Silent Scream (CR90 corvette)
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The CR90 Corvette Sapphire Remedy was originally produced in 8 ABY for an independent cargo service operating out of Velmor. The company merged with another as the children of their Alderaanian survivor owners married. Sapphire Remedy was used for many years thereafter, being let go not for its outdated design but for philosophical reasons. The Yuuzhan Vong invasion created an endless torrent of refugees, brothers in suffering the noble Alderaanians were determined to help. The cargo vessel was swiftly reconfigured for optimal passenger space, and presented free of charge to the newly formed Senate Select Committee for Refugees (SELCORE). It served in this Humanitarian role until the Fall of Coruscant. Though the organization survived the loss of its head office in Embassies Row it would be in disarray for a fair time.
At this point, Clan Plagueis was also sorting through the aftermath of its own disastrous brush with the Vong. Fearing the imminent, apocalyptic return of the aliens, and still weeks away from receiving its influx of new craft, the Dark Jedi took matters into their own hands. The Assassin-class Corvette Hell's Iris, damaged but repairable, was selected for replacement. It was agreed that the expense and security concerns of corporate involvement, compounded by the decimation of Sistros Acquisitions and Holdings, should be avoided. The non-profit source was discovered, leading to a simple yet controversial trade; a damaged but more powerful corvette for a working but less durable one. The Sapphire Remedy was refitted for war, including the installation of weapons removed from the Hell's Iris before its delivery to SELCORE. Along with this overhaul the ship also received a name more appropriate to its new owners, Silent Scream.
The Corvette now serves as a customs patrol ship over Shintera, and as a screening vessel for the Instigator should combat arise.
In wartime, the Silent Scream serves in a defensive role as the primary picket ship in Line D of Task Force Deviant.