Suukou Bodai
The Suukou Bodai: or Supreme Knowledge boasts a current global membership of fifty thousand people across all the continents of Kyataru. It's main goal is to purge the "filth" of the Keibatsu from the pure lands of Kyataru.
The core of Suukou Bodai doctrine is taken from scripture included in the Prajit Canon of Seravasta Boddaihism (The Primary Religion of Kyataru). Other religious texts are also used, including a number of Jin-Ho sutras, Hindarim scriptures. However, there is controversy over whether to call Suukou Bodai a Boddaihist group or to apply other definitions, such as a 'terrorist organization'.
Modern religious scholars view the Suukou Bodai as religious movement for modern Kyataran’s. The mixture of Boddaihist traditions from all over Kyataru combine to form what they call the “Supreme Truth” or “Ultimate Path”. Claiming that all Kyataran spirituality are divergent paths with the same destination in mind the leaders of Suukou Bodai claim that by unifying the spirits of “pure” Kyatarans they can rid their world of the cycle of Karayim or of endless life, death, and rebirth under which all are forced to suffer for their otherworldly misdeeds.
To this end they extol the virtues of ridding Kyataru of the “impure” and of foreign influences. Outwardly their priests preach nonviolence, but a hidden face of the Suukou Bodai seeks the purging of the Keibatsu bloodline from the Golden Lotus Throne.
No one is certain who started the Suukou Bodai or where its scripture came from, what is known is that its doctrine spread like wildfire on Kyataru and that it now boasts a global membership of over 200,000 native Kyatarans.
Publicly the Suukou Bodai is organized like all other Boddaihist traditions on Kyataru with priests and nuns but they have one thing that separates them from those traditions in the Council of the Idayim, a ruling council of nine members known as the Idayim or the living Bodai, the embodiment of Kyataran perfection and enlightenment. These nine are believed to have achieved supreme enlightenment but remain on Kyataru by their own choice until it has been cleansed and its entire people enlightened and welcomed into the “pure lands”.
Secret Organization
The true origins of the Suukou Bodai originate with dissident members and officers of the armies of the old feudal lords displaced by the return of the Keibatsu to their ancestral lands. The original concept was for this group to serve simply as a clandestine organization for the elimination of the Keibatsu and the restoration of the remaining feudal lords and the vengeance of those deceased. These plans took a turn for the sinister when a Jedi by the name of Eojin Quon-Shen arrived tracking his fallen apprentice the current ruler of the Golden Lotus Throne Dark Jedi Master Muz Ashen Keibatsu.
Blending Jedi teachings of meditation and the force with those of the native Boddaihist traditions Eojin was able to give the group a public front to recruit and draw revenue from so that he would be better suited to hunt down and ultimately destroy what he saw as his ultimate failure in the personage of Muz.
Established as the Rinposhe Garayana or “Enlightened Savior” of the Suukou Bodai the Jedi Master directs the terrorist activities of his cult while convincing himself and others that what they do is ordained by the force and thereby of benefit to all living beings, a philosophy that brings his followers and him to the brink of the Dark Side.
Suukou Bodai to date have been responsible for over half a dozen acts of terrorism including, but not limited to, the bombing of supply warehouses in Dong-Hai, riots within the downtown sectors of Inazawa, and the poisoning of an entire division of Nihilgenia at Amahara Castle.