Category talk:Di tenebrous Arconae

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
Revision as of 22:05, 1 April 2008 by Xanos (talk | contribs)

WIKI staff, please can you ammend the following formatting: Unfortunately the category is currently entitled - (Articles in category "Di tenebrous Arconae") please can this be ammended so that the "Di" is all in lower case and "tenebrous" starts with a capital. Many thanks - DJM Mejas Doto, di Primus Tenebrous Arconae

  • As far as I know, the DJBWiki automatically capitalizes the first word. I just tried to use a cat with a lower case 'di' and it cap'd it. You'll have to get a DJBWiki coder to look at this one --Aabs 11:39, 1 April 2008 (MDT)
    • You can manually set the title of a page with {{Title|Write title here}}. I would assume that will allow a lower case letter for the beginning... which I'll try as soon as I post this. The lowercase "t" will still need the category page moved for di Tenebrous Arconae to work (unless you set up a redirect) but I'll try and force it to be a capital using the Title code for now anyway. --Xanos 15:59, 1 April 2008 (MDT)
      • ...and done. Still either will need the category moving or a redirect set up to solve the "T" issue, but the {{Title|Blah}} code gets you the small "d" alright. --Xanos 16:05, 1 April 2008 (MDT)