"Second place is the first loser" - Blarex
Blarex is a Human bounty hunter and member of House Galeres and Clan Arcona.
Personal History
Early Childhood
Blarex was born Han Framke in Coronet City, Corellia in 15 ABY to Jorn Framke and Mari Posilla. His father Jorn, a very proud Corellian patriot, named his son after his idol Han Solo. Jorn is descended from a long line of successful, but ruthless, business owners on Corellia. The family wealth coming from Framkorp, a manufacturer of coolant pumps to supply companies such as Corellian Engineering Corporation. As a child, Han was very close to his father's family, this is partly due to the fact that he would eventually inherit the family business. Han never saw or knew much of his mother's side of the family. Growing up, all Han was only aware that her family lived in the Outer Rim and that he'd get a birthday card from his grandfather each year with 100 credits.
File:CorellianBoy.jpgConfrontation at SchoolFor his tenth birthday, Han's father gave his son a top of the line new datapad. Although his mother thought this an extravagant gift to give to a ten year old, his father said as the heir to his business he had to start acting like a CEO. Instead of reading financial reports and stock tickers, the ten year old actually used this to read news of the war. Early the next year an older boy at Han's school stole the datapad after roughing him up. Han was both furious that the boy had stole from him but also afraid that his father would be angry that he let it out of his sight. Han decided not to tell anyone at school and tried to recover his stolen property on his own.
Han stalked the older child, first he found out from other students which hovertrain the boy took home and boarded the train unbeknownst to the other child. Han trailed his prey tactfully and got off at the same stop as the older child, once again without the other boy knowing. Once the other student went down an alleyway, Han saw his chance to strike. Young Framke attacked and broke the older boy's nose, left hand and fractured a rib. The fight was broken up by a random passerby and the man called CSF because he was afraid Han had actually killed the other boy. Jorn's political connections, a sizable payoff, and the fact that the other boy was still alive, got Han out of any major disciplinary action with the authorities. However, after this altercation his mother urged his father to enroll their son in formal fighting classes would teach him discipline and help him control his anger. Han was enrolled at a Dulon school that was near his families apartment.
Over the next three years, the young Corellian boy became somewhat of a local phenom in the martial arts scene, taking on two or three other students his level at a time. Han's Dulon instructor mentioned to his parents that it seemed that the boy was not just reacting to his opponents but actually preemptively countering their moves. He suggested that the boy may have some level of Force sensitivity. Again using the pull of the Framke name, his parents contacted the locally deployed Jedi in Coronet. His mother was very reluctant at first however she was overruled by her husband and his family, they decided that having a Jedi in the family could only further the influence of the Framke name.
The boy was taken to the local Jedi enclave in 28 ABY. The Jedi did determine that the boy did have enough force aptitude, although not above the average youngling, to warrant Jedi training. Unfortunately, Han failed all of the mental tests and was deemed too aggressive to be admitted to the Order. His Father pleaded with the Jedi, even offered a bribe, desperate to have his son and heir trained as a Jedi. The Jedi was disgusted at the attempt and demanded that the Framke's leave.
Adolescent Years
Han's Practice SwordHan's failure with the Jedi created a rift between the now teenage Corellian and his father. However, he became even closer to his mother during this time. She took a keen interest in his development as a martial artist and was present with her child at every event over the next three years. By 31 ABY, Han was dominating the local Dulon scene and the 16 year old was approached by a Kartranin instructor. The man, Jin-She, was person Han was familiar with. Jin-She was known to only teach students that he personally chose for his school, and charged no fee. When Han told his mother she immediatly commed Jin-She to officially accept the offer and offered a very large donation to his school. She then took Han out to purchase his first training sword, which she spared no expense on, much to the chagrin of his father. Jorn was still unimpressed with his son and saw Han's martial arts training consolation prize, he believed his son was living below his potential.
It was not long before Han again began excelling in his new chosen form as well. He quickly mastered the basics of Kartranin and by his first year of study was proficient in the same techniques as students that had been practicing for four or five years. Recognizing the raw potential in the young man, Han's master took him in as his primary pupil and taught him the rare art of Tu'rek. Merging this new form with his others, and his latent Force abilities, the young man was now unstoppable. He won every competition that he entered in 32 ABY by a wide margin. He even began to attract a small following of fans in Coronet, although his mother still was his biggest fan.
