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From Wikipedia of the Dark Brotherhood, an online Star Wars Club
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|system=[[Jusadih System]]
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|gravity=1.04 Factors
|lengthday=22 Hours
|lengthday=22 Hours
|lengthyear=327 Days
|lengthyear=327 Days
|population=27.5 million
|population=27.5 million
|cities=Loki, Olvaldi, Alsvil, Glasir, Asgard, Durinmar, Haktand, Drasil, Natrix
|cities=Loki, Olvaldi, Alsvil, Glasir, Asgard, Durinmar, Haktand, Drasil, Natrix
|imports=manufactured goods
|imports=Manufactured goods
|exports=bacta, exotic goods, medical supplies
|exports=Bacta, Exotic Goods, Medical Supplies
|affiliation=[[Clan Plagueis]]

Revision as of 19:53, 30 September 2006


Jusadih System



Rotation period:

22 Hours

Orbital period:

327 Days






1.04 Factors

Primary Terrain:


Native species:


Immigrated species:


Primary language(s):



27.5 million

Major cities:

Loki, Olvaldi, Alsvil, Glasir, Asgard, Durinmar, Haktand, Drasil, Natrix

Major imports:

Manufactured goods

Major exports:

Bacta, Exotic Goods, Medical Supplies


Clan Plagueis

[ Source ]


The twin of Nintura, Shintera stands for the people's belief of their God, Shintura. For it was claimed that the Prophet Shintura was born upon the planet's luscious surface, basking in Sigil's glory before he ventured to see Nintura, his destined soul mate, high in the sky. The legends go on to describe the first steps of interplanetary travel; that placed the two powerful prophets together where they dominated the will of the planets - forcing their own will onto the denizens. Some speculation within the Brotherhood stands to prove that the twins may have been born of the Force, or highly evolved, yet undiscovered by the JedI of the Old Republic. Their natural ability with the Force gave them godlike status, allowing them to create a new life in their own image - yet the wrath was tempered with mercy. Leaving behind a legacy of belief, instead of a relief from tyranny.

The planet advanced rapidly in means of technology. Their own minds carrying them through the most basic understandings to advanced thought in economics, philosophy, politics and warfare. Travel first began on foot, then advanced to the taming of beasts, soon wooden ships were built to fare the wilds of the seas, before they were replaced with newer vessels that plowed through the water and skies in half the time. Then, upon the eve of Republic contact, the scholars began to dream of travel beyond their own stars - miraculously their prayers were answered the following day. Already proficient in interstellar travel, the advance scouts deemed them ready for the greater mysteries of the galaxy.

And it was soon that outlying systems soon began to take an interest in the worlds of the Jusadih System. Soon Vratix began to filter into the planet farthest from the Jusadih star, Sigil. They struck out to Nintura, populating the world in rapid numbers and beginning the production of bacta - in an effort to reduce the strain on the fields from Thyrrea. But Nintura and the rest of the inner planets soon realized that their quick orbits and close proximity to the natural gravity well made them not conducive to trade. Only one planet had the range from the gravity well, the space and the atmosphere to provide an easy access point, Shintera.

Soon the planet was capitalized by anyone with a vested interest in seeing the system's economy succeed. Indoctrinating Envoys from the Brotherhood to begin a systematic manipulation of the five planets and their leaders - hoping to find the stress points of the entire picture, so they would never remain more than a single motion from toppling the corrupt governments for their own causes. And so it has remained since the induction of Clan Plagueis - a planet acting as a gateway between the Outer Rim and the Core worlds. A place where thousands of individuals constantly come and go, making it easy for the amassing numbers of the Clan to hide away, to easily traverse the planets alone, in pairs or squads.

As for the future of Shintera, as long as she provides the front for the Jusadih system, an alibi in which those whom worship the Dark Side can hide behind. Shintera will have a most prosperous, unique role in the galaxy. Acting as a nerve center to sell goods necessary for continued growth, yet purchase the required goods for domination and arms buildup. This will be the fate of the fifth planet.

Sattelite Descriptions

Rings of Shintera

Lacking any true form of a satellite, the planet is surrounded by excess debris that never completely formed into the planet, or independently composed itself into orbiting moons. Instead it has taken residence around the equator, drawn by gravity, forming a series of rings. Over time fragments of moisture have detached from the skies becoming massive sheets of ice intermixed with the debris, giving a multi-tiered series of rings that change hue depending on Sigil's position - rings of blue, white and green.

While it serves more as an obstacle, the rings of Shintera draw a great many tourists, beyond those whom come for the trade. It is a majestic addition to the already magnificent planet.

