Ka Tarvitz

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Ka Tarvitz
Biographical Information

N/A. Alderaanian by blood

Date of Birth:

33 (Born 1 ABY)

Physical Description







107 kg


Dark grey, shoulder length




Left eye

Personal Information

Kallista Tarvitz


Raymus Tarvitz

Lightsaber Color(s):

Green Armory Lightsaber

Lightsaber Form(s):

Form 0


Gladius Short Sword, T-6 heavy blaster pistol

Fighting Style(s):


Chronology & Political Information





Clan Odan-Urr, Battle-team Zirael

Known masters:

Savant Edgar Drachen



[ Source ]

Ka Tarvitz is a Human male descendant of Alderaanian survivors and a recent addition to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Having previously made a living salvaging anything of worth from forgotten battlefields, he recently came to fully understand his connection with the Force, and aligned himself with the Jedi. While far older than many recruits, Tarvitz has nevertheless striven to to prove his worth to the Order and earn his place as a Knight among them, and is honing his abilitles under the guidance of Edgar Drachen.

Character History

Early Life (1 ABY - 15 ABY)

Tarvitz had the misfortune to bear the right name at the wrong time. Born a scant year after Alderaan's destruction, his parents had been commercial traders heading the Confederated Suns group, guiding a small fleet of vessels across the Core Worlds. Having escaped the atrocity only thanks to going supply negotiations on Bespin at the time of the attack, his family survived at the cost of their fortunes and influence on Alderaan. Cut off from the infrastructure supporting the company, it soon collapsed thanks to financial ruin. As they were gradually pushed away from the more prosperous trading regions by fierce competition, their once proud fleet dwindled until they were left with a single freighter and a few loyal employees.

The ruins of Alderaan

Fighting to claw back some degree of success, Tarvitz’s earliest memories are of his parents guiding the vessel between the Mid Rim and Outer Rim worlds. Trapped on the ship for much of his childhood, he could only watch as their increasingly desperate efforts led them first to smuggling and then later to raiding forgotten battlefields of the Clone Wars; salvaging weapons and securing vital system components of ages old warships for criminal warlords. While such ventures were often risky bordering on suicidal, it was enough to ensure they remained flying for a little while longer.

As their new lifestyle was unable to offer him anything more than a basic education, Tarvitz was left to piece together certain details for himself, and developed a constant itch to comprehend new subjects. Often obsessing over their new finds, while he displayed no signs of direct comprehension of their intricate inner workings, there were occasional flashes of brilliance. Acting seemingly out of instinct, he would uncover faulty or damaged components, or even detailed suggestions on how a salvaged component might be better repaired. Despite this, he displayed no true skill or capacity to excel at mechanical engineering, causing the crew to view him as something of a good luck charm than a true prodigy. Instead, Tarvitz’s personal obsessions focused more upon the history behind the vessels they raided, from the foundation of their classes to the battles which brought them to ruin.

Salvage Career (16 ABY - 33 ABY)

Becoming increasingly frustrated at being little more than dead weight to the overburdened crew, Tarvitz requested that he be permitted to join the raiding parties securing new derelicts. While initially denied, his persistence in this matter and their constant knife-edge struggle between success and complete bankruptcy eventually pushed his parents into accepting his offer. Thankfully, despite his failings when it came to understanding the finer points of a vessel’s security systems, Tarvitz more than made up for it with his ability to overcome them.

Often spending hours at a time examining detailed ship schematics and information, Tarvitz was often able to recommend alternate routes past the riskiest areas or point out the most viable locations for booby traps. While lacking experience, the same constant background itch in his head or instinctive hint of danger continually served him well; sometimes warning him of traps moments before they were sprung upon him, others leading him to hidden caches other scavengers had missed whilst stripping a vessel to its bones. Whatever its effectiveness, it was not a wholly reliable skill however, and more than once crewmen still stumbled into well placed traps despite all precautions. One such failure would cost Tarvitz his left eye after tripping a security measure on a CIS frigate, and several ambushes by re-activated battle droids encouraged him to learn how to wield a blaster.

A fortunate haul

As time wore on the crew managed to reclaim enough of their fortunes to purchase a second armed freighter, and Tarvitz began planning more ambitious hauls. Rather than merely selecting targets, stealing a few valuable components and fleeing, his plans focused more upon completely strip mining the derelicts of anything of worth. Ignoring smaller, if more manageable, prizes in favour of long term operations he suggested they focus upon cruisers or larger space stations. Tarvitz and any armed crewmen would move in first, sweep the entire ship for anything potentially dangerous, and then secure it for their engineers. While these larger scale operations meant they were under constant threat of being attacked by local militia groups or local governments, the profit of each haul more than justified the risks.