At this time, professional talent managers began taking notice of Han. Han's father, seeing an opportunity to restore some glory lost by the failure with the Jedi, took over the negotiations with all of these prospective managers. In the end Tranik Maltin of the Galactic City Sports Agency from Coruscant was selected by Jorn to represent his son. Han's was taken out of high school and given a personal tutor by his sports agency. The workouts he was now put through turned the toned but diminutive young man into a hulking mass of muscle. By the time Han reached age 18, and adulthood, he was ready for a shot at the big time.
Young Adulthood
File:CoronetCity.jpgCoronet the night of the fightTranik organized Han's fight in 33 ABY, with one of his other up-and-coming clients. Han's opponent was a Fondorian Jar'Kai artist Kopin Rewa. Both young men were extremely skilled in their chosen forms and had both been training for years. Tranik made both young men aware that the winner of the fight would receive the full support of the agency and the loser would be cast off. The venue of the fight was Han's home city of Coronet on Remembrance Day. The arena sold out in ten galactic standard hours, much of the city was eager to root on Han, who at this point had become a full-fledged local celebrity.
Han arrived at the arena much earlier than the crowds that afternoon to practice and talk strategy with his master Jin She. As he entered the arena and approached the ring the crowd was already roaring in anticipation. He saw his mother in the front row but his father was not sitting next to her, in his place was an older man that he had never seen before. As the fight began, he pushed all of this from his mind, convinced that he would need all of his oncentration to defeat his opponent. Han and the crowd were mistaken. The fight was over in two minutes, Han was able to disarm and defeat his opponent before the end of the first round. As the crowed stared in stunned silence, Han stood in the middle of the ring disappointed in the outcome. He was hoping that by moving onto the larger galactic circuits he would find opponents that would challenge him.
Han exited the arena as the crowd recovered and began cheering louder than ever for their hometown hero. His mother was waiting for him in the locker room, along with the strange man that was sitting next to her. She told Han that the man was Kitrum Posilla her father, his grandfather, and it was time he knew about the Posilla family. His grandfather told Han that the family descended from a long line of bounty hunter and mercenaries dating back thousands of years. He said that the family traces it's history back to a man knows as Blarex the Patriarch, a bounty hunter from an era of history known as the Cold War. This, coupled with his Force Sensitivity, was why he would never find a challenge in organized fighting. Fighting was in his blood, only in the life and death underworld would he truly ever find a challenge.
Kitrum revealed that the family had, for many generations, began to compile the family history. However, there were few records available concerning The Patriarch himself. Kitrum spent his entire life searching for these records between jobs and finally had a lead, but he could not follow it due to his deteriorating health. He urged young Han to forsake his safe lifestyle on Corellia and become the soldier of fortune that he was meant to be. Han accepted without thought, the life of a Corellian business owner was not for him, he needed the challenge of martial combat. His grandfather advised his grandson the lead he had was on Nal Hutta however the information was in the possession of a small-time Hutt crime boss name Kirga. Beyond that, he knew nothing else about the long lost information and the newly that this quest was now Han's to continue.
When Han arrived home, his father was overjoyed on the outcome. He had already been on the communicator with Tranik and Han's talent agency planning his next career moves. Han told his father he would not be continuing his martial arts career and was going to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather. Jorn was furious, he screamed that Han was throwing his life away by living in the underworld and perusing this meaningless ancient history. Jorn disowned his son and vowed to never speak with him again. As Han gathered up his few possessions he spoke with his mother. She informed him hat upon reaching 18, he was given a large stake in the family business, one which his father could not take away. She told him he would have to change his name, the Framke name would not be respected in the underbelly of the galaxy. Han told his mother he would take the name Blarex, after The Patriarch himself.
Kitrum transferred ownership of his old, but heavily modifiedVT-49 Decimator before Han left the planet. Han had never flow before in his life but Kitrum had installed very expensive droid brains that automated most of the functions and allowed the ship to be flown with only one crew member. His mother made sure her father was placed into hospice care at the finest hospital on Corellia. With the ship and the rest of the old bounty hunter's equipment Blarex began taking low-paying bounties to begin building up his credibility with prospective employers. He knew that his end result would be to eventually get close to Kirga the Hutt even if it took years of posturing.
Joining the Brotherhood
By 35 ABY, the fledgling bounty hunter was making a name for himself in a galaxy still reeling from the Yuuzhan Vong war. However, he was no closer to the information possessed by Kirga the Hutt. Regardless, the thrill of the hunt itself was exhilierating to the young Force Sensative, his senses came alive when he was stalking his prey. It was a feeling he first felt at 10 years old when he tracked his first mark, the boy that stole his datapad. The thrill of victory in the ring could not begin to match the rush he got when tracking a mark. Each mark improved his tracking abilities and he would take a more difficult job each time to challenge himself further.