Planet Geography (by continent)


The central continent on Shintera, it is also the largest land mass on the continent. Due to its location, ease of terrain and the natural beauties that inhabit the land - it has also become the largest center of population, playing host to three massive cities: Asgard, Glasir, Drasil. But the natural attractions were not a bi-product of the cities, rather the cities formed to accommodate the natural wonders. It was later reinforced when the enormous tourist traffic became secondary to the planet's booming economic value. The goods of the Jusadih System are transported to the planet, specifically Shaar - for later deployment or trade.

Two old wood forests are located on the coasts, one to the west another to the East. The wood is unnaturally pure, with one of the softest, beautiful grades that has recently become the rave for luxury liners and custom built star fighters - the Commission has restricted the amount that is removed each year though. In a move to prevent clear cutting and disrupting the natural ecosystem of Shintera. To the South is a vast mountain range, its most distinguishing feature is a mammoth valley in the center, the terrain is impossibly difficult, leaving the area largely inhabitable and unexplored. Some believe that pockets of ancient civilizations, or perhaps pirates, may be holed up in these locations. A central grassland is host to a teeming ecosystem, with hundreds, possibly thousands of natural alcoves with their own independent habitats. Each broken apart, yet surviving, because the massive, roving river separates them. The average temperature ranges from 65 degrees F to 85 degrees F.


Once a continent dominated by the same ravenous jungles located on Nintura, the city of Natrix was built within the center as a beacon of light in the darkness. But once the wood of Shintera became a popular export the city clear cut millions of acres of forest, shipping the wood out in droves, using what was left within the confines of the city. Due to its prosperity and the ease of travel, several rivers run to the heart of the continent, the city was elevated from common city to the capital. Now two groves remain, protected by the Commission, each bordering the coasts. While the plains separate the forests, the vast land is tied together by four consuming rivers tie together local towns, all life funneling into Natrix which is now shrouded in the geothermal fog. The average temperature ranges from 45 degrees F to 60 degrees F.


Largely uninhabited, the fourth continent is dominated by old wood forests that have grown around a central, vast, open clearing known as the Window to the Heavens. It is an open grassland with distinguishing landmarks with uses unknown. It is speculation that the land was over passed due to its extreme volatile coasts, which are broken rocks and shallow reefs combined with a fluctuating tide that gives extremely narrow 'openings' for beaching parties. Later air expeditions reported that large predators had come to dominate the forest floor - they are believed to be Rancors and other super-predators. Though there were additional, incomplete, reports about a civilization that lived high in the old growth foliage, above the natural plains of the predators - working a sort of folklore magic - if it is related to the Force, the Brotherhood would be willing to send an Envoy to recruit a new members into the fold. The average temperature ranges from 35 degrees F to 55 degrees F.


The broken continent, the arid wastelands in the south have given Theskel a reputation of desolation and death. A massive, solitary volcano lies in the South constantly pouring noxious fumes from its cone into the surrounding habitats. Over time the fumes polluted the land, killing off plants and animals, infecting the land. It continues to reach across the continent, working its way North towards civilization. Thus far it has made a vast desert of the land, turning the southern most river rancid as it spreads. But civilization still thrives in the North, supporting two towns as they provide the Master smiths with valuable supplies and a chance to export their goods - while the Myrsei of Kapsina closely guard their goods, these artisans forge materials exclusively for sale. The Anvil of the Wyrm is located between the great rivers and is considered a beginning to the clean surface in the North.


The northernmost continent, drifts perilously close to being considered a polar region - though the climate would prevent any such occurrence. The moisture of a polar cap still exists, but the raised temperatures create a murky, bog like land - swamps spanning the middle butting up against a chain of mountains. In those mountains is a spectacular sight, and another phenomena of Shintera, the Crystal Canyons. The lush valleys are most sought after, the rich mix of mountains, ravines and strong rivers creates a most peculiar opportunity. Mineral deposits rapidly form, then wash along with the current, literally creating a gemstone bed. With such demand to see this sight and collect the gems, regular garrisons are positioned around the mountains to keep outsiders away and safe. For deeper in the confines of the mountains is the massive complex known as Foe hammer, which is responsible for training of soldiers.

Two modest cities adorn the harsh region, connected by a river and the greatest length of road seen within the Jusadih System. This road twists and turns, forging its path through vast wilderness instead of traveling the shores of the river. And never does the road turn north of the river, for it would lead through the brutal swampland. The temperature ranges from 55 degrees F to 70 degrees F.

