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| *Sai's real name is Turkelton. | | *Sai's real name is Turkelton. |
| *Sai's nickname is "Brown Bear". | | *Sai's nickname is "Brown Bear". |
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| | [[image:Turk.jpg|thumb|left|Sai in Real Life]] |
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Template:Krath charinfo
Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu is the Tetrarch to the Jade Serpents Battle Team of House Ludo Kressh and member of the infamous Order of the Black Guard.
Character History
- Sai is fanatically loyal to Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu;
- Sai has played pivotal roles in the recovery of the Sword of Sadow for Clan Naga Sadow and the crushing of the Suukou Bodai Rebellion on Kyataru; and,
- Sai suffers from a neurosis, as all of the members of the Keibatsu family do; his is unique in that he loses all emotional attachment to people and situations, enabling him to act with almost mechanical coldness, precision, and efficiency.
Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu had a relatively uneventful childhood; that is, until the 'Trials of Al'Thun', the test that all who've demonstrated Force sensitivity undergo in order to determine their Warrior or Diplomatic aptitude. As he had inherited his Force Ability from his father's prodigious bloodline, only recently revealed, Sai tested extraordinarily high in both; however, since his father was not present to exert his influence, Sai was pushed towards the life of a diplomat. Five short years later, an unexpected turn of events found Sai Na'Ashar speeding off world; it seemed that, after a particularly heated argument with his mother, Sai went to bed and, upon awakening, found his wife of an arranged marriage dead in their bed. Sai had unknowingly reached out to the Force in his sleep and killed her. He quickly found himself on the wrong end of his mother's ire and he left his homeworld shortly thereafter, feeling betrayed and abandoned by those whom he'd so faithfully served.
Following his flight off world, Sai bounced from system to system, honing his skills, when he found himself on Coruscant. His abilities were quickly recognized and he was taken in by the Jedi Order, a rarity for one so 'advanced' in age. Sai was initially enthralled by the 'Glittering Jewel of the Galaxy', until he became embroiled, then disgusted, by the planet's muddled politics and the Jedi Order's increasing ineptitude. It was in the face of this that Sai developed his stony demeanor, and earned the name 'Alabaster'. He left the Temple without ceremony, claiming the Force was all he followed now. Sai found himself aiding (and some say, abetting) a smuggler's den in the Outer Rim when he had a chance encounter with then Archpriest Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu. Details are cloudy regarding the particulars of this meeting, but it is known that it had such an impact on Sai that he immediately sought admittance to the Shadow Academy, and subsequently, the Dark Jedi Brotherhood.
The Brotherhood
File:7925-warbanner.gifSai Na'Ashar Keibatsu's WarbannerSai began his career with the Dark Brotherhood, and soon began a meteoric rise within its ranks, quickly attaining prestigious appointments, such as Tetrarch of the Jade Serpents Battle Team and Judge of the Antei Combat Centre. However, it is his apprenticeship to Shin'ichi Endymiron Keibatsu that had the most profound influence on the Dark Jedi. Sai is being honed as a weapon, and by Shin's own admission, one of 'the most promising students he has ever let live.' In faithful service, Sai has completed various and sundry missions, bringing glory to Clan Naga Sadow and House Ludo Kressh time and time again. It was on one such mission that his greatest glory would be revealed.
Keibatsu DragonSai had occasion to accompany his master Shin'ichi back to the latter's homeworld of Kyataru, where a rebellion seeking to oust the family from rule had sprung up. As Sai, Shin'ichi, and Mononoke "Macron" Keibatsu-Goura made preparations to leave for Kyataru, Shin noticed Sai fretting over his ever-present katana, inherited from his father. When Shin went to see what the matter was, Sai told him that he was having a bit of trouble rewrapping the hilt. As Shin’ichi bent close to give Sai instruction in an advanced wrapping technique, he espied, inlayed in gold, the Rampant Dragon on the hilt, marking the weapon with their familial sigil. Making no mention of it, he allowed Sai to continue with his preparations. Meanwhile, Shin’ichi sequestered Macron in another part of the quarters, asking the Mad Alchemist to analyze a blood sample that was taken from Sai during their recent mission to find and retrieve the Sword of Sadow.
Scientific investigation confirmed ethereal suspicion; Sai did indeed have the blood of the Keibatsu coursing through his veins, and had been under their noses the whole time. A silent look exchanged betwixt the Keibatsu confirmed that the revelation was best left to the Elder after a family conference.
Shortly after reaching Kyataru, Shin’ichi disappeared after he was attacked by Macron’s sister Anaxela. Sai was despondent at both the absence of his master and the Family’s perceived nonchalance. Finally, in order confirm his brothers’ and his own research into the familial line and to ease the agitated Korun, Muz revealed the Family’s unique disposition for fanatic loyalty, and confirmed the reason for Sai’s concern: it is only natural to be concerned for one’s Brother. Muz revealed that Sai was descendant from Meishu Daraku Keibatsu, the elder brother of Shinmen, the family proper's grandfather.
Sai stared in disbelief at the eldest Keibatsu; after he searched his feelings, he was awash in relief. His lost history was found, his mysterious heraldry confirmed. Sai was welcomed among the venerated family, another lost child of the Keibatsu, returned.
Service in Darkness
File:Echo-7.jpgDetail of the Signet of The Winds, Crest found on the Sai's ring
Tattoo of the Black Guard
- After proving his skill during a Clan Naga Sadow House Feud, Sai was named Tetrarch of the Jade Serpents. Soon thereafter, he has enjoyed increasing responsibility by being appointed Judge of the ACC, as well as Shikyo Keibatsu's Black Guard.
- He has completed his Dark Jedi Knight Trials.
As one of the four Battle Team Leaders of Clan Naga Sadow, Sai commissioned a unique distinction, a ring of zersium alloy with an onyx disc, called the 'Signet of The Winds'. The onyx disc was then etched with Sith Alchemy using his own blood into a pattern representing the very winds. Further, the disc is inlayed with aurbesh writing of gold, translated to read 'Libertas In Tenebarum', or 'Freedom in Darkness'.
DJB Facts
- Was named Tetrarch and ACC Judge at the rank of Jedi Hunter.
- The name Na'Ashar has dual meanings: 'chosen' or 'damned'. Both situations apply to Sai.
- After receiving a 'battle cocktail' from Mononoke Keibatsu-Goura, his eyes' pupils split into three distinct apertures. He is constantly discovering new Force Abilities with them; the far reaching effects have yet to be revealed.
- The script down the side of his warbanner can be translated to read 'stone'.
- Sai's real name is Turkelton.
- Sai's nickname is "Brown Bear".
File:Turk.jpgSai in Real Life