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|firstname= Solas
|firstname= Solas
|lastname= Night-Thorn
|lastname= Night-Thorn
|title= The Soul of Nekros
|birth= 2 BBY (Age 41)
|birth= 2 BBY (Age 41)

Revision as of 10:38, 7 December 2015

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Solas Night-Thorn
Biographical Information


Date of Birth:

2 BBY (Age 41)

Physical Description





1.88 m


109.8 kg


Snow White (Formerly Brown)


Sky Blue (Formerly Brown)


Left Arm

Personal Information

Renali Thorn (Age 62, Deceased)


Sorban Thorn (Age 83, Deceased)

  • Shilley Thorn (Sister, Age 12, Deceased)
  • Katherine Thorn (Sister, Age 7, Deceased)

Kalin Rose Night-Thorn (Age 23, Deceased)

  • Neepra Corano (Sarkhai Radical Leader, Age 71, Deceased)
  • Saller Deranna (Sarkhai Radical, Age 62, Executed Solas' Father, Deceased)
  • Verac Normec (Sarkhai Traitor, Age 42, Former Friend of Solas)
Lightsaber Color(s):

Red Blade Armory Saber

Lightsaber Form(s):

Form 0

Fighting Style(s):

Broken Gate, Hapan

Chronology & Political Information

Battleteam Leader

Known masters:

Battlelord Hades



[ Source ]

"My silence is not weakness. It is the beginning of my vengeance."
―Solas Night-Thorn

Solas Night-Thorn is a Epicanthix Sith Hunter, known as the Soul of Nekros, and thus the leader of the Battleteam Nekros Syndicate sworn to House Mortis of Clan Tarentum. Despite being born an Epicanthix, Night-Thorn was raised on Sarkhai.

Character History

Early Life

Born to Epicanthix refugees, Solas was orphaned only months after his birth. Not much is known about Solas' first years. All that can be confirmed is that, by the age of 5, he was living in an orphanage in the political district of Coruscant. It would be in that orphanage that he would be found by the Sarkhai Royal Ambasador Sorban Thorn and his wife Renali. Fate had dealt a cruel hand to the Thorn's as Sorban had been born sterile. So the couple decided to adopt the young boy and chose to give him the name Solas, after his late adoptive grandfather. Being adopted into the Thorn family meant that Solas was under a microscope from the moment he recieved his family crest tattoo. It would be a year later that young Solas would enter the Sarkhai Imperial Military Academy and begin the journey to filling his father's shoes. However in only a year the Thorn family would grow again when the ambassador would adopt the two orphaned daughters of a former subordinate, who was murdered alongside his wife by a rival. The girls; Shilley, age 5, and Katherine, age 2 soon moved in and quickly adjusted to life there, especially having an older brother.

Military Life

Sarkhai military training is brutal, relentless, and most importantly full contact. It was not a pleasant time for Solas, while he still lived in his family's quarters in the Imperial Palace, he was not home all that often. He would wake long before sunrise and would have left the quarters before any members of his family would awake. He would train with the other sons of members of court. They would train in all forms of hand-to-hand and armed combat. They also trained in military studies, such as; map reading, route charting, military strategy, and combat theory. They would train in combat for 4 hours after sunrise. Following a sparse tasteless breakfast, they would attend class for 9 hours, with a short 15 minute lunch in the middle of the day. Following classes, they would resume their physical training. This would continue late into the night, ending at the time that the cadets would be required to go home and almost immediately go to sleep, that is if they wanted to get a healthy amount of sleep. Despite all this Solas remained a facet in his family's life, particularly in the lives of his two sisters. Often sacrificing things to help them, or even just walk them to and from school.

