Yuuzhan Vong
Intendant caste
Dark Jedi Brotherhood Era
Eckla Muyel was a Yuuzhan Vong who claimed to be a low ranking attendant of the Intendant caste, but had a level of experience more common to senior prefects. She lived onboard the Matalok cruiser Voice of Agony at the time of the conclusion of the starwars:Yuuzhan Vong War.
Eckla was sexually involved with the Voice of Agony's commander, Tolok Muyel, whom she had seduced in order to cover up her heretical experiments with Niiriit Phaath into the nature of the Jeedai's supernatural powers. She was very evasive about her past, raising questions as to her true identity and motives.
Eckla will feature in an upcoming Clan Naga Sadow event later in Summer 2009.