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Seridan is a young Miraluka, born in 16 ABY, taken to the Academy by his parents, as they could ‘see’ the unusual amount of Force that ebbed from Seridan’s body. He has experience and training in computer hacking, and has developed training in the psychology of humans and near-human species, like the Miraluka. Seridan is also trained in the philosophies of these different cultures. Seridan works logically, but also quite empathetic. Also, Seridan was extensively trained by his parents in the use of language and linguistics. The patterns within linguistics mean that Seridan is able to pick up new languages quicker than others. As the Miraluka cannot see in the traditional sense, and instead see through the Force, Seridan has been utilising the force since he was born. Seridan was a very insular person, as a youngling. Up until a few years ago, he preferred to work alone. But after travelling the galaxy in search of a Force-sensitive place, (like the ruins of a Jedi Temple on New Tython, for example) Seridan has become more welcome to company and now prefers to work in a larger group to not only get better results, but to fulfil Seridan’s social needs. He enjoys the company of anyone who will talk and debate with him about the Force, or anything else, for that matter.
Seridan’s life story is quite average. He has grown up in an average Miraluka society, learning their ideals. Through his school years, he was taught normal literacy, numeracy such, and when he was asked to specialise, he chose to specialise in the psychologies and philosophies of other cultures. He also further studied his sciences and maths, which he has a natural talent for. Seridan has experience working on computers and with their coding, though he doesn’t consider this to be his main skill. He prefers to research cultures and philosophies, particularly finding the philosophies of the proto-consulars of the Je’daai very interesting. He spends his days meditating, debating and researching. He has been instructed in combat techniques and whilst preferring other methods, Seridan will choose a combat option, should one be necessary, with no alternative. He prefers hiding in the shadows when on an operation and if attacks are needed then he will strike from the shadows.
Character History
Pre-Brotherhood Years
Very Early Life
Seridan was born on Alpheridies in 16 ABY into a close-knit village on the outskirts of the capital. He lived his very early years constantly learning. This led to his profound passion for knowledge.
In 23 ABY, when Seridan was only 7 years old, he was singled out as a particularly strong user of the Force. Miralukans see using the Force, as they do not have eyes. Strong users of the Force were sent to the Luka Sene. This was a university where these individuals furthered their knowledge. Very few Miralukans ever became Jedi. Mostly they helped out. However, since the Great Jedi Purge (where many Miraluka were slaughtered) the Miraluka of Alpheridies were very reluctant to associate themselves with the New Jedi Order or the New Republic.
Luka Sene to New Republic Scout Service
Seridan continued to further his knowledge and wisdom. He was also taught the teachings of their ancestors, as he was being prepared to lead the Miraluka. However, in 32 ABY, Seridan gained access to galactic-wide news services. This led to his discovery of the galaxy’s true history. He realised that the Miraluka of Alpheridies were being very apathetic and wrong. Seridan wanted to help and use his knowledge. His extreme confidence in his abilities led him to leave Alpheridies for Coruscant, where he attempted to join the New Republic Navy. After being declined due to inter-species prejudice, Seridan instead tried out for the Scout Service.
He was successful in joining the Scouts. Unfortunately, he joined a very right-wing team, where there was one leader - a human named Jok - and everyone else followed him to the letter. He was constantly berated and bullied by his team for 3 years. He was unable to quit the team due to solid threats and constant surveillance.
Escaping the New Republic Scout Service
In 36 ABY, Seridan was able to escape the crew by imitating a slave girl that he had seen on Tatooine. He made the decision to escape the crew after experiencing a strong Force vision whilst exploring the ruins of a Jedi Temple on [[New Tython|Harakoa}}.
Here is an entry from Seridan’s journal:
- "I saw a lot of Force emanating from a well-built building. I started to walk towards it and saw an emblem set into the dirtied marble at my feet. While I was examining the symbol, my vision went blank. As did all my other senses. I felt nothing. Suddenly, I started to see the Force again pouring away, radiating from my position. I started to see the buildings again, but they weren’t in ruins – they were fully constructed. And yet every townsperson in front of me was in sheer panic. It was quite confusing. I looked around. Around me were calm people. They were not freaking out or running around. They were calm, with grim, determined expressions on their scarred and war-weary faces. They were Jedi, with their dazzling blades.
I walked down the front steps to find out why these people were scared. Looking up, I saw an armada of ships – and they didn’t look friendly. I retreated back into the Jedi temple. After that, my visuals were somewhat disrupted. My other senses worked though – I heard, felt and tasted the battle raging around me. However, I felt something else as well. I started to feel emotions that are not my own. I felt presences all around me. I felt many people who were calm, calculating, and steadfast. I felt others who were full of hate and fear. I felt the calm Jedis’ resolve start to diminish. I felt as each mind was silenced. I felt as each death rippled throughout the Force and each one made me sadder.
Eventually, all the Jedi were killed. They were butchered and slaughtered. The hateful ones were joyful of all this death. It disgusted me. I still feel the rancid taste of so much death on my tongue. The feelings I felt slowly ebbed away from me, until I was again left with darkness and complete isolation from the outside world.
Slowly, my senses came back. It was a slow process. I was weary and still filled with sadness. I slowly perceived that I was lying on the marble ground. It didn’t matter much. My mind was still numb from the power of that experience. Those Jedi, they were so valiant and just. They were calm and peaceful until the very end. They weren’t anything like what I’d heard of them. If that was a true Jedi, I would be more than glad to join them."
- ―Seridan’s Journal, Entry 7
It was this strong vision, combined with his sudden isolation that spurred Seridan in searching for the surviving Jedi.
His search lasted many weeks, and was concluded by meeting a Jedi in a run-down cantina on the outerrim. This Jedi, a man named Adeodatus, brought Seridan before the House Summit of Odan-Urr. They proceeded to send him to the Shadow Academy for formal testing.
File:Avatar1.jpgSeridan in deep meditation
Activity with the Brotherhood
Seridan practicing newly learnt skills
Its still new days with House Odan Urr for Seridan. With little action, Seridan has made progress with his Force studies, becoming a student of Adeodatus, and gaining his own armory Lightsaber, by progressing to the rank of Padawan.
He has continued his training and continues to enjoy learning new things. He has most recently been part of a covert operation to seize the Lost Sword of Ferran: Revelation on the outer rim world of Bosthirda.
Apart from his training from Adeodatus, Seridan has trained with Kah, House Odan-Urr’s Rollmaster, progressing his Force and combat abilities. In his short time with Odan-Urr, Seridan has had quite a few adventures. He has gone behind enemy lines and spied upon House Scholae Palatinae. He has escaped an assassination attempt. Seridan has also settled local disturbance and ventured to Force ruins on distant worlds. Seridan’s short time with the Jedi has been very useful to him.
As he is still learning and studying the force, Seridan doesn’t like to think on his future as he fully understands that the future is ever-changing. Seridan chooses to use the Force as his guide and takes each day as it comes, unless a disturbance in the force causes him to start pondering the future. Whenever his thoughts do turn to the future, it is always the future of others and of societies, not of himself, as this can be corrupting.
DJB Facts
Outstanding Achievements
61st member of the ACC, 5th member in House Odan-Urr
17th member of the GMRG in House Odan-Urr
Positions Held
Militia Captain of the Paladin Squadron