This page is part of the Rites of Combat. Quick Links for navigating to other ROC Pages follow:
Formerly referred to as “Retired Games”, Tier 2 Gaming Platforms are still supported by the Club and Clusters of Fire may still be earned from playing them. They are not available during Player vs Player related Competitions during Vendetta or Major Events, unless stipulated otherwise in the Competition for that event. Many of these platforms do not have a significant amount of members playing them.
Alien versus Predator
- All Games for AVP must be played with current versions installed (PC and Xbox 360 and PS3)
- All matches are to be Slayer-based game variants, unless otherwise agreed upon before the game.
- Map Selection will be bounced back between players (1v1), starting with the Player being challenged.
- For Team based games, the challenging team will choose the map first, after that map selection goes to the losing team.
- Before any match begins, all players will agree on match specific rules/settings. If settings cannot be agreed upon, then participants will each get their choice of one game in the style of their choices.
- Make sure the species selections are fair for both combatants, so that both of the combatants have a fair chance. (Recommended is as follows: Predator vs Predator, Alien vs Predator, Alien vs Marine, Marine vs Marine)
Battlefront Series
Battlefront Sharpshooter
- Before the match starts, decide upon whether or not you will be playing space or ground battles, or a combination of the two.
- Before the match begins, participants should decide on whether or not Heroes will be playable.
- Before the match begins, participants should decide on which gameplay mode they wish to play: default will be Conquest for Land, and Assault for Space.
- Before the match, participants should decide on whether it will be Galactic Civil War or Clone Wars.
- Do not change the settings to be below the normal standards for reinforcements of 150. Anything below 150 will be not be considered an acceptable game.
- Playing through a single map constitutes one match played.
- The Host determines the map choices, but can and should take requests from their opponent.
- If requested, match hosting can be split between participants, each hosting a single match and the third being decided by coin flip (or other means of randomization).
Call of Duty
- All Games of the Call of Duty series supported by the DJB must be played with current patches installed. (PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii)
- Matches played as Capture the Flag, Domination, Demolition, Search and Destroy, Sabotage and Headquarters, or any other Special matches set at standard online gameplay settings are judged by whichever team reaches the objective limit at the end of each match, unless agreed upon otherwise before the game.
- Map Selection will be bounced back between players (1v1), starting with the player being challenged.
- For Team based games, the challenging team will choose the map first. After that, map selection goes to the losing team.
- DLC Maps are allowed as long as each participant has said map packs; otherwise, decide on another map that all participants have.
- No Spawn-Trapping allowed. You may not intentionally seek out a designated area of the map that is the opposing team’s Spawn Location/Point.
- All Killstreaks, Weapons, and Perks are allowed unless agreed upon otherwise before the beginning of the match.
- Game types are to be set as Core match types, while Bare-Bones or Hardcore need to be agreed upon before the match begins.
- These are the standards for match type setup unless agreed upon before the beginning of the match:
- Sabotage: Time limit of 10 minutes per match.
- Capture the Flag: Time limit of 10 minutes per match (5 minutes each round).
- Demolition & Search and Destroy: Time limit of 5 minutes per match (2.5 minutes each round), with the assumption that there will be time bonuses in-game for completing objectives.
- Headquarters & Domination: Time limit of 10 minutes per match and points set at 200.
- Team Deathmatch: Time limit of 10 minutes per match, with points set at 2500.
- Free-For-All: Time limit of 10 minutes per match, with points set at lowest for 1v1, and for more participants, raise the minimum points to 1000.
- Before any match begins, all players will agree on match-specific rules/settings. If settings cannot be agreed upon, then participants will each get their choice of one game in their style.
- At least two members in the group must have DJB pins to qualify for CFs.
- A member has a "Daily CF Cap" where they can earn up to 30 CF's for playing Destiny in each day. If greater than 30 CFs are earned the excess in que will carry over to the next day of the week. The exception is midnight between Thursday and Friday. All CFs in que are reset on this day.
- Your PSN ID or Xbox Live name must be listed on dossier to qualify for CFs.
- Matches without screenshots will not have CFs awarded. Screenshots must be of completed Mission summary screen.
Diablo 3
File:D3Kills.jpgProfile to find Elite Kills
- One other DJB member is required to earn Clusters of Fire's in Diablo 3. These are earned by killing elite monsters (those with Blue, Yellow, or Purple names).