Sancrist Isles

A chain of four islands, the remote location is favored by the upper echelon of the Jusadih System. The islands are self contained, providing for its occupants entirely from their own goods and land. Though the third island is sparsely populated, rumored to be cursed. It is wrapped in the greatest mystique - a monumental tower stands tall in the fog showing fleeting images, it is a pillar of darkness against the setting sun. The smallest isle is bare, covered with strewn rocks and home to several mansions of minor nobles. The second isle is covered in forests, with modest villas to accommodate the upper echelon of Shintera elitists. The largest isle is covered in grassland, and host to a large city - mostly comprised of those necessary to ensure the other isles are provided with the goods necessary for survival. Beyond its rolling fields, there is little or no distinguishing marks. The temperature ranges from 65 degrees F to 80 degrees F.



Nestled on the western side of Khurr, Loki is a small village of fiercely independent people - in the past several decades they have just turned from a tribal society into an accepted culture upon Shintera. Classically they had been a people devoted to their God, Shintura. And their hierarchy is loosely based on ancient teachings about the God of Justice, for they hold Justice (some argue it is retribution) as their highest standard. The wholly abide in the practice, an eye for an eye. But all decisions are handed down by the Chief - whom is a sort of governor - that lives in the center of the village.

In the center, or nearly center, rests a large two story hut - patched together with the strongest, most secure pieces from the wild. It is the home of the Chief (or at times of war, the Warlord) and here is where he lives and works; serving his people, the Loki. From there the dirt and clay paths stretch out in a twisting network of streets, as they cut through the maze of primitive homes - most nominally created from a wood structure, then covered and reinforced with mud and clay, sealed with a wax to prevent water from deteriorating the base. Though the village was once dominated by these structures, they have become an afterthought… a structure that provides shelter for the weak and poor.

To the East, in closer proximity to the Crystal Canyons is an organized, newly built part of Loki. These are most often converted tribesman and those with a vested interest in the tourist industry that is in demand due to the Canyon producing crystal shards. The buildings range from modest one story homes, tightly packed together to massive multi-storied buildings that block out the early morning sun. They are the homes and businesses of Loki's elite - the new blood that gives Loki a positive outlook as they shift from tribal to civilized.


On the Eastern shores of Khurr, with the river rushing past her southern border, stands the City of Olvaldi. In a similar position as those of the City of Loki, they are a tribal people trying to adapt to the constantly changing, always advancing trends to the galaxy. The result is a clash of styles, interests and _expression spanning the from the Eastern gates to the Western gates of Olvaldi. It seems that at almost every turn of the brick built city, there is a musician or artist trying to capture the beauty or essence in the most mundane to the most bizarre.

Once a native tribe known as the Olvaldi, northeastern expansion from the coasts of Shaar placed scouts from the Core upon the coasts before the small village. Before the days of the Emperor's rule, these individuals were tasked with the mission of teaching, creating understanding between the primitive people and the larger galaxy they were soon to be introduced too. The tribe rapidly learned basic, from there they began the transition from primitive huts to the fresco style public works and gentle rolling architecture that soothed the eyes and mind.

And even though they have overcome so much, there is still a great deal of work to be done - the largest building in town in the Auditorium, a place where people can interact as peers, regardless of rank or skill. It is here that great artists teach the novices, learned scribes doll out endless notes and stratagems to alert pupils and all politics are taught and exchanged. It was here that they also decided to construct the Theatre - the largest, most elegant theatrical stage in the Outer Rim. Great epics ranging back to the days of the Sith Empire are performed here - running for a period of three months before a second group of actors and actresses take the stage for the next three month period.

Beyond their appreciation for all things music and art, the economy is based on supply and demand - no natural resources are harvestable and the immense distance between the nearest town keep the town secluded. Any export goods are shipped to Shaar for later deployment or sale - to be shipped to the far reaches of the galaxy.


The sole civilization of the Sancrist Isles, the town has seen great periods of growth followed by times of poverty and inconsistency. Originally a hidden port for pirates that roamed the open sea, it was a town built for the recreational needs of sailors whom had spent hard weeks at task, crossing the seas. It was a place where bars and whores ran rampant, yet was a community close enough to raise families. The tradition continued for several hundred years until the pirates united under a single flag, under the Commodore Severus, taking a war to the people of Shaar and Khurr that plagued the sea faring trade lines for almost ten years. Until the combined navies of the two continents laid a trap, which slew the great Commodore. The town was thrown into turmoil, disintegrating from its former glory.

It was then that change enveloped the small port town, it grew from a small town along the water's edge into a metropolis supporting itself. Growth moved away from the water, pressing farther inland and building upward. In place of bars and former places of entertainment, schools, hospitals and shopping centers began to spring up - developing a previously unknown sophistication and arrogance to the former pirate colony. Soon in all their glory they began their rampage, hoping to conquer trade and build a monopoly on all commerce leaving the planet. An organization known as the Black Sun began to sponsor local crime lords, perpetuating their galactic cause and sweeping up the inhabitants of Alsvem in a euphoric wave. With designs of becoming a massive crime syndicate, reaping the benefits from a collective tax the people began a guerilla war against Shaar.

