Vadin Cal

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Vadin Cal
Biographical Information
Date of Birth:

0 ABY (age 43)

Physical Description





1.7 meters


90 kg



Personal Information

Krea Cal, Single Mother


Muntok Cal, Murderer

Known Children:

Tanda (deseased)


??? (no one knows)


Knuckle Plate Vibroblade, Electrowhip

Chronology & Political Information

Clan Odan Urr



[ Source ]

Vadin Cal is a male Gand of decent regard. He had spent most of his life in combat, joining the renowned Fourth Scout Regiment of the Tanduran and Dac United Commandos. He served in numerous conflicts, including the most recent Battle of Tanduran, and in numerous battles against Harakoans. He deserted his duty after the Fall of New Tython, becoming a bounty hunter for several months. Despite this he returned to the Clan recently.

Character History

Early Life

Joining the T.D.U.C.

Military Experience

The Fall of New Tython

Bounty Hunter

Return to the Clan




Tanda was Vadin's daughter. The young Gand grew up on New Tython motherless. No one but Vadin knows who her mother was, and Vadin will not speak of it. Tanda was the joy of Vadin's life, and he made sure she was cared for when he was away on a tour of duty. Two yuears before her death he bought her a Training remote, which she named Em-H. The droid became her best friend, and the two were never separate. At the age of seven Tanda began to display signs of Force Sensitivity. At first Vadin didn't understand it as she was simply able to tell when certain things would happen. However when she had a telekinetic outburst on her eighth birthday, he contacted the Jedi. He agreed to bring her to the temple when he got off of his next tour of duty. That same day, Tanda gave Vadin Em-H and told him that something bad was going to happen, and she wanted him to be safe. One week later, on the last day of Vadin's tour, the Iron Throne bombarded New Tython.

Vadin spent his time on planet helping people evacuate, convinced that there were soldiers in his home town doing the same. When he made it off planet in his ship, the Bugman, with seven other soldiers, and caught up with the fleet he immediately tried to find Tanda. She did not make it off planet. Vadin still messages his daughters data pad daily, letting her know what is going on, though she will never be able to read it.

Agent Zander



Martial Arts


Weapons Training

Physical Description
