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=== Lightsaber ===
=== Lightsaber ===

Revak’s lightsaber measures 30.48cm long X 3.81cm wide. Starting at the pommel and moving up the hilt 8.89cm are a set of rubberized handgrips. The hilt contained no, buttons, knobs or switches for 13.97cm. This allowed for free movement of the hand. The activator was located towards the front just below the angled shroud emitter. The blade glows yellow to represent his role as a Sentinel.
Revak always carries two lightsabers. The one he build after attaining Knighthood, casts an orange blade, representing his role in the Sentinel order. The other, purple, to represent berried emotions. In most situations, only his orange lightsaber is ignited. But in times of great stress; his emotions surface. He uses those emotions to enhance his Force abilities and combat skills. When Revak is seen holding a purple saber in his off-hand, he will stop at nothing to win.

=== Slugthrower ===
=== Slugthrower ===

Revision as of 12:07, 5 November 2013

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Revak Kur
Biographical Information


Physical Description



1.7 m


77 kg


Dark Brown



Personal Information
Lightsaber Form(s):

Djem So

Fighting Style(s):
  • Kartranin
  • Sharn-ado
Chronology & Political Information

Battle Team Leader

Personal Ship:


Known masters:

Guinevere Deschain



[ Source ]

History (for now)

The Beginning

The story of Revak Kur starts with his parents, Loa and Aris Kur, around 9 ABY. Lao Kur was a Miraluka male, who was a Sith and served as a General to the Empire. Aris Ors was a Human female, originally from Dantooine, who lived and worked on Taris as a banker.

Through much of his childhood, Loa was never home much. His service to the Empire would take him away for months at a time. Aris was left to raise Revak on her own. For the short stints that Loa was home; he spent all his time with his family. Though, the games he played with Revak weren’t really games at all, but more like training. Revak had inherited Loa’s Force abilities, although he lacked natural Force Sight due to the fact he was born with working eyes. Loa envisioned training Revak to be his apprentice and the two would serve the Emperor side by side. Aris on the other hand didn’t share same vision: she wanted Revak to be a Jedi. Aris saw the pain and destruction the Empire, and her husband, was bringing to other worlds. As Revak grew older, Loa and Aris grew further apart. This tension also translated to Revak having an unsettling feeling around his father once he realized that Loa wasn’t playing with his son, but training his apprentice.

His Father's "Training"

The time Revak spent with his father, from his father’s point of view, was actually a highly productive training class. He began first by teaching the principles of the dark side. He would start every “class” by reciting the Code of the Sith and having Revak repeat it back to him. He would tell stories of great Sith like Revan and Malak, Maul and Vader. Loa often repeated “To be a great Sith, means to emulate a great Sith Lord.”

Physical fitness was in the form of running and sparring. They would alternate chasing each other through obstacle courses. Revak learned to leap off high platforms, land and continue pursuit. When Revak was too tired to run any further, Loa would condition him to fight even more. They would work on Loa’s preferred fighting style of Kartranin. He gave Revak an introduction to the art’s mechanics and began showing him defensive maneuvers. One thing that Loa stressed to Revak was that an enemy that can’t see you can’t kill you. Revak was taught to hide and use stealth to sneak up and kill his enemies. As he got older, Loa introduced Revak to the workings of his lightsaber, although training him to be proficient would be the work of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. Loa pointed out that, as useful as a lightsaber was; it was also very bright, loud and not used for assassinations or covert missions.

Part of Revak’s lessons in stealth and assassinations was the use of a slugthrower. Loa favored these types of weapons do to their accuracy, range and inability for Force users to deflect the slug with their lightsaber. Revak training on a Czerka Adventurer Rifle, similar to the ones issued to Loa’s sniper squads. Once Revak learned the nomenclature and shooting fundamentals of this weapon, he excelled rather quickly. Loa taught Revak not only to shoot with his eyes but to use his instincts. As Revak’s skill increased, so did the difficulty of the courses of fire. Close stationary targets began to move then the distance would increase. Revak began to hit “X’s” on targets moving 16kph at a distance of 1000m without aid from the Force.

