The planet Krayiss II is situated in the Sith Worlds Region of the Outer Rim Territories. The planet is shrouded in the Stygian Calera and positioned along the Nache Bhelfia hyperlane.
Barren and mountainous, the surface of Krayiss II is an extremely unforgiving enviroment to any who dare to venture there. Massive seas of sand dominate the landscape, making travelling by foot across the harsh enviroment nearly impossible. These great expanses of sand and dirt are also coupled with the frequent mountains spread throughout the planet's surface. These mountains are often seen as great spikes of rock jutting out from the thick layer of sand covering the landscape. These expansive deserts are largely prone to enormouse sandstorms as great gusts of wind pick up the loose sand from the dry surface of the landscape, carrying it over an incredible distance. Often, these sandstorms can leave thick layers of sand covering entire mountains, concealing and uncovering these great monoliths with each passing hour. These sandstorms can transport large volumes of sand unexpectedly, ensuring that anyone unprepared for such an occurance perish.
Planetary History
Ancient Sith Empire
Ancient Sith Empire Library-Temple
High Value Targets
Morotheri Mithfaron (12049)
Kaira Rohana (10057)
Mar Sûl (13009)