- A member has a "Daily CF Cap" where they can earn up to 20 CF's for playing Diablo 3 in each day. If greater than 20 CFs are earned the excess in que will carry over to the next day of the week. The exception is midnight between Thursday and Friday. All CFs in que are reset on this day.
- At least two members in the group must have DJB Pins to qualify for CFs.Since this is a co-op game there screenshots are required to earn CFs. Matches without screenshots will not have CFs rewarded. There are two options for submitting your total number of Elite Kills:
- You may submit a screenshot of your Diablo 3 Profile, which shows your number of Elite Kills before and after gaming with another member. The difference between these numbers is how many elites your group defeated.(refer to picture to the right)
- Note: You will have to exit to your character screen for this value to update, it does not update while actively playing
- Or you may submit a screenshot of each boss, rare, and champion you killed.
- To qualify for CFs the highest level character in a group may not be more than 10 Character Levels above the lowest level character.
- This is applicable to Character Levels only, Paragon Levels do not apply.
- Example: Level 60 and Level 70 grouped is acceptable to earn CFs. Level 59 and Level 70 grouped would not earn CFs.
- #dbgaming is suggested to find PVE matches but not required
Diablo 3 Brawling
- Use of #dbgaming is required to set up Diablo 3 duels.
- Levels (not Paragon) will be roughly equivalent, within 5. The lower level individual may decline a challenge if greater than a 5 level difference.
Empire at War Platforms
- Match host will be decided prior to the start of the match via IRC.
- Settings will be determined by both participants prior to the start of the match.
- If you wish to change settings in between matches, both participants MUST agree to it.
- No Super Weapons or Heroes.
- Games set to Destroy Space Station.
Galactic Battlegrounds and Clone Wars Expansion
- Match host will be decided prior to the start of the match on IRC
- Settings will be determined by both participants prior to the start of the match
- If you wish to change settings in between matches both participants MUST agree to it
- You cannot rush your opponent until after 5 minutes of the game has passed, this can also be allowed prior to start of the match, but both parties forfeit the right to any complaints regarding the outcome of the match.
- If settings cannot be agreed upon, the participants will each get their choice of one game in their style. All details must be agreed on previously before match begins.
Gears of War
- All Games for the Gears of War series must be played with current versions installed, this should be done automatically since you are connected through Xbox Live.
- All matches are to be Execution, unless otherwise agreed upon before the game.
- Map Selection will be bounced back between players (1v1), starting with the player being challenged.
- For team-based games, the challenging team will choose the map first. After that, map selection goes to the losing team.
- During a 1v1 match you may only use a single power weapon at a time (if you are holding the Boomer, you may not also be carrying the Longshot, or any other weapon deemed to be a "Power Weapon").
- This rule is voided during team-based matches.
- Power Weapons are defined as: Boomer, Digger, Longshot, Scorcher, Hammer of Dawn, Torque Bow, Mulcher, Mortar, Oneshot, Vulcan Cannon.
- Before any match begins, all players will agree on match specific rules/settings. If settings cannot be agreed upon, then participants will each get their choice of one game in the style of their choices.
Halo Series
- All games for the Halo series must be played with current versions installed (PC and Xbox 360).
- All matches are to be Slayer-based game variants, unless otherwise agreed upon before the game.
- Regular Slayer is the base for the DJB, anything else needs to be agreed upon in #dbgaming
- Map Selection will be bounced back between players (1v1), starting with the player being challenged.
- For team-based games, the challenging team will choose the map first. After that, map selection goes to the losing team.
- During a 1v1 match, you may NOT spawn camp for any reason. If a player respawns in front of your location, that player is to be given a fighting chance.
- Vehicle combat is restricted to team games, no exceptions.
- Gun Emplacements are still allowed in 1v1 games.
- Before any match begins, all players will agree on match specific rules/settings. If settings cannot be agreed upon, then participants will each get their choice of one game in their style.
General Rules for Aerial Combat (Dogfighting) in Halo
- This is a specialized game type, and must be requested by 'BOTH' parties involved before starting.
- Aerial Combat game types are to be played to 15 points per game (team-based to 25).
- If a dogfight is called between two specific players, all other players involved in the game will yield and wait before killing the two players who called the dogfight.
- You are not allowed to destroy any of the spawning locations while in an aerial vehicle.
- Team games must use least one of each aerial vehicle during the course of the game.
