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==Special Mention==
==Special Mention==
The content of this Wiki page was written by Qyreia Arronen who took first place in the Build Me a Squadron....Make it a Wiki Competition
The content of this Wiki page was written by Qyreia Arronen who took first place in the Build Me a Squadron....Make it a Wiki Competition
[[Category: Naga Sadow military]]

Latest revision as of 23:01, 8 February 2017

“Searing Blade Squadron"
Unit Information

34 ABY - present


Shar Dakhan


Warhost Naval Branch


VSDII Covenant


Clan Naga Sadow


"Give us a target and it’ll be gone by sundown!”


Crimson, Black and White


12 TIE Interceptors


Maj. Amere Eyrien, Cpt. Elise Trendal

[ Source ]

“Give us a target and it’ll be gone by sundown.” – Maj. Amere Eyrien

Major Amere Eryien commands Searing Blade Squadron, a contingent of twelve TIE/In starfighters, with the Covenant as its primary command center that fall under the overarching control of House Shar Dakhan and, by extension, the Warhost of Clan Naga Sadow.


“If you’re going to make a pass at someone, do it with your guns, and aim it at the enemy.” – Cpt. Elise Trendal, speaking with Maj. Eyrien

Formed during the restructuring of the Warhost of Naga Sadow, Searing Blade Squadron. filled the need for an interceptor attack group. Chosen for his impeccable flying ability, Major Eyrien was given overall command of the group. He then proceeded to hand-pick as many of the Warhost Navy’s best pilots – particularly those who had survived harrowing incidents that were attributed to luck as much as skill, citing that “luck will keep you alive when your skill runs out.” Eyrien named recently-promoted Captain Trendal as his Executive Officer (XO), whose by-the-book nature made a good balance to his more cavalier approach to combat.

After the squadron’s formation, Searing Blade was dispatched to House Shar Dakhan as part of the local military presence that could be called upon as needed by the House or Clan alike. Rather than concern the group with extravagant names, the Major divided the squadron into three simply-named flights: Blade-1, Blade-2, and Blade-3. When in combat, the flight leaders are denoted by their flight names, with their subordinates recognized by an additional numerical identifier. As XO of the squadron, Captain Trendal was placed as Blade-2 lead in an effort to more evenly distribute the pool of experience and leadership, as well as prevent the entire command team from being annihilated if an entire flight were to go down. Upon beginning training exercises, the Searing Blades garnered a reputation for stalwart but cautious action, fighting whatever foe presented itself with unrivaled tenacity. This was particularly notable given their vessels’ rather iconic fragility, making them a valuable asset on the offense or defense.


As above, The Searing Blade Squadron in broken up into three opertional flights.

Blade-1 Flight

Name: Amere Eyrien (Blade 1)

Rank: Major

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Bio: Known as much for his brash approach of combat and womanizing as he is for skilled piloting, Amere holds the position of Commanding Officer (CO) of Searing Blade Squadron, going by the callsign ‘Blade Leader’ or simply ‘Blade One’. Being a relatively young officer, he gained notoriety by engaging in dogfights despite odds that were otherwise stacked against him. While he was not always the clear victor, he was usually able to limp his fighter to whatever vessel he called home regardless of the outcome.

Name: Garet Bosk (Blade 1-1)

Rank: Lieutenant

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Bio: Graduating mid-level in his class standings, Garet was noted on multiple occasions for being overly aggressive, although this only seemed to appear when those in his unit were in danger. This has resulted in the loss of several ships – and subsequent promotions – but a good standing with his fellow pilots and crew. He is an otherwise cool-headed individual that seems to enjoy quiet solitude as much as a night out at the bar

Name: Craneh Jen (Blade 1-2)

Rank: Flight Officer

Species: Twi’lek

Gender: Male

Bio: Born the twin of his sister Olu, Craneh finds solace in keeping his sister safe. When he heard that she desired to join the military, he fell into the ranks beside her in an effort to keep her from getting into trouble. As a recent graduate of the flight academy, he holds little rank or merit to his name, but like his sister, he tends to be fiercely loyal to those close to him.

Name: Olu Jen (Blade 1-3)

Rank: Flight Officer

Species: Twi’lek

Gender: Female

Bio: Born the twin of her brother Craneh, Olu finds solace in keeping her brother safe. When she mistakenly heard that he desired to join the military, she signed on in an effort to keep him from getting shot or blown up. As a recent graduate of the flight academy, she holds little rank or merit to her name, but like her brother, she tends to be fiercely loyal to those close to her.