Yet again, the people were pushed back and conquered - Imperial Bureaucratic Services had instilled several agents to inspect the local system, and they were at the disposal of Shaar's governor. Quickly and efficiently the syndicate was thwarted and this time the people of Alsvem were not forgotten, forces were dispatched and the port town was bombarded by the Imperial Garrison. Now they are forced into servitude by Shaar's upper echelon, serving the minor nobles and their superiors on the island resorts. Though the influx of money is still relatively low, they retain their glamorous appearance and flamboyant nature - it is a seductive, graceful group of people that inhabit these isles. And even though they are held in thrall by their oppressors now, they are only a breath away from once again striking out and resurrecting glory untold.

Several have already ventured deeper into the Jusadih System, seeking out the dark cloaked figures that apparently have the System under their control. None have returned from the sojourn successful or alive.


On the northernmost point of Shaar's shores rests the trade oriented outpost of Glasir. To accommodate the frequent influx of visitors, traders and several of the shadier elements of the galaxy, the town was broken into four quadrants. Each independent, yet broken by towering walls some twenty feet high and ten feet in width. With guard outposts positioned at secure choke points where people can pass from one portion of the city to another. The concept was implemented when the town began to rely on export and import business to provide their base wealth. So the walls were originally built to ensure that goods were securely protected and created a division between the town inhabitants and the vile scourge of the universe. And with trade growth prospering, the town soon grew into the North, South, East and West quadrants.

The Northern Quadrant: This is the cultured, secluded sector of Glasir. Families reside here, the suburban portion of the district - rows of homes lined along the grid-like roads - each with their own distinct style, but the overall theme holding strong. The natural forests providing the necessary materials to construct the smallest to the most massive of homes in the Northern. Thus the natural motif seems that all the homes are log cabins. Causing great bewilderment to the children when they first leave the resident sector, venturing into the massive duracrete compounds and mazes of the other quadrants.

The Southern Quadrant: The original base of interplanetary trade for the city. The district is pocketed with storefronts, hotels, cantinas and an array of other places used to conduct business. The South quad is the only area with access to the North quadrant, it is also the main channel in which traders can move into the other quads to check on their merchandise and goods. All legal trade is conducted and executed here, with proper documentation and excess taxes being paid on each deal executed.

The Eastern & Western Quadrants: The newest additions to the city are perhaps also the most marvelous. While most would not find beauty in duracrete buildings and pathways, the citizens of Glasir pride themselves on the unique construct, durability and ingenuity that was placed into each of the storerooms. These massive, vault like chambers are capable of holding mass amounts of merchandise until it can be brokered by its owner and shipped to other Outer Rim worlds or, if the merchandise is valuable enough, to the inner worlds in the Core. It is also here that gun runners, smugglers and bounty hunters operate in their full glory - making deals, swindling and ordering black marks on their most feared nemesis. While the world's government frowns upon such activity, Glasir privately accepts the underground society… as well as their credits.


On the eastern central coast rests the tourist oriented district of Asgard. One enters through the massive arch, known as the Gates of Asgard - this is the main entrance - which leads deeper into the city. The first district, or section, of town is the trade district. This is where hundred, even thousands of tourist come each day seeking out tour guides, lodging or places to dine and enjoy the local life of Asgard's natives. Massive amounts of detail, attention and money have been funneled into the first appearance of the city, giving it one of the most regal appearances in the galaxy. Some have commented that it appears as graceful as the human cities of Naboo.

With crossing archways, paths and interlocking buildings that come to sharp peaks or rounded domes - the small alcoves and recesses are hardly noticed. For most tourist's eyes are set upon the elegant carvings of angels, children and the busts of famous scholars, poets and politicians. The granite buildings are built with stone from local quarries, sharing a similar hue, but their builders giving each building a different texture; making certain buildings distinguishable by touch. Each doorway is engraved, some with simple vines, others with intense rune work in languages thought to be dead in the past century. To the trained eye it would seem the new growth seems to become more flowery, as the old buildings seem to have harder edges and more archaic chisel work. The difference is ultimately noticeable once one works into the dredges of the center of the town… the point between residential and tourism.

The next district is a stop-gap between the tourist complex and the local denizens of the town. It is an intersecting mess of restaurants, cantinas, shopping centers, med centers, and unique stores. Known as the shadier side of town, it is the final wall between the purely residential sector and the buzzing. The buildings are uniform in code, each with sharp angles and unbending edges… much like the rules of the smugglers that reside within this area. Second only to Glasir, Asgard provides sanctuary for trackers and refugees - in some instances paying for passage for political or military assets to escape the Jusadih System.


