
From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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Exodus era.New Order era.
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

13 ABY

Physical Description









Dark Purple



Personal Information
Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):

Djem So



Chronology & Political Information



Clan Vizsla

Personal Ship:

The Crow's Rest (Delta-class T-3c Shuttle)



[ Source ]

Korvis is a Lasat mercenary and former Dark Jedi operating for Saxon and Clan Vizla. His training began at a young age as a Dark Jedi for the brotherhood but he lacked the patience for the academy and left to find his own way in the galaxy.

A skilled mercenary and pilot he made his living both as smuggler and gun for hire. Contracted several times by Clan vizsla he eventually made his permanent home on Zsoldos and now works exclusively for Saxon the legitimate business side of the clan along with his copilot Tranok.

Character History

Early Life

Korvis descended from refugees that fled the destruction of Lasan by the Empire. Originally settling hidden away on the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk the Imperial presence there drove them farther from the Core worlds and led to them bouncing around different planets before ending up in brotherhood space.

His force sensitivity was discovered here and he was sent to the Shadow academy for formal training. Strong in both the force and physical strength he excelled in his training but became disillusioned with the politics of the academy and brotherhood as a whole, believing his talents could be used in more profitable endeavors, he eventually fled the academy for a life of a mercenary.

Clan Vizsla

There was no shortage of mercenary groups that wanted a Lasat with a lightsaber in the galaxy and it seems Korvis worked for most of them over the next few years. Eventually saving up to purchase his own ship he struck out on his own finally attaining the freedom he desired and the means to make credits for himself.

However, working alone also brought about another challenge. He lacked the ability to cover his own self on more dangerous and lucrative missions. Though his copilot and friend, the Trandoshan Tranok was a capable fighter and pilot the two of them were simply not enough. After several small jobs for the Saxon Military Group working out of Zsoldos, Korvis eventually accepted a permanent position with the private military group to go after more credits.

Physical Description

Korvis has a light purple appearance, green eyes, and a strong jawline with a well-trimmed beard of dark purple hair kept into two short braids. His hair is a dark purple to match his beard. It is normally kept pulled back into a braid that reaches his shoulders. He is just above average height for a Lasat and is powerfully built with noticeable muscles and little body fat giving him a ripped bodybuilder appearance.

His attire is generally armored, but not too heavy. He wears robes over the armor and a hood. Though next to impossible to conceal himself due to his size he is able to mitigate the threat he poses. His Lightsaber is kept in the small of his back when not active to hide it from prying eyes.

Companions and Ship


The Trandoshan copilot and partner of Korvis, Tranok is capable and loyal. His devotion to The Scorekeeper however is borderline obsessive. Korvis and Tranok work well together even though the Trandoshan prefers to blast people out of the sky rather than shoot them with a blaster. Tranok is a much better mechanic than Korvis and tends to do most of the maintenance on Korvis ship.

The Crow’s Rest

The VT-49 Decimator is a 38-meter long Assault Ship that was designed by the Galactic Empire as a heavily armed Imperial Transport. Hyperdrive capable, this vessel has great maneuverability and speed, with average armor and heavy shielding. Receiving command of a Decimator was considered an honor during the height of the Galactic Empire.


  • 2 quad laser turrets (1 on top and 1 on the bottom of the ship)
  • 2 missile launchers


  • 2 crew and 2 gunners for full effectiveness
  • 80 metric tons of cargo
  • 6 passengers/troops