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The Summit Guard of Arcona, also known as the Consul's Guard, was formed in the dawn of 30 ABY by Talos d'Tana in an effort to help protect his Summit, both House and Clan. Vanishing for close to a month, he scoured tomes and books, and viewed different holo-vids of combat training. Finally, he returned to Arcona with the proposal for the Summit Guard, which he presented to Consul Sashar Arconae and Proconsul Vorion. Later that day, after convening with the Clan's entire Summit, the proposal was approved and the Summit Guard was put into immediate action.
Organization History
The Guard was birthed in 30 ABY, as a way to help protect the leaders of Arcona from the dangers of the Ninth Great Jedi War and even threats from within the Clan itself. The first draft of Guardsmen considerably drained the others branches of the Arconan Armed Forces (the Dajorra Defence Force and Arcona Expeditionary Force), as the Summit would only accept the most loyal and highly trained soldiers, for they needed to be pressed into immediate service. However, due to the event known as the Black Tempest, newer soldiers were selected from the ranks of the service and pressed into duty before they had taken their oaths and without any real combat experience. With their newest protectors ready to serve, the Summit of Arcona reviewed possible leaders and decided that none would fit the role better than Talos d'Tana, who was made Captain of the Guard. The Summit Guard serves Talos as lieutenants who command the 6th Heavy Infantry Brigade, the larger force of the Consul's Guard.
The Black Tempest
The first real trial of the Summit Guard was shortly after their creation, in an event that has become known as Black Tempest. The situation began with the gruesome murder of the Tendd Limmer, a Scion Guard to Proconsul Vorion. Talos was immediately summoned to the scene of the crime, where he examined the horrific scene. Declaring that the murder of Limmer was actually a failed plot against Vorion's life, the Captain took his friend into protective custody and escorted him to the ISDII Eye of the Abyss II.
An Elite Guardsmen in the Hangar Bay of the ISDII Eye of the Abyss II
The Black Tempest section is based off of the current Inter-Clan Feud of the same name, so this section and further sections will be updated as the Feud progresses. Thank you for your understanding ~~ Talos, Captain of the Guard
The Guard Itself
To Protect Our Leaders
The new organization known as the Summit Guard is the most elite branch of the Arconan Armed Forces, next to that of its actual Dark Jedi Commanders. Only members that have displayed unyielding loyalty and devotion to the Shadow Clan are allowed to don the armor of the Guard and call themselves a Guardian of the Summit. Trained for nearly seven hours a day, in everything from ranged combat to melee, these armored warriors are indoctrinated in the ways of Arcona, being fiercely loyal to those they are sworn to protect.
Lead By Someone Who Has Crossed
When Talos was first approached to be the Captain, he was incredulous at best. Why give the position to someone who has betrayed the Clan? It was simple in the end, the Summit needed someone who had crossed over so as to better keep others from making the same mistake that he had.
Selection and Distribution
To join the Summit Guard to a higher honor...to make it past their intense training regimen is an even greater feat. As listed above, most of the current Guards are seasoned combat veterans and an assortment of fresh blood. This is due to the time of flux in which the Guard was formed, and the Summit needing their Guards. In order of hierarchy, the best of the best are assigned to the Proconsul Detachment and the Proconsul Detachment, while the other, less experienced, are given to the House Summits.
The Selection is a tough process, designed to weed out the weak and the unworthy of this honor. It lasts a total of thirteen weeks (though the last five weeks are apprenticeship Guard duties, where the recruit is paired with an active Guard and the recruit shadows their superior and takes notes as well as helping protect that Summit Member. However, due to the turbulence of Black Tempest and the rapidly approaching Unification War, the training time may be cut short as will the shadowing times.
The Summit Guard is split into four detachments, or divisions; the Galeres Detachment, the Qel-Droma Detachment, the Proconsul Detachment, and the Consul Detachment. More details are provided below:
Consul Detachment
The Consul's Detachment is the most elite section of the Summit Guard, as they are charged with the protection of Shade Warrior Sashar Arconae. They consist of the most grizzled combat veterans and are hand picked by Sashar himself. They wield upgraded E-19 Carbines, DC-15A Rifles, and upgraded Tehk'la longswords from Nagi. The Elite Detachment is one of two divisions that wear black armor, with the Arconan Symbol on the right pauldron and the personal symbol of Sashar on the left.
Proconsul Detachment
Nearly as elite as the Consul's Detacchment, the Proconsul's Detachment are also handpicked by the Proconsul of the Clan. The wield the same kit as Sashar's protectors and wear black armor with the Arconan symbol on the right pauldron and the personal crest of Vorion on the left. This is the second and final group that is authorized to wear the more advanced black armor.
Qel-Droma Detachment
The first of two generic divisions, the Qel-Droma Guards are sworn to the current Quaestor and Aedile of the House. They are issued standard E-19 carbines and Tehk'la longswords, leaving out the DC-15As. Their armor is a dark red color, as purple was decided to be to comical for their purpose. The symbols of Arcona and Qel-Droma can be found on the right and left shoulder pauldrons respectively.
Galeres Detachment
The second of two generic divisions, the Guards of Galeres are sworn to the current Quaestor and Aedile of the House. They are issued standard E-19 carbines and Tehk'la longswords, leaving out the DC-15As. Their armor is a dark blue color, as the color represented the Obelisk origin of the House. The symbols of Arcona and Galeres can be found on the right and left shoulder pauldrons respectively.