In the northern hemisphere on the continent of Theskel, exists a different culture than most are familiar with. A great tower, spanning hundreds of feet high into the sky plays host to the Queen of Durinmar, a woman said to be a reputable magician and dazzling politician. From her tower she dictates the lives of thousands of women on the continent of Theskel - she annually sends out her fellow sorceresses to attend the villages between Durinmar and Haktand. Once women of beauty, intelligence or those that possess the 'gift' are acquired they are taken back to the Tower of Durinmar; there they will live their lives until the Queen or one of her subordinates deems they are ready for re-entry into Theskel's larger community.

The tower is massive at its base, spanning some three hundred feet in width. It is home to countless dining halls, audience chambers and storage areas. The next tier is comprised of dormitories for the lesser ranked women and those necessary to help ensure the complex runs efficiently. Beyond that the next layer is a series of classrooms and private laboratories - where elders will teach the younger or pursue their own beliefs and theories. The next layer is composed of elder's quarters - private, lush rooms held solely for the distinguished teachers and those whom hold the gift. Beyond that is the massive library, which is restricted only to elders, gift bearers and the Queen. Lastly, the final chamber and point of the tower is restricted as the Queen's private quarters. Lofty enough to hold the entire list of residents in her main chamber, it has been spared nothing in gilding or glamour. This is the host Tower of Durinmar.

Most women are trained in etiquette, politics and academics - thus creating a severe seperation between the men and women of Theskel. Only after a young woman is properly trained may she be reintroduced outside of the tower, creating a more intelligent, elegant race of women. Not only will these women go on to raise children, ensuring their daughters are sent away for training, but they will also influence the minds of men and boys by using their charm and education. This is the life most can expect to live out, if they do not possess inner magic; which Brotherhood envoys suspect is misinterpreted as the Force.

Those with the gift, or Force, are held eternally in thrall of the Tower; these women will eventually hold positions as teachers, special envoys and Praetors to Governors and Council members of the Jusadih System. Though their skills are extremely rudimentary several scouts have concluded their skills may be an extremely valuable sub-set to the training provided on Antei. There have been reports of massive telekinetic movement, advanced training in effecting matter and the ability to contain base elements in defensive and offensive patterns. While some may see this as magic, it is the Consul's belief that the all-woman conclave has stumbled onto a unique aspect and understanding of the raw Force.


South of the Tower of Durinmar stands the fortress of Haktand - a walled Citadel that provides protection and enlightenment to the men of Theskel. The nearest civilization to the Anvil of the Wyrm, Haktand has grown considerably since their decision to supply an endless contingent of workers at the Anvil. From the depths of the massive forge they have been able to create their massive defenses: Massive iron gates, ballista and countless sets of armor and weapons. Officially a militant town, the population is largely dominated by men whom wish to serve the Tower of Durinmar - whom rules over Theskel.- and hope to retire to one of the villages between Durimar and Haktand.

The Inner Ring only has two entry points, one from the West and one from the East of the Outer Ring. These entries are double gated, with the finest forged brass, the paddocks in between gates are approximately thirty feet by forty feet; the walls towering twenty plus feet high. These gateways interlock with the twenty foot walls, which are ten feet in width-this is the inner wall of the Outer Ring and the outer walls of the Inner Ring. Thus forcing an enemy to work through intensive combat before they can access the Inner Sanctum. The Inner Ring is home to the Nobles and Elite of Haktand - fine mansions of granite, lime and brick tower and dominate this section. Several of the Generals and their subordinates also take residence in this sector, intermingling with the upper echelon of Shintera. It is also home to the Priests of Shintura, those whom care for the Tomb of the God that millions pay homage too. Their massive construct of homes and school dominate the Southern half of the Inner Ring. And is closest to the only entry into the Inner Sanctum.

The outer wall of the Inner Sanctum, which is also the inner wall of the Inner Ring towers at a massive thirty feet high, an enormous width of twenty feet. The gate is a massive slab of granite, winched into place by massive pulleys that require twenty men to heft it high up into the air. When the rapid release lever is activated, the granite slab, some twenty feet thick and twenty feet high will drop at the rate of gravity. Crushing those whom are unfortunate to be below it, yet providing an impenetrable defense for the city's occupants. It is here, in the largest section of the city that the barracks and training facilities are located, along with the armory and elite products forged at the Anvil of the Wyrm; which are traditionally handed out to warriors that show significant promise, poise and honor. This is the nerve center of the town, to defeat Haktand one must effectively conquer the city from the inside-out.

