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Etah d'Tana
Biographical Information


Date of Death:


Physical Description





1.8 m


90 kg







Personal Information
Chronology & Political Information

Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era



[ Source ]

"I am but the shadow of a nightmare.
Forget me, as if I were never here.
―Etah d'Tana


Character History

Orphan of the Mountain Ghost (2 years old/2 ABY)

“They thought he was a ghost a first, because no one ever saw him coming and there were never any survivors. Only treachery proved him mortal” Sakiyan villager to Padawan Sergeant, circa 2 ABY

Childhood (2 to 10 years old/2 ABY-10 ABY)

“A curious child among stoic monks, a playful youth among somber warriors, my childhood was fraught with danger” – Etah to Psyko, circa 25 ABY

Knights of Arwa (10 to18 years old/0 ABY to 18 ABY)

“The Knights are what the Jedi shout be, could have been and will never have the courage to become” – Etah to Timeros, Circa 29 ABY

Lake Natth and the Sith Sorceress (16 to 18 years old/16 ABY to 18 ABY)

“My first brush with the so called Dark Side, my first taste of forbidden knowledge, it began a chain reaction of events that eventually lead me right here to the steps of the Brotherhood.” – Etah to Psyko, circa 25 ABY

Self-imposed Exile (18 years old/18 ABY)

“In a culture of excellence the mediocre become forgotten. If I was to become greater I would have to leave” – Etah to Timeros, circa 29 ABY

Coruscant School of Music (19 to 25 years old/19 to 25 ABY)

“From the lullaby songs I barley remember as an infant to singing in the choir, music it has been a constant and welcome companion.” – Etah in admissions essay, Circa 18 ABY

Library of the Republic (20 to 25 years old/20 to 25 ABY)

“Evol always casted me for my books, my words, my studying that produced no apparent benefit or advantage. But I was stubborn and would not easily give them up. Oh what a perfect revenge to surround myself with them in exile” - Etah in journal entry, circa 20 ABY

Children of the Abyss (25 years old/25 ABY)

“They called my father a ghost because he struck from nowhere and then returned to it when his havoc was wroth. How appropriate is it then, that I should join the clan of Shadows” Etah to Selene d’Tana, circa 25 ABY

Following in his Fathers Footsteps (25 years old to present age/25 ABY to Present time)

“Oh, we dark Jedi sure think we’re something, with our robes, our lightsabers, our oh so magnificent force powers and our fancy fighting systems. But I have come to realize that there is nothing nearly as frightening, forceful or devastating as a well trained infantry squad” Etah to an Apprentice, circa 26 ABY

Trial of Spirit: d’Tana Exile (26 years old/26 ABY)

“I was supposed to be inducted into a tight knit group of elites. Instead I was isolated from the rest of my clan and left to fend for myself” – Etah to Phoenix, circa 30 ABY

Trial of Courage: Tomb of Doom (27 years old/27 ABY)

“A once in a life time adventure. Were I to live a thousand years, I would still remember every second.” – Etah to Psyko, circa 27.25 ABY

Trial of Flesh: Death of Selene (27.5 years old/27.5 ABY)

“My soul turned darker than my skin as I tried to handle my loss. I simultaneously accepted the mantel of leadership and withdrew from all but the voices in my head. The act of the latter dooming the efforts of the former” – Etah to Timeros, circa 19 ABY

Watching from the Shadows (27-29 years old/27-29 ABY)

“Though I felt like I did not have a place among them, they were always in my heart. I was always watching my clan.” – Etah to Dash, circa 28 ABY

Shadesworn, I have become (29 years old/29ABY)

“Like the heroes of old slumbering the centuries away, waiting for the time their people would need them; I have returned to the service of Arcona and the good graces of its leaders at a time my clan needed me the most” – Etah in a private journal entry, circa 29 ABY

Trial of Skill: Duel with Evol (30 years old/30ABY)

“He was my past, my brother, my better, my tormentor, my mirror image and the greatest barrier to my progress. Though having killed him with my own hand will always pain me, that act will be responsible for every success I obtain hence” – Etah in journal, circa 30 ABY

The Dawn of Supremacy (31 years old/31 ABY)

“The twilight of Clan Taldryan’s domination has passed into the dawn of Arconan supremacy” – Etah in a communiqué to the House Galeres, circa 31 ABY

Psychological Profile

Advanced Sakiyan senses

Core Skills


Lightsaber Forms

Form II: Makashi

Martial Arts Forms

Weapons of Choice

DL-44 Heavy Blaster Pistol
N’Gant-Zarvel 9118 Carbine


Cloths and Equipment

