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- "There were some Shard, however, that were still more persecuted than the rest, for they were a menace in yet another sense. For not only were they aliens, and not only were they droids, they were Jedi."
- ―Tam Azur-Jamin
Kaiburr is a Shard Jedi Hunter in the Dark Brotherhood and was brought to Clan Arcona after being selected at the Shadow Academy by his Master, Nikola Valtiere as a worthy student. A former Iron Knight of the Jedi Order he was expelled from the order along with his brother Knights once his races nature became apparent to the Jedi Counsel, and after his expulsion he grew embittered and resentful of the Republic and its foremost Guardians - going on to create a terrifying terrorist organization that was feared throughout the Subterrel sector in his tireless crusade against the Jedi.
Character History
Pre-Dark Brotherhood
The Phantom Shard
The Pellucidus hive3783 BBY to 119 BBY
Kaiburr was born into the prestigious Pellucidus-hive located in the center of Orax and home to its most wondrous and acclaimed crystal formation in approximately 3783 BBY. Formed at the edge of one of Orax's many hot springs the giant cluster of crystals was the largest silicon based crystalline lattice in the galaxy, and it housed the largest hive of Shard on Orax. Known throughout the planet as its finest philosophers and thinkers, Kaiburr was raised by the hive-mind as one of its great scholar-priests thanks to his special gift.
Blessed with more then just the electromagnetic senses of his race, Kaiburr was touched by the gods and was one of the rare such Shard on the planet. Part of the hive-collective and yet also strangely apart, Kaiburr was able to retain his own identity and will inside the large group thanks to his special connection. Little did he know that he was in fact a highly attuned Force-sensitive, and it was this gift that enabled him to keep his identity and self-consciousness inside the vast Shard hive-mind.
Growing up and as a prospective Scholar and sage, shaped Kaiburr into an inquisitive and highly intelligent young Shard and he anxiously followed - and as his knowledge and skills grew, also participated in - the great political, philosophical and even whimsical debates of his brethren and elders. As his mind matured Kaiburr found that he had a frightening ability that sent shock-waves through the hive-mind and began a debate that would hold frightening consequences for the young adult.
As an immobile and quite primitive race, especially one as long lived as the Shard, their entire world view - and indeed the very basis for their entire civilization! - was based upon the fact that the world was untouchable and immobile to the crystalline race. And yet here was one of their own, able to touch the world around them and affect it despite their lack of physical means!
Attack of the Corporations
A human mining settlement119 BBY to 90 BBY
The great debate was cut short and shoved to the background as Orax was discovered by the Galactic Republic in 119 BBY, an event that saw many Humanoid species arrive on the planet, intent on plundering this new planet for profit. The pristine and unmarked world was quickly found to hold massive deposits of rare minerals and further metallurgical surveys found that the planet was seeded with vast veins of different ores.
The greedy corporations of the Galactic Republic were astounded at this discovery and soon the planet was swarming with new settlements and mining operations across the land. The once primal and beautiful planet was soon covered with festering wounds as numerous mines were founded and hordes of labor droids were imported to work the mines.
Unfortunately for the Shard, the Republic was late to discover the races sentience and in the span of a few years the Shard population was drastically cut down and reduced in number. Like the Tsil colonies on [Tsil planet], the Shard were found to have unique properties in electronic and droid technology and massive operations were mounted to mine as much of the precious "stones" as could be.
Further destruction and despoiling was prevented only through the hard fought efforts of a small group of bio-mechanical engineers and nature activists, who petitioned the Senate successfully to preserve the natural beauty of the planet as they watched with morbid disgust the horrific transformation taking place on the planet.
Little did they know that they were responsible for saving the Shard race and as the time went bye, a new discovery stunned the galaxy. The discovery of the Shard sent waves through the Republic and numerous HoloNet documentaries were created to preserve their legacy. In a bid to help the Shard race assimilate into the rest of the galaxy and join the rest of the galaxy, furious research was instigated into the problem of their immobility and soon enough breakthroughs in droid technology enabled a Shard to be placed inside a droid host and use it as a "body".