Because of its militant nature, the town is considered blasé by some yet the grounds are immaculately kept by the soldier whom are assigned the duty of pick up. Similarly, the closer one works into the city the more militant it becomes. Soldiers working to maintain their physique and battle prowess, stopping when the occasional Officer passed their path - giving a proper salute and calling attention to the ranking official. Comparisons have been made between the military town that buffers the exotic, dangerous south lands and Republic Garrisons actively known in the galaxy. In addition to their duties at the Anvil of the Wyrm, they are responsible for maintaining a protective line of defense; sending local patrols out regularly to battle the monsters produced in the wastelands to the South. As if the Tomb of Shintura were effecting the local biology into becoming mutated, different.


The western most city on Shaar. Drasil is an outpost, more than a city or civilization. A favorite hole for smugglers, traders of exotic goods and seasoned travelers; the town provides necessary provisions for those whom are crossing the galaxy or crossing Shaar. Approximately only twenty buildings line the town: cantina, hotel, outposts, local garrison, spaceport, salvage and a menagerie of other stores. The largest of the buildings/areas being the spaceport, which has several landing pads, a refueling station and a willing mechanic to work on any starship or ground vehicle.

Drasil is largely used to set up expeditions in the field, some of which study the environment, while others travel along the river exploring the different ecosystems native to Shintera's largest continent. Even when recon teams are not traveling across Shaar they are known to come to the outpost, for very few places in the galaxy are host to the advanced survey equipment provided in the town. The Summits of Clan Plagueis often send their scouts and Battle Teams to Drasil in preparation for missions in system - they know that with the endless amount of credits they have at their disposal, that the owners of the local stores will provide the best equipment for a team surveying the landscape or preparing for battle. Likewise some of the most infamous smugglers, guides and bounty hunters occupy the cantina - taking out contracts here and there to provide a modest living as they hide away in the distant Jusadih System. Yet the massive trade and information coursing through the planet provides them with enough news to know what is going on in the galaxy… even if the news is sometimes late in coming.

With dirt roads, scattered buildings and little in the form of economy, it surprises most that the influx of day-to-day traffic provides the town with an excess of ten million credits each year - though most of that money is continually circled within the small economy. With such a mass of contacts and equipment here, Clan Plagueis has assigned several of its members to regularly purchase new equipment and the services of smugglers, bounty hunters and those whom are looking to disappear from the world at large.


In the center of Tethyr rests the capital of Shintera, hiding behind thick blankets and columns of fog - its features drifting in and out of view as the sun rises and sets. Black spires reaching up into the sky, in no particular order or pattern - each shifting forward then back as the wind presses the deep fog in a maddening pattern. Which at times exposes one of the five river entrances, massive water ways that tunnel into a central port where barges dock and then are later redirected back towards the outlying towns and villages dotted along the rivers.

The town is built around the central port, where at one time the exotic woods were shipped to the city then refined into planks of higher grade for export and resale locally. But once the massive forests were protected, even though they were shadows of their former selves, the town became a foreboding blot upon the surface. But before the economy dried up, the town was dubbed the center of Shintera… standing as a beacon of light amongst the massive jungles that previously had surrounded it. Instead the ground around the town is now bare, yet the ground still retains an intensive warmth; once combined with the chilly streams leading into Natrix creates the perpetual fog that now engulfs the town.

Extending in twisting corridors, an archaic essence fills the crevices of the town - where small recesses are located stand ancient sculptures of demons, gargoyles, gryffons and beasts believed to be extinct from the surface of Shintera. Where every passage ends, the beasts still line the walls and the wan light streams through the smallest of nooks to eerily lighten the paths. And as the economy dwindled so did the population, creating a vacant feel as most of the homes and stores remain unoccupied - the town becoming a ghost of its former self.

Yet the Commission has begun a reconstruction project, attempting to lure outside wealth into the capital city - hoping an infusion of new money will revive the gloomy town. In coordination, Clan Plagueis, through the Ellesmeria Corporation on Kapsina, has dedicated an unknown set of funds to help renovate some of the abandoned districts. The buildings are now being cleared, to be replaced with mansions and villas - all constructed with the dark stone that originates in the quarries of Shintera. These are private residences for the Elders of the Clan; rumors originate the first set of buildings were given to those with seats on the Council of the Wise.


Underground Sea

A massive cavern exists on the far southwestern end of Tethyr. A small inlet exists upon the coast, funneling water through a spout that churns in a massive rapids over the jagged rocks of the cave. The narrow tunnel spans several hundred feet, before falling over a waterfall into the great cavern. The Underground Sea spans several leagues in depth, running under the entirety of the southwestern corner of the continent.