Blade-2 Flight

Name: Elise Trendal (Blade 2)

Rank: Captain

Species: Mirialan

Gender: Female

Bio: A strict by-the-books officer, Elise graduated at the top of her flight class and gained quick prominence as a skilled pilot and tactician, noted for being remarkably level-headed even under fire. While not in a position of command, her presence tends to demand respect even though she speaks plainly and is otherwise rather personable. Her greatest contention since joining the squadron is Eyrien’s propensity to hit on her – subtly or otherwise – resulting in more than one verbal chastisement, even when engaged with the enemy.

Name: Eric Morraine (Blade 2-1)

Rank: Lieutenant

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Bio: While a decent pilot, Morraine is often cited and has been prevented from demotion for his extreme xenophobia. It was this oddity that actually enticed Eyrien’s interest, saying that “if he hasn’t been fragged yet, he’s got to be worth something.” It was also what prompted Trendal to take him as her wingman – if he failed to keep her alive, he might be instantly court martialed for dereliction of duty and accessory to murder. This has made him a very prolific defensive fighter, able to protect his flight commander with astounding skill, if only because he fears a firing squad as much as he does her wrath.

Name: Periline Xanas (Blade 2-2)

Rank: Lieutenant

Species: Human

Gender: Female

Bio: What made Periline stand out among her peers and garner attention to the Searing Blades wasn’t so much her phenomenal combat skills as her survivability. Originally trained as part of a close-air-support group, her ship was often subjected to ground-based AA fire as much as from intercepting enemy starfighters, resulting in heavy attrition for her wingmates. However, she always managed to somehow pilot her craft home, one time managing to land (not crash-land) her battered vessel at a friendly base with only the barest of propulsion and maneuvering systems still intact.

Name: Gial Carbellan (Blade 2-3)

Rank: Flight Officer

Species: Mon Calamari

Gender: Male

Bio: A prodigy on the cusp of genius, Gial – named in honor of Admiral Ackbar – is obsessed with starfighters and their technology. While a pilot of fair skill, he graduated at the bottom of his flight class, although he attained extremely high marks in mechanics and flight theory. He is also the youngest member of the squadron, giving him something of a youthful exuberance and whimsical wonder with everything around him, even when he is providing in-flight maintenance guidance to his wingmates.

Blade-3 Flight

Name: Xi Tao (Blade 3)

Rank: Captain

Species: Nautolan

Gender: Female

Bio: As much as she hates space, Xi has a hard time with dust and other such environments, which was what prompted her to join the starfighter corps – there’s little dust in space. Whether perceived or real, she always felt the need to prove herself in front of her superiors and subordinates alike, making her a skilled pilot, if somewhat reckless at times. Though not quite so skilled as Trendal, Xi is fiercely committed to completing the mission, though that sometimes hampers her better judgement.

Name: Bib Offal (Blade 3-1)

Rank: Lieutenant

Species: Sullustan

Gender: Male

Bio: Unlike everyone else in the Searing Blades, Bib never technically passed his military coursework. In fact, he failed his flight course. This was not for lack of skill, as the Sullustan’s sole passion in life is piloting starfighters; or piloting anything, for that matter. He simply hated doing the non-flying parts of the coursework so much that he failed by sheer grades. Despite this, his ability could hardly be questioned, and he was barely accepted as a co-pilot before proving himself on the battlefield and gaining some rank. It was this ability – and sheer dose of luck – that attracted Eyrien’s attention.

Name: Lucas Kilgore (Blade 3-2)

Rank: Flight Officer

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Bio: Lucas’ placement into the Searing Blades was something of a stroke of luck – if one could call it that – for someone with so little on their service record. With no more than decent marks at the academy, he gained his position simply for need of a body to fill the slot. Despite this, he has earned a reputation for hard work during training exercises, and as the errand-boy when off-duty. He has been promised that, once he’s seen his first battle, the squadron will quit picking on him. For now though, he will continue to fetch drinks and snacks during pazaak night.

Name: Warren Numesk (Blade 3-3)

Rank: Flight Officer

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Bio: A veteran of only several small skirmishes, he nonetheless attracted the attention of Major Eyrien by his sheer size. Standing a full head taller than the average human, Warren barely fits comfortably into a TIE/In cockpit, and his muscular bulk does little for his flight suit’s fit. While not the best pilot or the most intellectually profound member of the squadron, his street smarts and imposing figure make him a very reliable and amiable member of the squadron.

Special Mention

The content of this Wiki page was written by Qyreia Arronen who took first place in the Build Me a Squadron....Make it a Wiki Competition