Military Service Record

  • Joined Sarkhai Imperial Military Academy - Age 6
  • Promoted to Private 1st Class - Age 7
  • Promoted to Corpral - Age 9
  • Transfered to Senior Leadership Class E1 - Age 9
  • Promoted to Sergeant - Age 10
  • Graduated the SIMA, Top of Class, Youngest Graduate in History - Age 11
  • Promoted to Staff Sergeant - Age 11
  • Transfered to Imperial Garrison Division - Age 11
  • Awarded the Garrison Distinguished Service Star - Age 12
  • Awarded the Garrison Division Aneverary Ribbon - Age 13
  • Awarded the Garrison Command Commendation Ribbon - Age 14
  • Promoted to Master Sergeant - Age 14
  • Awarded the Imperial Wounded Action Medal - 14
  • Awarded the Silver Shield Medal - Age 14
  • Awarded the Hero of Starfall Medal - Age 14
  • Promoted to First Sergeant - Age 15
  • Given command of Garrison Division Echo Company - Age 15

Force Awakening

Solas received only one major break per year. In the year 6 ABY, Solas chose to take his break when his father was traveling off-world. He would accompany his father and sister Shilley, on a 4 day long trip to the galactic core world of Coruscant.

On the final day of the trip, Solas and Shilley were waiting outside the offices of the Ryloth Ambassador. While waiting for their father, a man tried to mug the children. When they had nothing to give the man, he became angry, and he swung a knife at 6 year old Shilley. In a subconscious reaction to the attack, Solas lashed out with the Force for the first time. His uncontrolled attack sent the man's arm, and subsequently the knife, wildly off course, causing the knife to slash Solas' right forearm from the elbow all the way down to his hand. This would cause Solas to lash out again with the Force again, this time he launched the man into the opposite wall knocking him unconscious. Solas would collapse shortly after, fortunately their father would exit the offices not long after. Seeing the remains of what happened their father would rush Solas and Shilley to a med bay and as soon as they were fit to travel, they were all rushed back to Sarkhai.

After he healed, Solas finally was able to sit down and talk to his father about what had happened. After he told the story, Solas expected to be given training in how to contain and use his new powers. To his surprise his father told him that it would be impossible for him to recieve training as there was no one alive on Sarkhai that had any inkling of knowledge or skill in the Force. As the last person, a Jedi Padawan named Nadia Grell, died thousands of years in the past. And so after accepting the fact that he would have to repress his abilities, Solas' life would return to normal.

Fall of Sarkhai

Following the events on Coruscant, Solas would return to his normal life, and it would proceed without incident for the next 6 years. He even managed to make two really close friends; Narkan Dorme` and Verac Normec. They grew close enough that Solas would share his greatest secret with them, so now aside from his father, Narkan and Verac knew that Solas was Force sensitive. So Solas had managed to begin living a normal life.

This fantasy was shattered in 14 ABY, when a group of Sarkhai radicals, lead by Solas' old military school commander; Neepra Corano, attacked the Imperial Palace in a coup d'etat. It is now believed that they were helped into the palace. Someone opened the main gates, that someone is believed to have been Solas' friend Verac Normec. Now while Solas and his entire family were in the palace, they were separated by great distances. Solas was in the north yard of the palace training as he did everyday, his mother and sisters were home in the family quarters, and his father was in the council chambers. This unfortunately meant that his father was at the epicenter of the fighting when the attack started. No one was prepared for the attack, within the first hour the Radicals had taken control of the entire palace. Shortly after this at 6:17 PM, Sorban Thorn was executed. Solas never even saw his father before his death. While this was happening Solas was rushing towards his home to make sure his mother and sisters were okay. But long before Solas could reach the living quarters wing, a large explosion was detonated, engulfing the entire wing in a massive fireball. Solas' mother and sisters died in the blast.

Shortly after this, while he was trying to figure out what he should do, Solas received a transmission from Narkan. In the message Solas learned of the coup and his father's execution. However, before Narkan could tell him anymore, Solas watched as one of his closest friends was gunned down by Radical insurgents. As Narkan dropped the comm link, Solas got a clear image of the man that had just shot and killed Narkan, it was Verac. So in a matter of 5 minutes, Solas had lost everything; his mother, father, sisters, and one of his bestfriends were murdered, and his only other friend betrayed him. Solas would proceed to flee the palace grounds and spend the next three weeks hiding out in the nearby mountains. After some time Solas figured that it would be safe to make his move and leave.

