| The story of the Ravenblade family begins within the Jedi Temple, while the young padawan Hektor Ravenblade finally gets his title of Jedi Knight. Subsequently, he is joined to that rank by his childhood friend, Inna Oliga, with which he has developed, over time, very strong emotional ties. Although the Jedi Code forbids to its members the attachment and passionate emotions, they reciprocally left free rein to their love, but they nevertheless kept their relationship secret. Unfortunately for them, after several years of well-kept secrets, Inna became pregnant and couldn't retain discretion about her relationship with Hektor anymore. When it was unveiled in public, the Jedi Council took the decision to expel them from their order depriving them of their dreams and the only honest way they had to meet their needs. Outraged by this severe decision, they left Coruscant with their young baby, Waldron and withdrew to the outer edge. Here, to feed his family, Hektor became mercenary and bounty hunter. His fame even spread to the republic because of its effectiveness which was closely connected to his mastery of the force. Over time, their hatred of the Jedi Order never stopped growing, and little by little, they fell patiently to the dark side. Finally, when one of the great jedi war was about to begin, they were recruited by the Sith who had heard of them. They promised them a generous reward and all that they had lost because of the jedi order: the power, a good position and a rewarding work. No need to mention that, given their hatred, now fierce for the Jedi who abandoned them, they accepted the offer without delay. While there were only few time before the end of this great jedi war, on the battlefield Hektor and Inna Ravenblade fought their own former master together . But when this one seriously struck Inna, Hektor wavered leaving many fatal openings in his defense, which also caused his loss. | | The story of the Ravenblade family begins within the Jedi Temple, while the young padawan Hektor Ravenblade finally gets his title of Jedi Knight. Subsequently, he is joined to that rank by his childhood friend, Inna Oliga, with which he has developed, over time, very strong emotional ties. Although the Jedi Code forbids to its members the attachment and passionate emotions, they reciprocally left free rein to their love, but they nevertheless kept their relationship secret. Unfortunately for them, after several years of well-kept secrets, Inna became pregnant and couldn't retain discretion about her relationship with Hektor anymore. When it was unveiled in public, the Jedi Council took the decision to expel them from their order depriving them of their dreams and the only honest way they had to meet their needs. Outraged by this severe decision, they left Coruscant with their young baby, Waldron and withdrew to the outer edge. Here, to feed his family, Hektor became mercenary and bounty hunter. His fame even spread to the republic because of its effectiveness which was closely connected to his mastery of the force. Over time, their hatred of the Jedi Order never stopped growing, and little by little, they fell patiently to the dark side. Finally, when one of the great jedi war was about to begin, they were recruited by the Sith who had heard of them. They promised them a generous reward and all that they had lost because of the jedi order: the power, a good position and a rewarding work. No need to mention that, given their hatred, now fierce for the Jedi who abandoned them, they accepted the offer without delay. While there were only few time before the end of this great jedi war, on the battlefield Hektor and Inna Ravenblade fought their own former master together . But when this one seriously struck Inna, Hektor wavered leaving many fatal openings in his defense, which also caused his loss. Their death made their son, Waldron an orphan who was immediatly sent to the orphanage coruscant by one of the closest friends of the family. |