A Shot in the Dark

Around Ravak’s 18th birthday, the tension between Loa and Aris was far too great. Upon arriving home from work early, Aris found Loa standing across the room from a blindfolded Revak and pointing a small blaster at his chest. He looked at her with a smug grim and pulled the trigger. Aris screamed as the bolt flew out of the muzzle of the blaster. Almost instantly, Revak ignited his father’s lightsaber and caught the bolt with the bright red blade. The bolt was sent across the room and out the window of their apartment. The look of pleasure on Loa’s face turned to anger when Aris grabbed the blaster and demanded that Loa stop this: Revak was to become a Jedi. Aris grabbed the lightsaber from Revak and pushed him into his room. His parents fought for hours. After the slam of the front door, Revak walked out of his room. He found his mother crying on the floor. She looked up and explained how he was going to be a great Jedi one day. She told him that following the dark side would destroy the ones he loved. Revak promised his mother that he would follow the light.

The tension intensified within the family. Revak could no longer stand to be around his father and set out to make his own life. He saved enough money to get on a transport to his mother’s home planet of Dantooine.

The Start of a New Life

Revak was now on a new world he knew nothing about and money was running out fast. He began looking around for work. He started doing odd jobs around the estates of the more wealthy families. One day while landscaping around the Demir estate’s main building, a ship landed on a nearby platform. The ship armor was grey with signs of battle scars. The blue accent markings where so aged that they were barely visible. Revak gazed at the impressive ship he wondered who owned the ship and daydreamed of one day being able to fly where ever he wanted. The ship sat lifeless for a few moments until the boarding ramp lowered.

His gaze was broken by Demir’s LOM-Series protocol droid who instructed him to help unload the cargo. As he walked over, down the ramp came a Human female. Her black boots almost went up to her knees, her long black coat waved behind her in the wind; her curly black hair partially covered her face. She stopped at the bottom and eyed Revak. Revak was stunned by her. He had expected someone scruffier looking to be delivering supplies in such a tattered ship. She smiled at him and continued to walk towards the Demir’s building.

Revak unloaded the ship, as he was instructed to, but each time he entered he would look with amazement at the machine. Never before had he been inside a ship with so much history and he wondered what stories it and its pilot had.

As he turned to walk out with his last crate, he was started by the woman standing between him and the exit.

Woman: “Have you never seen a ship before?” She asked with an annoyed tone to her voice.

Revak: “I’m sorry, this is the last one.” He tried to hide the nerviness of his voice, when he noticed the blaster on her hip.

He walked past her and down the ramp. He placed the crate down and felt a presence behind him. He turned around to see her staring at him.

Woman: “What’s your name?”

Revak: “Revak. Revak Kur.” He studied her body language to better assess the situation. For all he could tell, she seemed generally interested in finding out more about him.

Di’an: “I’m Di’an. And by the looks of how you took orders from a droid, I can see that you are only a laborer here.” The tone of her voice now showed a hint of pity.

Insulted in the fact that it was obvious, Revak responded.

Revak: “I do what I’m told. Work is work and money is money.”

Di’an: “Do you want to learn something?”

With a smirk she pushed the long coat behind her and sat down on one of the crates.

Di’an: “I need someone I can depend on, a good worker. I’m a good judge of character and you seem to be just what I need.”

Revak, without hesitation agreed. That night he gathered his belongings and boarded her ship. They took off for their next destination.

Di’an was a smuggler by trade and was as tough as she was beautiful. Although she was quite a bit older than Revak, she treated him as an equal, something that no one had ever done before. She taught him how to stand up for himself both in personal and business matters. He admired and learned from her charisma; her ability to stay calm when things became a little hectic. At the same time, he taught her to read situations to find the hidden intentions in the actions and speech of others. He was able to use what his father taught him to aid them in their endeavors. Di’an and Revak formed a solid bond and the two saw high profits working together.

Di’an was an excellent pilot. She taught him all about flying and repairing her YT-2000 light freighter “Mystic.” With that came astro-navigation, lessons on different planets and races. Above all else she taught him the importance of space combat. Taking after her, he became a skilled pilot; often running missions on his own with her only watching.

The New Face of Revak

On his 24th birthday, Di’an burst into his room holding a decorative box. He had never cared much for his own birthday but she was seemed extremely excited about his gift. He sat up in bed and she placed the box on his lap.

Di’an: “Before you open it, there is a story behind it. The day we met on Dantooine, I took this out of one of the crates you unloaded…” She said barely containing her excitement.

Revak gave her a look as if to say “we smuggle, but we don’t steal from clients.” Di’an shrugged off his look and continued.

Di’an: “…I really think you will like it.”

Revak removed the decorative paper covering the box. He opened it to reveal a battle mask. The mask has a gun metal grey finish with black eye slit. Revak held the mask in his hand and looked at her.