One such job presented the young man with his toughest assignedment to date and a crack at an opportunity once though lost. While on the planet of Ord Mantell he accepted a job for what he was told was a rogue Force Sensaive. His contact, an unnamed Rodian, told Blarex that the placer of the bounty believed this may even be a Jedi that went AWOL during the war. The mark had been terrorizing the Mid Rim systems for the last two years. Despite a 1,000,000 credit bounty, no other hunters had even attempted the job. This was an opportunity to truley test his tracking skills as the mark would likely be able to feel is presence.
Traveling through the Mid Rim, Blarex followed reports from local law enforcement that had elements indicating a Force User was involved. He followed leads such as guards shot by their own blasters in a bank robbery on Naboo and a police officer with a broken neck but no other signs of physical trauma on Bimmisaari. Finally, he got a firm lead on the planet Bothawui. Blarex tracked his prey to a local apartment building in a middle-class portion of town thanks to a report of a local infomation broker. The Bothan informed him that a human with white skin, always in dark clothing that was frequently seen with a lightsaber on his hip. He made his way to the apartment number the Bothan gave him, at a reasonable price of course. He removed his armor and armaments, knowing that wearing these items in a residential building would attract attention quickly. He took his vibrosword with him but it was packed a Kloo Horn box, which he slung over his back.
As he began to slice the door security, it slid open. Standing in the doorway was a middle-aged human male dressed in a dark combat suit. He commanded Blarex to enter his, and the Corellian knew immediately he would have to comply. Inside, Blarex's mark introduced himself only as G.D. and revealed the net the young bounty hunter had been ensared in. The man advised his "hunter" that he was a member of an organization known as the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and had actually placed the bounty on himself. The Dark Jedi said he hoped to lure bounty hunters into tracking him as combat practice. Although he was pleasantly surprised that this young hunter was able to find him. He sensed the Dark Side of the Force within the young Corellian and made him an offer. He would spare his life if he joined The Brotherhood.
Blarex immediately accepted seeing the chance to fully realize his potential, and knowing he would not be able to fight the Dark Jedi off if he said no. Olm organized a meeting between the young man and a recruiter for the Brotherhood and in late 35 ABY, Blarex was enrolled in the Shadow Academy.
Blarex has always been quick to temper, although he has learned to channel his emotions into first martial arts and then bounty hunting. He craves victory as a spice fiend craves Glitterstim. The Corellian is not know to take losing well, becoming enraged and lashing out at those around him, even if they are friends. While victory in the ring no longer gives him that same rush of excitement, tracking down his prey gives the young man a natural high unmatched by any drug. This need to win was instilled in him by his father who saw success as a forgone conclusion and failure as weakness.
As a child, Blarex watched his father grind his competitors into the ground with merciless efficiency. Jorn told his son that life was unfair, but it was his job to make sure he was on the winning side of unfair. These early life lesson created a young man with no compassion for others. Blarex lives by a strict code of the strongest survive. He sees the so-called "weak" as unmotivated, unskilled masses that lack the drive to take what they want in life. It is his opinion that you only get what you have the strength to pry from the grip of another.
Blarex could easily be mistaken for any Corellian male. He stands average height at 5' 9" and weighs in at a respectable 175 lbs. He keeps his dark brown hair in a tight buzzcut to deny his enemies any advantage in combat. Blarex's dark hair is matched by his dark brown eyes which required corrective surgery as a child. Life inside martial schools and later his combat armor have turned his once golden Corellian skin to a pale white hue.
His years of martial arts training, starting at 10 years old, has created a very strong physique. He is generally found in the beat up old grey combat armor he inherited from his grandfather, which is pockmarked and covered in carbon scoring from years of use as a bounty hunter himself. What passes for casual attire for the Corellian man is a simple black combat suit. His vibroblade, his weapon of choice for bounty hunting, can always be found sheathed either on his belt or slung over his back.
DJB Facts
Positions Held
Member of House Galeres/Clan Arcona
Member of Battleteam Revenance Virtuom
Outstanding Achievements
Winningest amateur martial artist in Corellian history.
Joined the DJB during Great Jedi War X earning 11 Seals of Decimation
Blarex will one day be majority shareholder and CEO of Framkorp.