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Vivackus is a Human Dark Jedi of House Satal Keto of Plagueis. He is in the Sith Order and his current rank is Dark Jedi Knight. Having recently finished his apprenticeship to his master, Kal, Vivackus is currently serving as the Battle Team Leader of Keto's Vengeance.
Character History
Early Life
Vivackus was born on Couruscant in 3 ABY to one of the lesser noble families. He had a very good relationship with both of his parents and was especially close to his younger sister. As a child, Vivackus led a life of privilege and luxury, but unlike most of the upper class, he was not blind to those less fortunate. Vivackus always dreamed of becoming a Jedi so that he could make the universe a better place. He was overjoyed when a Jedi discovered him to be Force Sensitive and he was taken to the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV.
Jedi Training
Vivackus’ time training at the Jedi Praxeum was the happiest of his, even better than his easy lifestyle as a child. He was living his dream and his studies showed it. Vivackus worked tirelessly to hone his abilities with a drive that not even he knew he possessed. He excelled in every challenge, taking weeks to accomplish what took some apprentices years.
- "Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."
- ―Obi-wan Kenobi
Vivackus became the Padawan to a Jedi named Val Dorrin.
Vivackus' Master, Val DorrinBefore this point, Vivackus had been shielded from most of the darker parts of the galaxy. Now, however, on missions with his master, Vivackus saw injustices to which the rest of the galaxy turned a blind eye. He saw slavery on Tatooine and the corrupt business practices of Czerka Corperation.
During his very first mission with his new master, Vivackus was to accompany Dorrin to Nar Shaddaa to confront the mastermind of a slave trade operating out of the core worlds. The Smuggler’s Moon disturbed Vivackus more than anything he had seen before. On Nar Shaddaa he saw many terrible practices that were not only conducted, but completely in the open. Vivackus was bewildered when Dorrin did not even attempt to apprehend the leader of the slave ring because of insufficient evidence.
Doubts had begun to creep into Vivackus’s mind about the noble cause of the Jedi. When confronting Dorrin with his questions, his master’s answers proved unsatisfactory. Surely, what better thing for the Jedi to do than stop these horrors? He simply refused to believe that Jedi, with the power of the Force, were incapable of righting these wrongs. Nevertheless, his power in the Force continued to grow, and Vivackus tried to push these thoughts from his mind, believing that he would be able to understand in due time.
Vivackus knew that the thoughts could lead to the Dark Side, but did not truly understand the subtlety of the Dark Side’s seduction. Without knowing it, Vivackus gradually became brash, sometimes disobeying orders, but justifying his actions to himself by saying that he was doing what he believed to be “right.”
Nar Shaddaa
By 23 ABY, had grown in strength and experience, and was close to beginning his Knight Trials, almost ready to become a full-fledged Jedi Knight Right before he was to undergo his final trials, a diplomatic conflict had arisen between Coruscant and the Hutt Empire on Nar Shaddaa. Because of Vivackus’ prior experience with the politics of his homeworld and Nar Shaddaa, and due to a shortage of available Jedi, Vivackus and Dorrin were sent on one last mission before his trials. Fate would have that this mission would be his last act as a Jedi.
While the master and apprentice were en route to Nar Shaddaa, they received word that the diplomatic relations had deteriorated and if the situation was not resolved soon, and redoubled their efforts to get to Nar Shaddaa quickly.
Upon arrival, they made a shocking discovery. One of the Hutts had taken drastic measures and had taken captive several of the Couruscant noble families, including Vivackus’ own family. His master realized that emotional involvement would almost certainly lead Vivackus to the Dark Side. The two had a heated argument. Vivackus’ master insisted that he return to Yavin and that the situation was far too precarious for a rescue mission, but there was no way Vivackus was going to leave his entire family captive of the Hutts. Suddenly, all the injustices around Vivackus became personal.
Rage swelled up in Vivackus that the Jedi would refuse to rescue his family. He drew his lightsaber and after a quick duel struck down his master. He then set out to track down the Hutt and save his family. Upon finding them, he was attacked by a Dark Jedi who was working for the Hutt. This opponent was much more powerful than his master, and Vivackus soon became tired. During a brief respite in the fighting, the Dark Jedi slew Vivackus’ father in one stroke of his lightsaber. It was then that Vivackus drew upon the Dark Side of the Force to easily defeat the Dark Jedi, the Hutt, as well as many of his mercenaries. Vivackus then stole a small ship to try to escape back to Couruscant.
He arrived at Couruscant, but Hutt mercenaries ambushed him on arrival, killing his mother and sister, while Vivackus barely escaped with his life. It was then that he began his self-imposed exile. He knew that the Jedi would not allow him back, but he had lost all desire to be a Jedi. He knew that he could not have defeated the Dark Jedi without drawing upon the Dark Side. He also knew that the Jedi would not use this power.After the death of his family, he discarded his lightsaber. It had become not a symbol of strength and goodness, but of inactivity and denial.
For several years, Vivackus wondered the Galaxy, never staying too long in one place. He would find odd jobs and only earn enough money to pay for fare to another random planet. He even stopped using the Force and his powers stagnated.
Dark Brotherhood
- "I had the good fortune to see that brawl back there. Someone of your...abilities could go far with the correct teaching."
- ―an unnamed member of the Dark Brotherhood
In 27 ABY, Vivackus was traveling aboard a passenger freighter to Corellia. While dining, several thugs bullied Vivackus into a fight. While outnumbered and weaponless, Vivackus’ training came through for him and he was able to hold his own until the ship crew intervened. The fight came to the attention of dark Jedi from the Dark Brotherhood traveling on the same freighter. The dark Jedi felt Vivackus’ latent, albeit stagnant and unused, Force potential. He approached Vivackus near the end of the trip and told him about the Dark Brotherhood. The dark Jedi told Vivackus of a ship on Corellia going to the Shadow Academy. Vivackus was initially apprehensive, but he had failed to find any answers elsewhere, and this appeared to be his only remaining option.
The Pull of the Dark Side
- "To fall is a quiet thing, but far more terrible is to admit it"
- ―Darth Traya
Vivackus initially chose the Obelisk Order. The young Jedi was simply seeking ways to make himself stronger (or at least that is what he told himself), Vivackus did not accept many of the Dark Jedi's teachings. The Obelisk Order seemed the least "evil" and more in line with Vivackus' perception of the universe. Initially all appeared well. At least, until Vivackus achieved the rank of Protector and began his apprenticeship under the Sith Kal Vorrac.
Vivackus during his apprenticeship to Kal
More coming soon
Personality and Physical Description
In progress