Melewati Bushfighters
34 ABY - present
House Odan-Urr
- Guerrilla Forces
- Marksmen
"Use every advantage neccissary"
Green and Brown
The Melewati Bushfighters are a branch of the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force in House Odan-Urr.
The Melewati Bushfighters originated on New Tython as colonists, taking up residence in the nearby deserts and lush forests dotting the vast landscape in the continent of Owyhyee. Eventually, these settlers created two large settlements situated around the Eastern Mountain. One such settlement is located in the deserts to the the far south of Owyhyee. The second of these settlements is located in the large, dense jungle terrain just North of their desert-dwelling kinsmen. Each of these groups have divided themselves up into two distinct families, The Forest Trekkers and The Sand Dwellers. Both groups have learned from nearby Harakoan Tribes how to use the land to their own advantage. The Melewati, as they are called have largely been dependant only to themselves, and their fellow Bushfighters, rarely seeking aid from outsiders. Because of their seclusion, they have become a strong, but small community that depend on their family members to hunt, gather supplies and barter with local Harakoan Tribes. Both locations employ a variety of Guerrilla Tactics that come from their knowledge of the land, and their strong ability to hunt. The main aspect distinguishing them from the Tribes is their use of modern technology, such as their use of sniper rifles.
Shortly after the Melewati had settled into New Tython, two leaders were established, one for each respectful family. However, without a cheiftan to unite the families, both leaders had come to form rivalries between the families. Thus began the Melewati Rivalry. During this time, both families had hunted each other down to near extinction. As a result, a new leader was born, able to unite the clans against a newly-established enemy, the Acolyes of Urr. However, it was during this bitter rivalry that the Melewati forces had learned many tactics used in guerrilla warfare, pitting their knowledge of the land against each other.
Forest Trekkers
File:E De long house.pngA Forest Trekker Longhouse
The Forest Trekkers dwell in large longhouses in and around the the Eastern Mountain range. The longhouses are built using large timbers and hides to withstand violent gusts of wind that are prevalent around the Eastern Mountains. Because of this, the Forest Trekkers often stay located in the same area, rarely relocating the settlement. Many of the Melewati Bushfighters in this family are also experienced hunters with good relations to the local Harakoan tribesmen. Often, these hunters will brave the wilds during their hunts, not returning for days at a time and only bringing with them their trusted sniper rifles and enough preserved fruits and meat to last a week. Also, due to their location atop the Eastern Mountains, they have a great defensive advantage should war break out among the inhabitants of New Tython.
Sand Dwellers
The Sand Dwellers are more secluded than their forest dwelling kinsmen, and are less inclined to trade with the natives of New Tython. However, it is often neccissary for them to trade with their kinsmen to the north, as well as travellers passing through the sand dunes of the Honunom desert for essentials uncommon within the Honunom desert. These essentials include such articles as clothing, food and water. Due to the constant shifting of sand, the Sand Dwellers construct lightweight tents as they travel throughout the desert. These tents are often made from thick poles of bamboo and light cloth to protect family members and supplies during sandstorms. Although there is little to hunt, the Sand Dwellers often migrate close to the outer borders of the Honunom desert to hunt indigenous beasts. Over the years of braving the vast desert through blazing temperatures during the day and freezing temperatures during nights, the people had built up a sort of 'immunity' to extremes in climate. They are also masters of camoflague in the Honunom, able to hide among the sand dunes undetected as they scout the edges of the camps throughout the day.
Arrival of Odan-Urr
After the arrival of the first Acolytes of Odan-Urr, the Melewati grew suspicious as the House planted it's roots in New Tython. Due to their secluded nature, the Melewati shunned the Jedi, preferring to keep to themselves and respect their traditions. This created an uneasy tension between both the Melewati and Jedi of Odan-Urr. The 'Outsiders' as the Melewati called them had offered to form treaties and agreements with the Melewati, however these attempts had failed as the Melewati employed a variety of guerrilla tactics in an attempt to drive the 'Outsiders' away from New Tython, thus earning the name, Melewati Bushfighters. The Bushfighters' tactics including that of disrupting trade between the Jedi and surrounding Colonists by blocking trade routes of great importance. The Melewati Bushfighters had also resorted to using camoflauge to their advantage, hiding in dunes of sand or stalking their prey using the lush and dense forests to great advantage. They had also created a policy of making quick, powerful strikes when raiding places of importance, often dealing damage to infastructure or raiding supply and food stores. Eventually after months of conflict, the leaders of each family of Bushfighters had been called to an assembly, in which an agreement had finally been signed.
