Dlarit Special Operations Group Troopers form the backbone of the Dlarit Special Operations Group. Unlike Dlarit Security Force Troopers, the troopers of DSOG are fully aware of the Dlarit Corporation's owners true nature and are loyal to the cause of the Disciples of Sadow.
A DSOG trooper
Following the Battle of Antei in 27 ABY and the loss of most of the Dlarit Security Force the Dlarit Corporation was forced to drastically rethink its military policy. As part of the reforms, the Dlarit Special Operations Group was created to serve as a unit aware of the corporation's true nature.
A DSOG officer
However, the administration changes were only the first hurdle the corporation had to overcome, more serious was the loss of personnel. The Dlarit Security Force had lost tens of thousands of men during the Battle of Antei and no recruitment drive was going to replenish the ranks quickly enough with the threat of further attack with the Yuuzhan Vong War ongoing.
While most of the key personnel would remain veterans from the original DSF, it would take time before new recruits were ready to learn the corporation's true nature. To combat this deficiency, the Delta-class Advanced Commando program was abandoned and the Spaarti cylinders in the corporation's possession reassigned to begin production of regular troopers to fill the ranks of DSOG.
By the middle of 28 ABY DSOG had established the necessary crew numbers to staff all of its ships, albeit with the larger ones still operating on a skeleton compliment. With new recruits in the regular DSF showing promise DSOG has become home to a mix of clones and non-clones with templates from several different prime clones now in use. However, it is expected to still take several years before the corporation will ever fully recover from the damage that occurred at Antei, meaning the DAC program is well and truly suspended indefinitely.