never get to see his parents, his friends,and his home ever again.

He moved to Sepros to live with an uncle who was part of the military forces. With great effort he managed to fit in with a new school, make some new friends but many pitied him. Many looked at him and saw a survivor while Galan only wanted them to see him. He was a Sephi and the other children grew distant from him. He expected it to be honest, he knew he would outlive most of them in age so this only added to his jaded personality and by the time he was 16 years of age Galan had next to no friends, spent most of his time at home and only really left his house to go to school.

When he hit eighteen his uncle had enough of his moping about and unsophisticated attitude and threatened to kick him into the streets if he didn’t get out there and do something with his life. Not wanting to lose his home but unwilling to do anything Galan pretended to go out of his way and signed up to the Dlarit naval academy. Thinking he could fail it, show he did something and then go back to his normal life. Nothing was ever that simple of course.

He purposely missed the first drafting, then the second and had planned to make the third or maybe fourth when they came for him. They carted him before a senior instructor at the academy who terrified the young Sephi. The burly man screamed in his face asking if it was a joke and if messing around the proud Warhost of Naga Sadow was his idea of fun. Galan could say nothing but weather the tirade of abuse. He swore he would do better and before he knew it he was installed into a classroom and began his training a member of the Dlarit navy.

The irony of his assignment was that he was placed with the communication specialists. He hated people and wanted nothing to do with them but he was being trained to speak to them and relay messages, as well as decipher codes and whatever else came his way. The irony extended further when the instructor who had screamed in his face ended up being the courses instructor. Though perhaps that was less irony and more planned the young Sephi thought. He struggled through his course and only barely passed. He asked to sit it again unhappy with his score and he was given one final chance to prove he could do what was required. He had a fortnight to prepare.

He went home and studied everything. Nothing was left out and with a few less than friendly calls with his instructor and encouragement from his Uncle he crammed as much as he could in before returning to the academy and resitting the exam. He passed and this time with flying colours. He was assigned to a ship in orbit and spent the next year working away at the comms station. He became rather adept at it, he hated being surrounded by people of course, but he managed to deal with them via comms as he didn’t need to be near them.

Another year passed and he soon found himself applying for officer training at the recommendation of his senior officer and so it was he found himself back in the classrooms with the same instructor. This time he passed first time and was promoted to the rank of Ensign. He became an officer of the Warhost and he was sur he would've made his parents proud if they could of seen him. The memories hurt of course and as he moved to a new post he often wondered if he would of been where he was had the attack on Tarthos not occurred. He of course would never know the answer but it still made him wonder.

His assignment was to the MJHC Retribution and though it was a fairly nice ship he had an instant dislike to his command officer. For whatever reason, the man took his ire out on the Sephi and regardless of what Galan did he was berated and put down. He was told to ignore the man by his fellow workers as apparently his CO had an issue with Aliens working under him. They claimed he was a relic of the old days and his time was coming near to an end and that soon he would be retiring and taking the abuse with him. Galan began not caring and at times ignored the officer but this only led to more abuse and finally it got to the point he took his complaints to the ship's Captain and was simply told things are being handled and that he need not worry anymore.

Of course, nothing truly happened for a good long time. Though Galan was glad to see his work had been recognised and he made the rank of 2nd Lieutenant. He was primed and ready to take over the station once the current commander left. He had even been notified that he was next in line unless they assigned someone to the ship of a higher rank of course. The last part was ominous and he wondered why they would do such a thing when he was there working away and had all the experience needed. He wasn’t fully aware of the wider events of the Brotherhood at that time but soon became aware of them when he awoke to yelling and shouting in the corridor.

Apparently New Tython had been obliterated. Pravus was on the hunt for Jedi and their allies, Aliens were being targeted. The galaxy had gone mad. Orders came up and the ship left it’s docking and moved to a safer location within the Orion system. Unsure as to why they were tasked with such a simple move Galan went to the mess hall and to the bridge to find out. He was rebuked entry to seeing anyone as emergency meetings had been called. Rumours of the Commander himself being on board circulated. Within days members of the ship were given new assignments and new crew began filtering on board. What suprised Galan most was that a lot of the crew being moved to the ship were Aliens and those deemed undesirable. The ship began to take on a new air, of safety and of a sanctuary.

The commanding comms officer was left on board however and he approached the Sephi and other members of his team and began abusing the new “alien scum” right within earshot of the new Captain. He was removed from duty and the ship and Galan were made acting Comms Officer. He has yet to relinquish the position and no word was forthcoming of such a replacement. he figured he was safe and it was confirmed when four days later he woke up to a message congratulating him on his promotion to 1st Lieutenant and permanent assignment as the ship's commanding comms officer.

He still dislikes people and has nightmares about the destruction of Tarthos. But at least in some part, his life means something, a bit more than it used to when he was a child and to him that means something to him. Regardless of if he has to be stuck with dozens of people, he doesn't want to be near, regardless of the nightmares. He will make Sanctuary safe.

Positions Held

  • Retribution Communications Officer