A'lora Kituri

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A'lora Kituri
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:


Physical Description










Personal Information


Lightsaber Color(s):


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Chronology & Political Information



Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



Known masters:


[ Source ]

Born A'lora Kituri on the planet Shili, A'lora Kituri al'Tor is nearly a typical Light-Sided Jedi of the Brotherhood. Raised within the Jedi Order, A'lora was taught how to harness the power of the Force. Her special talents as a Seer and Healer make her well aware of both the Unifying Force and the Living Force, as well as a major asset to the Brotherhood. Her longstanding light-sided alignment have caused her to remain neutral to all major conflicts until her discovery of House Odan-Urr through a vision that led her to Drodik Va'lence Al'tor, who later gave her advanced training in secret and presenting her with the family name of al'Tor. A'lora Kituri al'Tor currently resides with House Odan-Urr serving the Odanites as a Councilor.


Beginnings, The Trial of Spirit

As a Togruta, A'lora Kituri was born on the planet Shili, where she was raised until she was discovered to be Force-sensitive. Upon the discovery of these powers, she was introduced to the New Jedi Order, where she was first brought to the Praxeum on Yavin 4. Under the tutelage of a Twi'lek master by the name of Ahyentha she began to harness her powers as a Jedi Consular, skilled in the ways of meditation and healing. Patient and willing to learn, A'lora was a model student of the Academy, often drawing more attention from the masters than she would have liked. This resulted in alienating her from her fellow students of the Force, who would often show signs of jealousy towards her. Because of this, A'lora had never felt a strong connection to any of her fellow students in the Academy. Instead, she preferred to seek solitude outside of the Praxeum's walls, where dangerous creatures lurked in the shadows, starving for the sweet taste of sentient flesh. As a master of patience and meditation, A'lora began developing Force visions at an early age. Her first experience began in the solitude of an ancient cavern on Yavin 4, imbued by the Force in such a way that it mysteriously attracted predators of many kinds. Shortly after experiencing a Force vision of Felucia, she was attacked by a vicious Tuk'ata. The conflict lasted for twenty minutes before the beast was slain, and her Twi'lek master, Ahyentha, arrived to find no trace of the best as her student lay weary and exhausted. After bringing her student in for medical attention, A'lora had revealed her vision of a far away planet and the beast, as it turned out, was nothing more than a spirit in the Force. Thus, A'lora had succeeded in the trial of spirit.

An Eventful Journey, The Trial of Flesh

Several years later, her master had brought together a meeting of the Jedi Council to discuss a matter of inportance. For hours, the Council had convened before deciding that A'lora was to accompany her master to Felucia, where she would further develop her skills as a Jedi Consular. Chartering a shuttle entitled "Ruby's Fortune" for the lush planet, the two Jedi travelled within a refugee convoy destined for the planet Felucia. However, before they could reach their desination, their shuttle was siezed by the Peace Brigade, a group of mercenaries intent on collecting prisoners to please their Yuzhaan Vong masters. It was thus that her and her master attempted to disguise themselves as refugees, abondoning their lightsabers and Jedi robes in favor of clothing fit for simple refugees. Disgused as a Togruta diplomat and an exotic Twi'lek dancer, they agreed to be captured alongside the commonfolk of the Ruby's Fortune.

Their imprisonment within the cargo bay of the Peace Brigade's cruiser had been a turning point for the young Togruta as she wittnessed firsthand the pain and suffering inflicted on the innocent. Anguished screams reveribrating from the far side of the bulkhead had been a sound the Togruta found impossible to adjust to, despite her master's wisdom. For days, they waited within the neglected cruiser under the watchful gaze of a pair of Yuzhaan Vong warriors, who had seemed completely disgusted by the fact they were station aboard one of the Peace Brigade's 'abominations.' Each passing day, they would a handful of refugees for their own enjoyment, scarring their backs with coiled amphistaves and implanting others with large, protruding spikes. Against the warnings of her master, A'lora had began healing the injured until the agonizing grip of a hand on her lekku forced her away from one of her patients, where she stared into the dreadful gaze of a Yuzhaan Vong warrior. "Do you think I can be fooled, Jeedai?" the hideous face snarled, dragging her away by her lekku in such a way that she thought she might pass out from the pain.

Ear-splitting screams echoed into the bulkhead as she was taken into an adjoining room to "Please the gods." Her master grew increasingly worried by the day, as her apprentice remained subject to the Vong's questioning for greulling days, and had not been seen amongst the refugees during that dreadful time. Seeking an opening to rescuse her faithful apprentice, Ahyentha meditated each day to give her student the strength she needed to survive the horiffic injuries sustained under the constant lashings of amphistaves. Eventually, an opening was presented in the way of an unguarded cargo bay; The Yuzhaan Vong had retired to their own quarters for the day to recieve an important message on their villips. A master of Force techniques, her master raced for the room in which A'lora was detained, hoping that her beloved apprentice was still alive. The will to live slowly leaving her scarred body, A'lora's fading vision caught a glimpse as her master hurled a ball of Force energy at her torturer, stunning him momentarily as Ahyentha siezed his amphistaff in time to decapitate him with the razor-sharp living blade.

Pouring all of her strength into the weakened, ravaged body of her apprentice, Ahyentha closed those wounds that were still open with a crusty scab, just enough that she might send her student into a healing trance long enough to sustain her vital signs until help arrived. Not hours later, the cruiser found itself in Hutt Space, where help arrived in the form of a Hutt warlord's mercenary force. Like the powerful thunderstorms of Kamino, the powerful turbolasers of the Hutt forces ravaged the engines of the cruiser, enough to immobilize the ship and allow for the boarding of the cruiser by mercenary forces. Greed overcame their rescuers as the mercenaries took ownership of the Peace Brigade's 'cargo,' and the pair were once again captive in the hands of a ruthless faction.

Captivity, Trial of Courage