Upsidexumop: Difference between revisions

From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
m (Categories: Category:Palatinaeans to Category:Scholae Palatinae members by order of the Tribune)
m (Updating Member status to rogue)
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No clan members know his true first and last name, only the Clan Summit may have a record of it.
No clan members know his true first and last name, only the Clan Summit may have a record of it.

[[Category:Scholae Palatinae members]]

Revision as of 19:55, 11 April 2022

Mikiul "Upsidexumop" Ulai
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

13 ABY

Physical Description





173 cm


72 kg





Personal Information

Catlin Ulai


Clan Scholae Palatinae

Lightsaber Color(s):


Lightsaber Form(s):



DL-44 Blaster Pistol

Fighting Style(s):

Teräs Käsi

Chronology & Political Information

Tie Pilot


Clan Scholae Palatinae

Known masters:

Delak Krennel



[ Source ]

"Here I stand striving for solidarity, in a universe whose vastness makes me pee in my pants a little. "
― Mikiul "Upsidexumop" Ulai

Upsidexumop is a fun-loving Epicanthix male Tie Pilot in the service of Clan Scholae Palatinae who enjoys playing pranks, using subterfuge and mind tricks, whether in jest or in combat.

Character History

Early Life

Mikiul had an easy and pleasant childhood on a peaceful planet. Both of his parents are still alive and well. As a toddler, he was always curious and causing trouble. Upon reaching the age of 18, he decided to leave his homeworld, as he had always felt that he was meant for more and wished to be a part of something bigger than Panatha could offer. Upon reaching the first station he found, he inquired about the Empire’s Tie Corps and enlisted right away. Within a couple of months, his basic training was completed.

Call to Duty

During training, he met a man named Delak Krennel and formed a fast friendship. He expressed to Delak that he was not a fan of the Tie Corps anymore and that he felt he was not a good pilot. He had earned the callsign “Upsidedown” due to his unstable flying. Upside always had a feeling that he was different from others, like he had some sort of intuition, and natural talent in astrogation. But he thought it was do to his martial art training.

Delak sensed that he may be Force sensitive, saw potential in him to become a Dark Jedi and arranged for Force testing. When it showed a positive, he told him about the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and that he would talk to his people and see if he could train the young man.


Delak arranged transport for him to the Shadow Academy on Antei. After completing basic classes, Upside followed him to CSP, as a student of his new Master, but only using his alias name. Soon after, he decided to do GMRG training with such strong hand-to-hand fighting skills. He was a little nervous at first but optimistic, as it was a big transition from just being a pilot to learning the Force. Their first mission together was during the Fading Light campaign, where the DJB achieved victories over more Sith systems. This led right into the GJW XI, where Upside's piloting and melee skills were put to the test, to hold off the One Sith and loyalist Brotherhood forces on Korriban.

Once he reached Jedi Hunter rank, he mostly used his Force abilities for entertaining himself and others, by pulling pranks on friends and foes. Practicing subterfuge and manipulation, he would make things disappear that people were looking for, clouding their mind so they couldn’t see them. Since he is an Epicanthix, he cannot be swayed and they would not even know it’s coming. He took joy in messing with new recruits, hiding their light sabers and convincing them to do his chores for him, like feeding the Imperial Barn animals, then laugh if they got in trouble.


Physical Description

An Epicanthix appears as near-human but for their distinguished epicanthic eyelid folds. Also, they have a rare genetic immunity to Force-assisted mental tricks, influence, domination and mind reading.

Upside is a 25 year old male, young considering their average lifespan is 130. With tan skin, brown hair and green eyes, he appears as any other, except for the long scar across his left eye. His sinewy muscles reveal his years of martial arts training.


Upside is an easygoing, optimistic guy who likes to goof off, but is easily distracted by shiny things or fun games. Though tactful, he prefers straight talk and will give his friends an honest opinion, which they appreciate.

In combat, he can also appear playful, which makes his opponents underestimate his intensity. He is always trying new moves and thinks unconventionally, sometimes outside of established rules and norms, which has caused those who make assumptions to find themselves on the losing side.


Upsidexumop is a play on the words “upside down”, as the second part is inverted.

No clan members know his true first and last name, only the Clan Summit may have a record of it.