Melewati Accords
The Melewati Accords is the title of the document of the peace treaty ultimately signed by both families of Melewati Bushfighters after the crisis that was the Tenth Great Jedi War. During this war, the Melewati made the decision to remain uninvolved with the happenings during the chaos that erupted throughout the planet. Adopting this policy of non-involvment was however, unsuccessful as Brotherhood forces conducted mass slaughters upon the Melewati people. This had weakened their number greatly, thus limiting their strength should their homes be besieged. The paranoia that followed forced unto them one final solution: agree to House Odan-Urr's terms and become a part of the Kotahitanga-Unity Defense Force. In exchange for this, the Melewati demanded protection during times of crisis and massive trade agreements between Melewati and Menat Ombo, of which had been honoured by the Jedi.
The Melewati Bushfighters are an isolated people. Years of self-reliance within their community had collectivized the two respectful families. Because of their relationship with the nearby Harakoan Tribes, they had become the most involved Colonists with the natives. Before the early Melewati Colonized New Tython, they had brought with them a great store of old, but reliable sniper rifles, which the Melewati Bushfighters are known to use in their hunts as trained Marksmen. The two families often trade with one another materials that they had either gathered themselves or traded with local Harakoans. They are often superstitious about outsiders, believing that too much involvement will lead to their decline.
Karl Sanders
- Species: Human
- Role: Melewati Cheiftan
- Equiptment: DL-44 heavy blaster pistol x2
- Motto: "Strive for peace on all accounts. Alliances are instrumental in maintaining freedom for all Melewati."
- Biography:
Karl Sanders was born of a rich Corellian family. Although he was born on Corellia, Karl had only been ten years old when he had arrived on New Tython wwith the early colonists. His father had been a diplomat, engaged in tending to local affairs that dealt with Tythonian-Harakoan relations. After Twenty years on living on New Tython, Karl Sanders had come to be a sympathizer of the Melewati, who had become engaged in violent acts of protest against the newly-arrived Jedi. Against his father's will, Karl Sanders had fled from Menat Ombo to join the Melewati, whom were considered savages to the rest of the colonist population. Years of learning diplomacy from his father had granted Karl some understanding of leadership over the years, leading him to eventually become known as the Cheiftan's Advisor during the ongoing war with the Jedi. Eventually, the Cheiftan had fallen ill, and died as Karl Sanders had engaged in a power struggle to gain control of the Melewati population. He had succeeded, eventually, and in doing so, created a strong link beween the two families of Melewati. It was not long after this new leader arose that the Melewati Accords were signed, securing the presarvation of the Melewati people.
Lara Farstalker
Lara Farstalker lived most of her life on Hutta, the glorious jewel of the hutts. For generations, Lara's family had been slaves to a hutt cartel of murderers, spice dealers and treacherous plots. With almost no knowledge of her family, Lara during this time had only her first name. Trusted by the hutts as an obedient servant, Lara had been trained as a deceptive killer, operating on her master's every whim. Bound by her enslavement, she was required to carry out any and all commands of the cartel with such things as assassinations, spice trafficing, or gaining the trust of influential competitors in an attempt to steal their secrects, blackmailing them. The hutts had often asserted their power over her by forcing the zeltron to reluctantly entertain their guests, as well as cook meals that her masters had become fond of. It was not uncommon for the young zelton to seduce her targets during assassinations, as she carried out the cartel's instruction. During her final years of enslavement, however, the zeltron had exploited the faith that she had built up with the hutt cartel over the years, and acquired a wealth of knowledge in relation to her family. With this information, Lara had discovered a horrid truth: she, like the rest of her family before, were to be executed in order to prevent the leaking of information from within the cartel. Taking matters into her own hands, Lara had created a poison to use against her overseers, and devised a plan that would see her to safety on another world, far from Hutta.
Anduin Longstrider
- Role: Leader of the Sand Dwellers
- Equiptment: T-21 light repeating blaster
- Motto: "Morale is what wins wars. That is why I stand beside the men and women willing to fight for the Melewati."
- Biography:
Anduin Longstrider is one of the few Melewati who had survived the harsh flames of battle in the Melewati rivalry. He had adopted his last name from a title bestowed upon him by the Sand Dweller family for leading massive marches into battle over great distances. Unlike many, Anduin served in the Galactic Alliance as an officer, co-ordinating strike teams and leading his troops into the frontlines of a battlefield. Decorated as a war hero, Anduin quit the service some time later, and planned to start a new life with the new colony forming on New Tython. Anduin was instrumental in the Melewati rivalry, co-ordinating guerrilla srike teams and standing alongside his troops on the field of battle. Currently, Anduin leads the Sand Dwellers and strives to maintain relations with the Forest Trekkers and the Acolytes of Urr.