Di’an: “Do you like it? All the stories you tell me of Sith Lords. They all have masks. Now you have yours.”

She was proud of her self for the thoughtfulness of the gift and could see on Revak’s face that he loved it.

Di’an: “That’s not all.”

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small metal medallion on a silver chain. She placed the medallion in his hand and closed his fingers around it.

Di’an: “When I die, I want you to remember me.”

Revak sat confused by her statement, but could tell she was serious by the look on her face. He clasped the chain around his neck and tucked it under his shirt.

The End of an Era

It was on Kashyyyk, around 34 ABY, that his life would change forever. Revak had always wanted to see the world covered in gigantic trees and diverse animal life. While Revak refueled the Mystic, Di’an walked down to another platform full of food and clothing merchants to restock their rations. As she paid for the items, a loud explosion was heard overhead. A Republic Cruiser had exploded in space and came crashing through the thick forest canopy. Large tree branches, engulfed in flames, rained down on the landing platform. Revak was hit and knocked back by the falling debris. The impact knocked the wind out of him and sent him to the ground. He jumped to his feet. His head bled from the impact but amongst the screaming and chaos, he heard a familiar voice screaming for help. Revak started to run towards the cry for help. He dodged falling debris and leapt over massive flaming cruiser parts, until he made his way to the front edge of the platform.

Behind a wall of fire he found Di’an trapped by a large piece of the engine. He screamed to her that he would save her. The raining debris prevented him from making the jump across the flames. She screamed in agony as her clothes caught fire. He screamed her name as if doing so would extinguish the fire. The look of pain and terror on Di’an’s face went away as her eyes met his. The chaos seemed to disappear, as they both seemed to savor the last moment they would see each other. She smiled at him and mouthed words “I will always be with you.” The moment ended when a large branch came crashing down on the platform. Large red-hot embers filled the air.

When the flames died down, all that was left was half a burned platform. Revak sat near the edge and leaded over. A faint orange glow quickly burned out into blackness. Time seemed to stop. Revak sat numb to all the noise and commotion around him. He rose to his feet and made his way back to the Mystic. He sat in the pilot’s seat, and broke down in tears. Vowing to make Di’an proud of him, he fired up the engines and took off into the sunset. The destination: New Tython.

Personality and Traits

When Revak does things, he makes sure everything is done correctly, no matter how long it takes. While generally laid back and more than happy to offer a quip of sarcasm, Revak's entire demeanor changes once combat begins. He becomes focused and quiet, with his smile replaced with a look of grim determination.

At times, he prefers to push the rules to the absolute limit. While he is unlikely to actually break rules or disobey orders, he toes the line between what is allowed and what isn't at every opportunity.

Through careful study and dedication to isolated martial-combat, Revak has turned the act of dueling into an art form. A keen eye and attention to detail allows him the ability to learn their opponent's idiosyncrasies while fighting. He then uses his own skills to capitalize on the opponent's weakness. Because of this calculated approach to isolated duels, he has a harder time taking on multiple opponents at once at higher skill levels. It is this weakness that, when he feels the battle is not in his favor, prefers the ancient technique of a good kick to the nuts. And if that won't work, either because the enemy is a woman or has balls of steel, Revak isn't beyond pulling a few more cheap tricks out of the bag. Granted, he won't be winning any medals for nobility or any prestige for a unique fighting style or a superb maneuver, but Revak Kur will still be winning, the best and most dirty way he knows how.



He made several improvements to the ship including a newer hyperdrive, armor and shield generator, two automated laser turrets that can be controlled by his newly purchased astro-mech droid of the R9 series.


He purchased R9-9D or “Nine” to help him with improving the Mystic. The droid had a quirky yet fun personality that often times humored Revak.



Revak always carries two lightsabers. The one he build after attaining Knighthood, casts an orange blade, representing his role in the Sentinel order. The other, purple, to represent berried emotions. In most situations, only his orange lightsaber is ignited. But in times of great stress; his emotions surface. He uses those emotions to enhance his Force abilities and combat skills. When Revak is seen holding a purple saber in his off-hand, he will stop at nothing to win.




  • Originally the name Revak is a combination of the names Revan and Malak. Turns out, it’s a real name.
  • Revak’s only language is Basic. He would learn others, but years of playing loud music in his ship’s small cockpit has damaged his hearing.
  • The one thing that Revak always carries with him into battle… sour gummy-worms.
  • Claims to be “The Best Smelling Jedi” in the Universe.
  • Tends to procrastinate.