Guard Table
Each Summit Member is issued an appropriate number of Summit Guards, depending on the station they hold and their importance to the Clan. Below are the numbers ranging from largest amount of Guards to least.
File:SGHQD.jpgThe armor of the Qel-Droman Summit Guard
Consul of Arcona
The Consul, being the most important leader in the Clan, is issued the most Guards. The Consul's Detachment (also known as ConDetach or Elite Detachment 1) has twelve elite Guardsmen at his command, as well as the Captain of the Guard. Each of these men are handpicked by the Consul and undergo rigorous security screening.
Proconsul of Arcona
Being the next most important person in the halls of Arcona, the Proconsul is allowed eight Guardsmen, also handpicked and put throug rigiorus screening. Along with the eight, the Proconsul is also protected by the Lieutenant of the Guard, Loch Lorien.
Quaestors of the Two Houses
The Quaestors are the leaders of the sister Houses of Arcona and as such, demand high security. Each leader is given four Summit Guards, clad in the blue or red armor depending on the House. In addition to the standard four, each Quaestor is also given command of the two remaining members of the Summit Guard Control, Sergeant Major Grefken and First Sergeant Tauk.
House Galeres-
As Galeres holds the title of First House, Sergeant Major Grefken oversees Quaestor Timeros' protection.
House Qel-Droma-
While Galeres is the First House, Legorii Kryotek Entar deserves no less protection then Timeros, and as such, First Sergeant Tauk protects Entar and oversees the behavior of his four Guards.
Aediles of the Two Houses
The Aediles are the first leadership position that are allowed Summit Guards and as such, they are allowed the least. Two guards a piece are distributed to Aedile Etah d'Tana and Aedile Arcturus Gadeskin Xyler. No superior Guardsmen are issued to the two Aediles, however.
Alot of thought went into the design of the Summit Guard armor. Originally, it was supposed to be upgraded suits of Stormtrooper armor, but Captain d'Tana wouldn't settle for ripping off another respectable organization. Instead, he combined the Stormtrooper aspects with a Mandalorian flair, which was a very predominant aspect in Arconan life. After many restless nights, Talos was ready to present his sketch before his superiors, and they gave their glowing approval. Instead of entrusting normal refugee smiths for this suit of armor, Talos set up a meeting in an undisclosed location with his friend, Camord, and had him make the suits of armor. A mere week later, the armor was ready and Talos picked it up in another undisclosed location and presented it to his Guards, and they rallied their support and felt that the armor was truly elite.
As stated above, the armor is split between three colors; black for the Elite Detachments, Red for House Qel-Droma, and Blue for Galeres. The two Elite Detachments armor is considerably more protective than the generic detachments, but the generics are still very effective, despite their ceremonial look. The symbol of Arcona is emblazoned in either silver or black on the right pauldron, depending on the Detachment (silver for Elite and black for Generic).
E-19 Carbine - The E-19 Carbine is the 'grandson' of the iconic E-11. More accurate and far more powerful, these weapons are state-of-the-art, not to mention the Summit Guard's numerous upgrades. The blasters fire a high powered, blue laser bolt can be set to either Single, Semi-Automatic, or Full Automatic.
The E-19 Carbine Rifle, standard issue ranged ranged weapon of the Guard
DC-15A - Based off a famous weapon, the DC-15As are the extremely powerful and modern version of the DC-15 rifle, which was used predominantly throughout the Clone Wars. These weapons fire at either single shot or full automatic and can punch holes through durasteel with a single bolt.
Tehk'la Longsword - Taken from rough designs of a bladed weapon from Nagi, these weapons are reforged by refugee smiths on board the ISDII Eye of the Abyss II. They are just about a lightsaber blade in length, made of pure carbon steel with a serrated edge running down the left side of the blade, which tapers into a black hilt, where a small vibro-generator replaces the pommel. A special instructional program is given to the Guards during their training so they can learn this unique weapon.
Merr-Sonn Vulcan Sidearm - An extremely powerful pistol, the Vulcan is the latest in Merr-Sonn Munitions line of sidearms. The Vulcan can hold a charge worth 20 shots, which when depleted, cycles out for another charge pack while the emptied back recharges. This entire process takes place inside the pistol, giving it a virtual infinite ammo supply. The Vulcan fires a blue blaster bolt, capable of penetrating nearly all armors, except those Force-imbued, beskar'gam, and the Coral Armor of the Yuuzhan Vong.
While the Summit Guard are not loaned any vehicles of their own, during Selection they are instructed in ways to pilot the numerous vehicles within the Arconan Flotilla. These include the LAAT/i, the Lambda-class shuttle, as well as various starfighters like TIE Avengers, Interceptors, Phantoms, and the like. They are also expected to know how to operate a speeder bike and landspeeder by the end of Selection.
When the Summit Is In Transit
During this time, the pilot of whatever vehicle that the Summit is on is temporarily relived of duty and a Summit Guard from that Summit Member's Detachment takes the cockpit, with another acting as a co-pilot. When the vehicle is no longer used by the Summit, the original pilot and crew are returned to the ship and given full rights once more.