The massive, hidden expanse could later be used for a secret facility for experimentation or production. **Suggested that a Battle Team is sent to location for further scouting**

Ice Wall

In the southern most hemisphere is an iceberg with unknown origins. While no other mass of ice exists upon Shintera, this one has found a way to self sustain. Perpetually rebuilding itself, adding ice in some areas while others are melting away. The ice is in great mountains, forming an endless wall around the circumference of the block - an impenetrable wall that funnels any willing and strong enough into a central valley. A massive tundra rests at the bottom of the slopes; a field which can be utilized for winter training. Several caves pocket the ice channels, leading into the untold depths of the iceberg - possibly spanning thousands of leagues deep. **Suggested to send a Battle Team to explore**

Window to the Heavens

It is important to understand the continent of Chult, before one can express the finer aspects of the Window to the Heavens. Chult is dominated by old growth forests, massive trees hundreds of feet high - trunks spanning massive distances as well. But in one, perfectly circular clearing stands a field; a gap in the expansive forest of foliage. It is here the Window to the Heavens exists; an opening to the sky above. Utilized by the local denizens for rituals and retreat. The warm sun streams down in massive columns, allowing the wildlife and the locals to bask in the heat, exalting in the sun's glory. **Suggested to send a Battle Team to explore**

Temple of Nintura

An Envoy of House Exar Kun has been sent to retrieve technical data of the Temple. House Summit eagerly awaits the return of Krath Knight Scorpius.

Tomb of Shintura

No one has ever ventured into the tomb of the slain God; only the priests of Haktand have ventured into the labyrinth of the tomb

Anvil of the Wyrm

On Theskel resides one of the most intriguing and harsh places on Shintera: The Anvil of the Wyrm. What was once a small cave with a rich vein of bronze, soon became cleared; mined of all of its valuable ore and wealth. As the valuable material was cleared a vacant lava tube was found… several spelunkers were sent to scout out the area beyond. They returned with a fascinating tale of a cavern with running fields of lava and new veins of copper, bronze and a crystal material that was unknown (later to be identified as Adegan; though most of it was cut and used as decorative crystal).

The villagers of Theskel soon began to tunnel the abandoned tube, making it an ornate passage into the depths of the lava fields. Once the proper supports were set in place, the smiths set out to engrave the entry way with the legacies of Theskel. And as one progresses through the black tunnel, trimmed in silver etching it takes their breath away. Then as they set their eyes upon the fields of lava… it is stolen again.

Several active rivers of magma gently push onward, their slow moving currents hardly showing movement rather than jets of steam from the intense heat. In several places the blocks of land are chained together by spans of large grates capable of supporting tons of weight. Lines of anvils, tools, fans and workbenches line the outer walls - the natural veins of metal used in crafting weapons and armor, the lava used to heat and sculpt the forged items. But crafting is only one part of the process, once the base item is forged it is sent outside the Anvil to the gilders whom are responsible for ensuring each piece takes a unique look and feel. No two pieces will ever escape the Anvil the same; unless they are ordered that way.

Crystal Canyons

The lush, green canyons of the North are in high demand by tourists and traders alike. Natural deposits of crystals and precious gemstones have a tendency to break off from their source, floating down from the mountain rivers into the valleys just south of the Foe Hammer training facility. Due to recent popularity of the crystals and that the area is used for training soldiers the Commission has suspended all tourist and local traffic into the area.

Yet that has not stopped countless individuals from attempting to sneak into the valley to witness the massive waterfalls, gentle rapids and the sparkling riverbanks which are littered with gemstones. The green valleys that fall away to the azure skyline and snow capped peaks. It is a sight unknown within the galaxy - reminiscent of Alderaan's landscape before it was annihilated by Darth Vader.

Last Tower

The Last Tower is a giant monolith that is home to a wizard of untold power. Several times a year supplies are sent from Alsvem to the tower, supposedly received by his sole Apprentice. Clan Summit believes that the self proclaimed magus may have an inherent relationship with the Force, much like those of the daughters of the Tower of Durinmar. **It is suggested an Envoy be sent to meet with the magus and remove him if he proves a threat**

Foe hammer

Built into the canyons north of the Crystal Canyons, rests the base of Foe hammer. It is here that special ops training for Clan Plagueis is instructed - both for Dark JedI and Shock Troopers. They learn the highly specialized skills of tactical combat: offensive and defensive. Ranging from hand-to-hand combat and specialized weapons training that covers a multitude of weapons classes: blaster pistols, blaster rifles, grenades, staves, thrown weapons, etc. In addition to personal combat skills several courses are taught in group combat. It was here that Battle Team Leaders learned the twelve man spread, where they could implement specific positions in their teams to effectively communicate and work as a team.