Revenge of the Shard
90 BBY to 50 BBY
Eagerly accepting a droid body and the means to finally move around and explore the galaxy that had so fascinated him, Kaiburr underwent the training necessary to couple his unique electromagnetic energy with droid technology and thus integrate the two entities into one whole being. Assigned to a fairly battered protocol droid as a starting point, Kaiburr was fascinated and enthralled with the new opportunities that his new "host" afforded him.
Despite the deep debate that now raged about the moral and cultural impact that the new technology had introduced to the slow and deeply traditional Shard society, Kaiburr embraced the new concept of time and space that the organic races seemed to view the galaxy with and worked hard to assimilate himself into galactic society.
Joining the planetary government that was soon created to help the Shard integrate into the Senate, the Republic and of course - commerce, Kaiburr made it his mission to work towards the recovery and preservation of all Shard colonies on Orax. Dealing with the numerous corporations and private concerns that flooded the newly made Government opened his eyes to the dirty backdoor politics and shadowy deals that permeated the corrupt and ineffective Senate, and with mounting concern he watched as money slowly eroded all of his hard work and the planets despoiling resumed its grim march.
With a burning rage and growing anger at the Republics ineffective policies, Kaiburr organized like minded Shard into a small and tightly knit group and started to wage a covert war on the Corporations destroying his dear planet. Calling themselves 'Protegat' they eschewed violence and other destructive means of retribution, Kaiburr and his organization struck back using legal loopholes to entrap and obstruct mining operations; creating soul numbing bureaucratic procedures and filing systems that sent legal attorneys scrambling madly back and forth; and generally causing as much havoc as possible using above board means.
A New Hope
50 BBY to 22 BBY
The arrival of exiled Jedi Master Aqinos brought a ray of hope to the beleaguered Shard and his subsequent discovery of a select few Shard as Force-sensitive underscored the burgeoning sense of Justice that crept into the collective consciousness. Taking the few Shard able to touch the Force under his wing and training them to fully wield their powers, the resourceful Sunesi Master realized his dreams of blending technology with the Force.
Using various class IV droid hosts such as Juggernaut war droids, FLTCH series droids, and Uulshos Justice droids as their hosts many Iron Knights took as their name that of lightsaber crystals, reflecting both their connection to the Force and their crystalline bodies. Earning themselves the sobriquet "Iron Knights" which reflected their Jedi powers, yet metallic bodies Aqinos created a strong cadre of Jedi who used their new-found powers and metallic bodies to help those in need.
The Protegat Strike Back
22 BBY to 19 BBY
Return of the Iron Knights
The Dark Brotherhood
The Force Awakens
19 ABY to 30 ABY
Coming soon! TM
Natural State
In his natural state, Solari is a sentient silicon-based irregularly faceted cylindrical crystal. He is 40 centimeters long and weighs only 5 kilograms. A virulent blood red with a tinge of obsidian at his core, faint pulses of sickly green light can be seen can be seen inside him when thoughts pass through his "brain."
- "Although the Force exists everywhere and within all living things, certain artifacts have demonstrated the ability to augment it. One such artifact is the Kaiburr crystal of the planet Circarpous V, locally known as Mimban."
- ―An excerpt of Jedi Scholar Tionne Solusar's writings[src]
Kaiburr takes his name from the Kaiburr Lightsaber crystal. This was a common practice among Shard Jedi[1]. When first introduced to the Brotherhood he named himself after the Kaiburr crystal due to its rich history and powerful abilities. The Kaiburr crystal was an ancient Force relic, initially located on the planet Circarpous V, locally known as Mimban. When in its natural location in the Temple of Pomojema on Mimban, the crystal increased a Force-sensitive's power one thousand times over. Among its magnification of abilities were the ability to heal, to further augment a Force-user's connection to the Force, to project Force lightning by those typically unable, and to empower and energize a tired being close in proximity to the crystal.