Jedi Knight Series (Jedi Knight & Jedi Outcast)
- There will be no use of COGs or other hacks to enhance or alter gameplay. If you fear your opponent will try using hacks you can request to play with an Anti-Hack Patch
- If settings cannot be agreed upon, the participants will each get their choice of one game in their style. All details must be agreed on previously before match begins.
- In a lightsaber match, if your opponent deactivates their lightsaber (switching to fists or bryar) then they have declared a peace and should not be attacked
- No Force / Guns Matches
- Both participants will be allowed a time to “load” before the match starts to ensure both players are equally equipped
- You cannot pick up your opponent’s backpack, nor can you attack them until they have retrieved their pack
- You cannot load up on items, ammo, shields, or weapons after dying until you’ve retrieved your backpack
- Activating the lightsaber declares a peace, this player should not be attacked, nor should they attack with their lightsaber
Killzone Series
- All Games of Killzone must be played with current versions installed.
- All matches are to be kill-based game variants, unless otherwise agreed upon before the game.
- Each player may call out one class that will NOT be allowed in the game.
- Map Selection will go to the defending player (the player being challenged).
- For team-based games, the challenging team will choose the map first. After that, map selection goes to the losing team.
- During a 1v1 match you may NOT spawn camp for any reason. If a player respawns in front of your location, then that player is to be given a fighting chance.
- Before any match begins, all players will agree on match specific rules/settings. If settings cannot be agreed upon, then participants will each get their choice of one game in their style.
Path of Exile
- Killing Unique Monsters (they have Yellow Nameplates) while grouped with at least one other DJB member will earn CF's in Path of Exile.
- A member has a "Weekly CF Cap" where they can earn up to 200 CF's for playing Path of Exile in a week's time
- Example: If member A submits for 170 CF's with member B, member A later plays with member C and they submit for 40 CF's. Member A will receive 200 CF's, Member B will receive 170 CF's, and Member C will receive 40 CF's.
- Since this is a co-op game screenshots are required to be submitted with this form. Use of Imageshack, photobucket, tinypic, or other photo upload services are required to post links to the form.
- No screenshot, matches will be deleted
- The submitter and the people he or she is playing with must have DJB pins. Matches will be deleted other wise
- To find other DJB Members who are playing Path of Exile refer to this Forum thread and add them to your Friend's list.
- Match host will be decided prior to the start of the match on IRC
- Settings will be determined by both participants prior to the start of the match
- If you wish to change settings in between matches both participants MUST agree to it
- You cannot rush your opponent until after 5 minutes of the game has passed, this can also be allowed prior to start of the match, but both parties forfeit the right to any complaints regarding the outcome of the match.
- If settings cannot be agreed upon, the participants will each get their choice of one game in their style. All details must be agreed on previously before match begins.
Republic Commando
- An updated list of servers can be found on the Gaming Servers wiki page. Play on these servers, as other hosted matches are not accepted.
- In a match, you cannot load up on items, ammo, grenades, or weapons.
- If low on ammo, you can find where your weapon’s ammo cache is.
- You cannot attack an opponent directly on match start or respawn during 1v1 matches.
- You cannot use a bacta tank at any time during a duel, unless both players agree before game start.
- Note: You can pick up a Bacta pack after a duel, if you are injured.
- If settings cannot be agreed upon, the participants will each get their choice of one game in their style of weapon picks. All details must be agreed on previously before match begins.
Resistance Series
- All Games of Resistance must be played with current versions installed
- All matches are to be Kill-based game variants, unless otherwise agreed upon before the game.
- Map Selection will go to the defending player (i.e. Player being challenged)
- For Team based games, the challenging team will choose the map first, after that map selection goes to the losing team.
- During a 1v1 match you may NOT spawn camp for any reason. If a player respawns in front of your location, then that player is to be given a fighting chance.
- Before any match begins, all players will agree on match specific rules/settings. If settings cannot be agreed upon, then participants will each get their choice of one game in the style of their choices.
Star Conflict
- CFs are able to be earned by completing Star Conflict PVP Matches with a total of two (2) or more DJB members together in the Match.
- Each member must earn at least one (1) kill or assist to qualify.
- Screenshots are required to be submitted to earn CFs
Team Fortress 2
- Spawn-Killing is frowned upon. Be classy about your game play.
- If settings cannot be agreed upon, the participants will each get their choice of one game in their style of weapon picks. All details must be agreed on previously before match begins.