While several such expeditions were cut short thanks to outside interference, the windfall of their successes was enough to ensure their financial stability. Gradually expanding their influence, the Confederated Suns was reborn under a new banner, and their efforts were rewarded with a minor reputation for pulling off seemingly impossible salvage operations. While many among them felt that this was the best they could hope for, Tarvitz could not share in their jubilation. Having so often heard of his homeworld's lost beauty, and the success they had found in the Core Worlds, he had always viewed what they had achieved on the Outer Rim as a stepping stone towards something bigger.

Joining The Brotherhood (34 ABY)

Over the course of 34 ABY, Tarvitz’s dissatisfaction was becoming evident. Even being granted a place on one of their newer vessels, and sent to uncover rumours of new finds among distant stars, did little to improve his mood. Having become tired of visiting barren wastes such as Tatooine and fighting off rival scavengers to ensure their future, the desire for a greater purpose in the galaxy was clawing at him. He hungered to see the worlds so often spoken of by the others, or even to understand the constant background itch which seemed to constantly bolster his mind and body. While the crew had often considered it sheer luck, Tarvitz knew “luck” did not offer the kind of unbidden gut warning him against threats moments before they appeared.

A scant few weeks into their journey, Tarvitz began to hear rumours of a nightmare inflicted upon the galaxy. From passing vessels and distant communications, he heard voices speaking of a world put to the flame in moments. They spoke of how it had been bombarded from orbit until its oceans boiled and the landmasses were reduced to glass, and that it had supposedly been rendered uninhabitable in a matter of hours. The world’s name had been New Tython, and as Tarvitz learned more of the impending conflict, he could not help but think of what had befallen Alderaan at the hands of the Empire, or imagine a galaxy where the Death Star had been allowed to roam freely among dissenting worlds.

Upon hearing rumours of a force resisting this threat, Tarvitz sought them out, desiring to help however he could. When the vessel returned to the Confederated Suns’ fleet, Tarvitz was no longer a part of its crew, instead passing on a message that he had “found his place in the galaxy, at last.”

Physical Description

Tall, heavily built and with his fair share of old wounds, Tarvitz is an imposing figure at the best of times. Sporting a determined if world weary stare, his weather-beaten skin reflects a hard life of having traveled under countless alien suns, and is matched by his fading shoulder length hair. It is obvious from a glance that Tarvitz has led a hard life, but a seasoned warrior can quickly tell that he lacks the innate combat experience of a veteran soldier. Adorning the upper left of his brow and encompassing his eye socket, the pale green glow of a dark metal cybernetic sensor clashes against his dark blue organic right eye. Around its edges, the old scars of shrapnel wounds and burned tissue can still be seen, clashing against his proud features.

It is rare to see Tarvitz out of his armour, even during passive moments such as personal meditation or social meetings. Preferring its bulk and weight over standard clothing, he only discards it during ceremonial duties or formal gatherings, and even then favours a practical attire over more stylised robes. This has the unfortunate side effect of making him stand out from crowds or drawing undue attention in otherwise peaceful environments.


Gear & Weapons

Much of Tarvitz’s gear and equipment has been salvaged from past wrecks or bartered from traders on the Outer Rim. While often well-used, each has proven to be extremely reliable in the past, and served him well during a multitude of boarding actions against derelict vessels.

File:Gladius Sword Gun.jpg
Weapons of choice

The most obvious among these is his warplate: A heavily modified and stylised set of Phase II clone paratrooper armour taken from a Rebublic warship. While stripped of its more heavily damaged or high maintenance systems - notably its jetpack - it has been upgraded several times, both to reinforce its forwards armour and for space combat. While the helmet and several key features mean it can be easily identified, the dark purple colours and ivory trim disguise its practical build, and many mistake it as ceremonial armour at first glance. Several pouches at its belt store a datapad, com-link, and a small medpac among other items.

As with his armour, the gladius Tarvitz keeps at his side was one retrieved during a particularly profitable salvage run, and taken from an ancient vessel bereft of any name. Despite its ornate design, Tarvitz found that its short length and angular head was perfect for combating a foe in the tight confines of warship. While the blade has been reforged several times thanks to battle damage, its ability to be easily slid between the armoured plates of a foe or the reinforced shell of a battle droid has made it invaluable to him. Paired with the sheer stopping power of his T-6 pistol, Tarvitz has found the combination to be simple but quite effective.

Last on the list, and the most recent edition to his arsenal, is the green bladed Armory Lightsaber gifted to him upon joining the Order. Without the gladius’ weight he has yet to truly appreciate the weapon, and while he respects its versatility, he knows it will be some time before he can truly adjust to using it.