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| === Signals Intelligence Division === | | === Signals Intelligence Division === |
| {{main|[[Taldryan Signals Intelligence Division|Signals Intelligence Division]]}} | | {{main|[[Taldryan Signals Intelligence Division|Signals Intelligence Division]]}} |
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| | The Signals Intelligence Division (SID) is responsible for the monitoring of communications, and information systems throughout the galaxy and within Taldryan. Divided into three Branches, SID monitors, slices, and encrypts data in order to ensure informational security is protected within Taldryan, and compromised outside of it. The Signals Intelligence Division is commanded by [[Yveret Biabru]]. |
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| === Special Intelligence Service === | | === Special Intelligence Service === |
| {{main|[[Taldryan Special Intelligence Service|Special Intelligence Service]]}} | | {{main|[[Taldryan Special Intelligence Service|Special Intelligence Service]]}} |
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| | The Secret Intelligence Division (SIS) is Taldryan's primary foreign intelligence service. These agents and operatives are responsible for monitoring threats, and information sources throughout the galaxy and the Brotherhood, and maintaining a close eye on any new developments. Home to three Branches, two of them are focused on espionage within the Brotherhood, and then the galaxy at large. The final Branch, Cipher, is the most enigmatic, and famous of Taldryan's Intelligence Directorate. The Secret Intelligence Division is commanded by [[Roth Edo]]. |
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| === Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division === | | === Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division === |
| {{main|[[Taldryan Counter Intelligence Service|Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division]]}} | | {{main|[[Taldryan Counter Intelligence Service|Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division]]}} |
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| | The Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division (SEC) is Taldryan's primary domestic intelligence service. While the other Divisions are nominally about guarding from external threats, Counter Intel and Domestic Security is the shield that protects Taldryan from internal threats. Ranging from foreign agents operating on Taldryan soil, to terrorist threats and beyond, while operating in three Branches: Foreign Security, Domestic Security, and the sinister Special Branch. The Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division is commanded by [[Raeth Elson]]. |
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| == Rank Structure == | | == Rank Structure == |
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Taldryan Intelligence Service
During the days of the distant past, when the Dark Brotherhood was still under the aegis of the Emperor’s Hammer Strike Fleet, the Clans and Houses were far less independent in matters of military, and intelligence gathering. Troops were assigned to the various ships from the Hammer’s army, and intelligence matters were handled solely by the Hammer Intelligence Division.
However, following the Exodus it became necessary for the Clans to begin to develop the infrastructures that had previously been provided to them. In response to this need, Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn formed the Taldryan Intelligence Service as an independent branch of the Taldryan Military, to defend Taldryan against threats throughout the galaxy, and within the Brotherhood itself.
Taldryan’s Intelligence Service was loosely modelled after the Imperial Security Bureau and Imperial Intelligence; borrowing the Bureau’s strict military command structure, and combining it with Imperial Intelligence’s operational autonomy for its agents. Divided into two divisions, Operations and Analysis, operatives and agents of Taldryan would scour the galaxy to find information, and then analyze it in order to present a cohesive picture to their leaders. One of the first such organizations within the Dark Brotherhood, Taldryan’s Intelligence Service ensured that whenever conflicts arose, the warriors of Taldryan were better informed and able to confront and overcome their foes.
Taldryan Intelligence Directorate
Taldryan Intelligence Directorate's Command Structure
Command Structure
The Taldryan Intelligence Directorate is commanded and overseen by a number of Branch and Division Directors, overseeing their personal fiefdoms within the Intelligence apparatus. The Supreme Director of Intelligence is an appointed official, being drawn from the Sons and Daughters of Taldryan owing to their unquestionable loyalty to Taldryan above all else. For day to day operational command, the Directorate is under the command of the Deputy Director of Intelligence.
As its purview is to protect Taldryan from threats both foreign and domestic, the Intelligence Directorate is not solely under the direct command of the current leader of Taldryan; instead the Supreme Director reports to the Taldryan Special Operations Council, but is answerable ultimately, only to the Sons and Daughters of Taldryan.
The Intelligence Directorate contains three distinct Divisions within it: The Signals Intelligence Division (SID), the Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division (SEC), and the Special Intelligence Service (SIS).
Each Division is commanded by a Director, who is responsible for maintaining, and organizing the activities of the various branches, and Branch Leaders under their command.
Signals Intelligence Division
- Main article: [[Signals Intelligence Division|Signals Intelligence Division]]
The Signals Intelligence Division (SID) is responsible for the monitoring of communications, and information systems throughout the galaxy and within Taldryan. Divided into three Branches, SID monitors, slices, and encrypts data in order to ensure informational security is protected within Taldryan, and compromised outside of it. The Signals Intelligence Division is commanded by Yveret Biabru.