Since the base is suspended on the canyon wall it is only accessible via turbo lifts and one massive supply lift. Upon entrance one finds themselves standing before a vast chamber used for roll call, promotions and ceremonies performed at Foe hammer. At the back is a massive two part door that butterflies open and closed, leading into the inner base. The second room is a hall that connects the mess hall, barracks, classrooms, officer quarters and a passage to a third hallway. In that hall there are three doors. To the right is the armory, where Shock Troopers and Dark JedI alike can be outfitted for war. To the left is the communications relay and nerve center of Foe hammer, one individual can operate the entire defenses of the base. Lastly the center door stands distinguished with a numerical data pad, a card swipe and DNA test required to bypass the base security features. Only the current Weapon Master of Foe hammer can access this room.

Political Outlook

Upon inception of interstellar trade Shintera elected a council of leaders comprised of individuals from each town, they came to be known as the Commission. And they took up residence in the then lustrous City of Natrix, who's booming economy provided the standard of strength and stability they wished to radiate as a whole. But soon the economy dipped, the planet tossed into turmoil as galactic trade dwindled during the war between the Republic Alliance and Galactic Empire. To preserve their way of life the Commission, or Governors, ordered that logging and mining to reduced to 'need' status. This going against the long standing tradition of get-rich-quick by any means possible attitude they had long utilized as a culture.

Then they began to fall prey to suspicion and dissension, their fears of reprisal by the people they represented and the ones they ruled with, so deeply engrained in their minds. Most of the Governors secreted away from Natrix in the dead of a single night, electing to cast their votes and decisions via Holonet. It was then that a dark cloaked figure first appeared in Natrix, methodically engaging the active leaders - and it was then that leaders began to mysteriously die. Yet it was not those in Natrix that perished, rather it was those whom had run from their fears instead of embraced them. The so called Black Assassin removed half of the Council, leaving vacancies that were immediately replaced; new blood flowing into Natrix. Again the planet began to flourish, several of the leaders sought out the dark cloaked man; wishing he would assume the title of Ruler.

Their search proved futile, no one seeming to remember seeing such a man. Several began to question the sanity of the Commission, an unease set upon the group that they had not experienced in some time. It was then the mysterious man returned, again slaying those whom had become too weak. As if his involvement was his Zen, pruning the dead branches from the whole of the tree. Yet this time he did accept the offer of a Ruler, but he declined the position himself. Anointing an heir-apparent whom they eagerly appointed as the sole vessel of power; empowering him to make split second decisions without the authority of the other members.

And it was no surprise to those of the Council of the Wise when the Ruler decided to remove the authoritative power of those on the Commission. Resigning the men and women to a delegate status - nothing more than a board of advisors for his Supreme Eminence. Immediately the men of Haktand pledged their allegiance, giving him a willing army to enforce his will. Yet it was the women of Durinmar that pulled out entirely, expressing their desire not to take orders from the dark cloaked man's cronies. And it has such become the Brotherhood's interest to know what occurs within the walls of the Tower of Durinmar, yet no such woman with proper access has yet to be turned. But the system remains intact, allowing Clan Plagueis to send different envoys to direct the flow of Shintera - It has become known as dictatorship through puppets.

Military Presence

The standard military unit on Shintera is the local militia, a contingent of willing men and women whom will pick up the fight in an instants notice. Most garrisons are small in number, ranging from a hundred soldiers to three hundred. Hardly a strong enough force to repel most enemy forces whom will have the advantage of a pre-emptive strike. Yet the presence of a militant defense has thus far kept the threat of revolution out of people's minds - and provided a much needed element of security to the rangy outlying towns.

The next strongest military outpost is Natrix, with five thousand Haktand soldiers, dressed in the finest armor and outfitted with the best weapons. They are personally aligned to the Ruler of the Commission, patrolling the walls of his palace. Occasionally wandering down the streets, enforcing order and law when an event breaks loose. Generally the keeping of the law is enforced by local sentries known as the Riders, because of their natural disposition to ride four legged beasts while on duty. It is also worth noting that they wear badges, signifying their allegiance. And dual holsters strapped about their waist, holding the first known version of what they call 'pellet' guns. These pellet guns launch small metal projectiles with devastating power, though their accuracy is currently their greatest weakness.

The largest standing army is that of the Fortress at Haktand. The Shintera Army recruits and trains soldier from across the world, forcing them into servitude at the Anvil of the Wyrm before allowing them to fight under the Ruler's banner. It grooms hard, solid warriors - that then take another set of years in servitude in training. They are schooled in the arts of hand-to-hand, close combat, ranged combat and military tactics… forming the largest standing army in the Jusadih System. Their numbers gradually increased from hundred to thousands, before eclipsing the tens of thousands in the past year. Now a fully functional force of cavalry, armored, and foot - the some hundred thousand soldiers are garrisoned about Shintera, radiating an aura of strength and power across Shintera.