Escape into Exile

After three weeks of hiding out in the mountains, Solas would sneak back onto the palace grounds. After using all the military training received over the past 10 years, to steal a speeder and enough supplies to reach the nearest spaceport. After selling the speeder, he would charter passage on a refugee freighter to the outer-rim. Thus ended the peaceful days of Solas' childhood.

Life in Exile

Following his flight from Sarkhai, Solas began living in the outer-rim. Planet hoping doing odd little jobs, he was doing his best to stay out of sight. He never ventured far enough into the interior to be recognized. It would be during this time, that Solas would begin to wear dark red war paint. There are many reasons that he changed this. Chief among them was safety. Only Sarkhai elite wore blue war paint, so with word spreading of the coup on Sarkhai, bounty hunters looking to make a quick buck, began taking out any Sarkhai with blue paint in hopes it was someone important. So to disappear, Solas began using the dark red of the Old Sarkhai Imperials. Not many remember the old empire, so most just thought he was just a common Sarkhai. After 4 years of planet hopping, to avoid the usurpers, Solas would settle on the far outer-rim planet of Troiken.

Becoming an Azure Serpant

On Troiken, Solas would encouted a crime organization known as the Azure Serpants. In fact it was the Serpants that sought Solas out, he had started to gain a reputation as a freelance thief and wetworker. As such the leader of the Serpants, a man known as Talon Night, made a proactive move to bring Solas into his fold. He did this so they could become allies, before they became enemies.

Once he had gained their trust and had been accepted by the rest of the Azure Serpants, Solas began working as an assistant to the senior members. Eventually he was taken on as Talon's apprentice, and quickly came to prominence as a wetboy, famed for his abilities. Over time Solas would go on to surpass even his own mentor's expectations. He surpassed them so much so that Talon soon elevated him to master wetboy and named him his heir. and thus granted him the surname of Night. At that point he believed that he had finally outrun his past. He could not have been more wrong. It would be on a mission in 24 ABY, that Solas' past would finally catch up to him. Another assassin, hired by the Radicals to kill Solas, had been searching for him for the past decade. The assassin finally caught up to him on Troiken. While Solas was attempting to kill a corrupt banking leader. Right before Solas was going to administer the killing blow, he would be attacked by the rival assassin. Solas survived the attack but his cover was exposed. He was forced to flee Troiken. However, before he could do this, his Force connection, and anger, lead to the Brotherhood to seek him out and guide him to the Shadow Academy. So without their knowing, the members of the Brotherhood had saved Solas' life. Finally after a decade of chaos and disorder, Solas had finally found the militaristic order and lifestyle that he had grown up knowing.

The Dark Jedi Brotherhood

Early Years

Solas' first three years in the Brotherhood, began the same as every other member. He would spend those years at the Shadow Academy.

Late in the year 27 ABY, Solas' master began administering the Test of Lore. Solas answered the first question with ease. His second question was initially met with a lapse in memory, but he quickly remebered the answer. He answered the remaining questions without problem. Having passed the Test of Lore, Solas was placed in House Tarentum. He had only a few minutes to gather his few belongings and say his goodbyes. Before he knew it he was onboard a shuttle, hurtling thru hyperspace towards Yridia II, home of Castle Tarentum.

As a new apprentice, Solas really didn't get much help when he first arrived, save for the house Rollmaster Kalmah Sidhe. Shortly before Solas landed on Yridia II, he was informed by the Brotherhood Master at Arms, that he would do well to contact a member of his house if they did not contact him first. Solas, always the ambitious one, didn't wait for his superiors to contact him. Before he landed, Solas send a message to Kalmah Sidhe. Doing this Kalmah responded to Solas' message and would meet Solas upon his arrival. This display of ambition and initiative, would earn Solas a very early promotion from Apprentice to Novice.

Physical Description