Special Intelligence Service
- Main article: [[Special Intelligence Service|Special Intelligence Service]]
The Secret Intelligence Division (SIS) is Taldryan's primary foreign intelligence service. These agents and operatives are responsible for monitoring threats, and information sources throughout the galaxy and the Brotherhood, and maintaining a close eye on any new developments. Home to three Branches, two of them are focused on espionage within the Brotherhood, and then the galaxy at large. The final Branch, Cipher, is the most enigmatic, and famous of Taldryan's Intelligence Directorate. The Secret Intelligence Division is commanded by Roth Edo.
Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division
- Main article: [[Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division|Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division]]
The Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division (SEC) is Taldryan's primary domestic intelligence service. While the other Divisions are nominally about guarding from external threats, Counter Intel and Domestic Security is the shield that protects Taldryan from internal threats. Ranging from foreign agents operating on Taldryan soil, to terrorist threats and beyond, while operating in three Branches: Foreign Security, Domestic Security, and the sinister Special Branch. The Counter Intelligence and Domestic Security Division is commanded by Raeth Elson.
Rank Structure
Old Crap
When the Dark Jedi Brotherhood was still a sister organization of the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet, the Clans were less independent in military and intelligence gathering. The Fleet deployed Imperial Army soldiers and Stormtroopers, while Imperial Security and Intelligence forces were wide-ranging and shared information when it was needed.
However with the separation of the Brotherhood from the Fleet, each Clan had to develop beyond their core military systems as they moved into both new territory and a new political arena. In response to this need, Consul Kir Taldrya Katarn formed the Taldryan Intelligence Service as a fully independent branch of the Taldryan Military, modeled after his own experiences in the Emperor's Hammer Intelligence Division.
The Taldryan Intelligence Service was modeled after the Imperial Security Bureau in that it has a rigid military command structure; and Imperial Intelligence as it's operational agents follow more lenient restrictions. While technically an independent entity, the Intelligence Service derived from the army branch of Taldryan's military, and therefore have retained a modified version of army rank structure:
The Intelligence Service is divided into two divisions, Operations (OD) and Analysis (AD). These divisions are overseen by the Executive Committee (ExCom).
Operations Division
The Operations Division is the heart of the Service. It's agents include the covert operators sent to infiltrate organizations, surveillance agents, interrogators, and inside informers. Most Operations agents will spend nearly their entire career outside of Taldryan facilities, and occasionally individual assignments can last a lifetime. The Operations Division has its own organizational structure for it's operators and administrators, as follows:
(Note: These denote the positions held by the operator, not the actual rank of the individual. For example, a “Cell Agent” may be a Captain, while his “Cell Leader” could only be a Lieutenant.)
For small scale operations, individual Agents (A) are sent out to complete assignments. These Agents are typical experienced operators who can be trusted to complete missions without support. A typical operational assignment is made up of several cells each containing numerous agents. These Cell Agents (CA's) preform the standard infiltration and surveillance assignments, and report only to their Cell Leader (CL). The Cell Leaders typically isolate themselves and spend their time collecting information from, and distributing information to, their Cell Agents. They then organize the information and send it to the Branch Coordinator (BC). Branch Coordinator's are responsible for an entire theater of operations. These could be an entire planet's operators, a large city or a single organization. The Branch Coordinators are stationed in the field, although they only come in contact with Cell Leaders. The Division Director (DD) and his Assistant Division Director (AAD) are in charge of all Operations in the division. They are not stationed in the field, their offices are in the Taldryan Headquarters building. There they coordinate all operational activities and gather incoming intelligence to be analyzed by the Analysis Division.
Analysis Division
The Analysis Division is absolutely vital; it gathers the raw intelligence coming from field agents, sorts and interprets it, and then determines how it fits into the bigger picture. The daily intelligence updates the Consul and clan military leaders receive are put together by the Analysis Division. Generally it's officers are well educated and typically specialize in specific concentrations. Analysis has its offices in the Taldryan Headquarters building, and appears more like an office than a military station. With the exception of the Division Director and his Assistant Director, it's members have no positional titles, and operate in “circles” that concentrate on specific areas of the galaxy.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is made up of four members who are responsible for the administration of the entire Intelligence Service.
The Training Director (TDir) is responsible for the recruitment of potential candidates, their training, and their assignment to a Division. The Division Liaison (DL) is responsible for maintenance and direct oversight of the Divisions. He works closely with the Division Directors to ensure they are on task and communicating effectively. The Executive Director (EDir) is the second in command of the Intelligence Service. He shares responsibility for all Service-wide administration with the Chief Director, and also any specific tasks assigned to him. The Chief Director (CDir) is the highest position within the Service. All responsibility falls to him, and he has the final say in every decision. The Consul relies upon the Chief to maintain the Clan's Intelligence machine. The Chief also delivers daily intelligence briefings to the Consul in person whenever possible.